Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 536: Melk Stardust

The two batches of staff, divided into two groups, shuttled through the stage in the center of the stadium.

Ten minutes later, the ingredients are ready.

The tool is ready.

The lens first gave a close-up of the tools for cutting thistle and the box of ingredients.

On the kitchen counter, there are two closed metal boxes with two golden ingredients.

"Two taboo ingredients..."

Xia Yu was also paying attention to the kitchen counter of barley cut thistle, and he was heartbeat. "Both can resonate, or is it one?" He couldn't help guessing, the difference between them is too big, and the winner is the most. Important impact.

The audience came to the audience with a faint smile and opened the box calmly.


The lid of the box was opened, and the light appeared.

Everyone stretched their necks, and the broadcast lens was also aimed at the box. After the dark light disappeared, there were two big **** pieces of meat on the bottom of the box.

The meat is extremely tender and has an indescribable charm.

"Move, the meat moves!"

A sharp exclamation.

"Are you crazy!!" Others scolded.

"Really, look at--"

The camera stopped for more than ten seconds. Obviously, the cameraman was also scared. After a while, he gave a close-up of the meat.

In the close-up picture, the meat at the bottom of the box really trembles, and the audience is horrified.

At this time, a reviewer said, this is the director of the IGO Research Institute, Luther, he said with a serious face: "This is a highly active snake meat, from some kind of fantasy snake living in a dark cave Species, the formal scientific name is'Demon Snake', even if this snake is amputated, the residual body can attract each other to complete the repair and healing. Therefore, these two pieces of meat are moving, more accurately, they are active cells inside, Prompted this movement..."

The German nationality research authority said it in detail. Like the previous competition, the judges were unclear about the taboo ingredients. They were scrupulous and didn’t even have a name introduction. They were simply fooling the audience.

"Oh my god, the meat can still move after being ripped..."

"Is this ingredient really edible?"

Hearing the uproar, Luther emphasized again: "From the perspective of cooking research, there are no unusable ingredients. The key is what kind of cooking method to use to control and tame!"

"The taboo ingredients that have been successfully tamed are the most delicious, ordinary people can also eat with confidence!"

The audience is still whispering.

Today's halberd, those rare ingredients, is destined to refresh many people's concepts.

The chefs are silent.

Taboo ingredients are delicious delicacies and also poisons that can never be controlled. They are used for cooking rashly, and the result is life-threatening.

Therefore, the vast majority of chefs, like ordinary audiences, are pure spectators, and it is difficult to understand the cooking techniques of the two halberd players in their realm.


Hearing the turbulence that has been difficult to quell for a long time, the smile on the lips and corners of Yaqi cut thistle is more obvious. He cast his gaze on Shang Xiayu, with a slight sneer in his eyes, "You prepared a gift for me, and I, also I have prepared a meeting gift for you! Accept it!"

Open the ingredients box!


Suddenly, a burst of golden light.

After the light dissipated, everyone looked closely, and then there was a cry of exclamation. People did not expect that 80% or 90% of the space of the large ingredients box was lined with sponges, and a small glass bottle, lying quietly in the card slot .

The bottle contained some glittering golden dust.

what is this?

The audience was surprised.

Jin Tianshuan and Tulip, but when they saw this special seasoning, they stood up in shock and were shocked.

"This, this is..."

There were more than two people, and surprising words came from the jury. Adelaide, Duke III of the "Regenerator" on the IGO side, said: "Melke's stars!"

"Melk's stars?"

Chiyo Aichi and Watanabe Yuki are staring at each other, they have never heard of this name and are very strange.

"Duke Adelaide, can you elaborate?" Chiyo Aichi cautiously said.


The fair-haired young man exhaled, finally surprised and smiled, "Melke's stars, also called Melk Stardust, this is a golden powder obtained by grinding mysterious golden stones, made of new kinds of amino acids, sprinkled with With just a little bit, you can turn the most common popular dishes into the best rare dishes. In other words, it is a super seasoning..."

With that said, Adelaide set his sights on Star and Andrea, who were also sitting in the jury.

"The two should know "Melk's stars" better than me? "

"This kind of super seasoning has quite strict prohibition rules inside our gourmet meeting. Even if there is no regulation, chef Lin can't get "Melke's stars". "Star, wearing an iron mask, said lightly.

Andrea, a female Lin chef with the nickname'Burning Purple Rose', is very interested: "This taboo spice, if eaten directly, will cause people to have drug-like addiction symptoms, and it is irresistible. The correct way to use "Melk's Stars" is to use it with taboo ingredients at the same level, so that it can play its maximum value! "

Taboo spices?

Xia Yu awe-inspiring.

Special seats for the far moon, Dojima Silver and Ichiro Ichiro looked at each other.

"Legend alive" Dojima’s silver forehead oozes cold sweat, and can’t help saying: "When did Yachi cut thistle control "Melke's stars"? "

"We are making progress, and he hasn't stopped!" Caibo Ichiro sighed.

Zhu Qinggang came over from the background. Seeing this, the smile on his face disappeared.

"Unpleasant breath..."

She murmured.

Ronald Chapel and his wife Zuowei Zongwei have serious expressions.

She cut Rina in a white dress and clenched her fists in the seat, secretly saying: "He won't lose!"

It took a while for the camera to move away from the countertop of thistle-cut thistle and switch to Xia Yu.

Not to mention the bellows.

Before Xia Yu brought the bellows and kitchenware box to the stage, it caused a lot of attention. At this moment, the lens is focused, and the retro tools in the picture are shocking. Wouldn't it be more dexterous and convenient for modern mechanical blowers to blast?

But people haven't had time to talk about it yet, rumbling, a universal wheeled cart, was pushed onto the stage by two waist-high staff.

Then, more people gathered and unloaded a large stove that can be carried on the cart and placed it next to the Xia Yu cooking table.

It is undeniable that the appearance of this stove is really not good, like a stone bump, and a modern and simple cooking table, the style is completely different.

Xia Yu didn't say much. After thanking the sweaty staff, he placed the air box beside the stove, and the tuyere was aimed at the air inlet of the stove. Then, a group of staff brought in a sack and a sack of charcoal .

"Miss Chiyo--"

Waving to the hostess.

Chiyo Aichi came over, Xia Yu pointed to the sixth chair beside the jury and said, "Should I invite a special guest to come on stage?"

"Ah, sorry!"

The hostess responded immediately, UU reading before cooking began, there is a special link.

She hurriedly turned to look at Yuanyuexi, and shouted with a loud voice: "Are you please, "Tongue of God", please draw Rina!"

So, in amazed eyes, the girl, wearing a white princess dress, naturally took the stage, greeted the five judges one by one, and sat down on the sixth chair.

"This is one of the conditions for the Yuanyue team to eat halberd."

Another female chairperson Yuki Watanabe said that the riots calmed down without extra explanation.


There was a slight sound.

At this time, Xia Yu also opened the food box delivered by the staff.

The camera just switched back, and in the picture, it was white and dazzling.


"What did Chef Xia prepare?"