Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 571: "Burning Flame" Game (Part 2)

Copy, copy?

No no no.

Xia Yu started this thought at first, but then rejected it by herself.

the reason is simple.

In the case that Li Han took out the Golden Supreme recipe without doubt, he used [Super Vision] to copy the opponent's recipe, which was simply to send the tower to send warmth.

Golden recipes are so easy to peep and learn from them.

Before, he used [Super Vision] to steal the master’s recipes. At most, they were the ideal recipes of Bernard and Guan Gulong. He didn’t have any special “must-kill” recipes, not to mention a golden recipe that was a whole higher level.

Therefore, when unsure, Xia Yu chose to believe in herself.

The reason is simpler.

In the past, no matter whether it was "China Yifan" or "Spirit of the Halberd", it was not in vain.

Knowing what the Golden Supreme Recipe is, then communicate with the Chef God Space to try to restore it, and try to turn the recipe into your own...

Nowadays, Xia Yu is running on this road.

It depends on the results.


The bell rang.

The timekeeper off the field gestured to the hostess, so the two hostess recovered from the tight atmosphere of the stage, glanced at the timer, and then hurriedly said: "The distance and distance cooking process is over, there is still the last 30 minutes!"

It's about to end!

The audience watched it carefully, and after reminding it, they just stared at the timer one by one.

"It's over!"

Li's whole body was like a javelin.

He is a member of the Li clan and an important person in the family. He is also one of the super chefs in the Chinese gastronomy community, half of whom are on the threshold of the Lin class. He not only knows Li Han’s recipes, but also studies this recipe. Much more thorough than nephew.

Therefore, from Li Quan's perspective, the noodles are made in person, followed by a'fry' link that directly affects the quality of the dishes.


It is very interesting to use the stir-fry cooking of "Burning Flame".

Just thinking about it, the two Chinese young geniuses are preparing for a "burst of flames" duel at the end, and the blood in Li Quan's body is boiling.


Far more than Li Quan, many chefs are keenly aware of the strong smell of gunpowder on the stage.

"Can't lose--"

Under the stage, Erina, Morita, Sister Tamagawa and other relatives and friends, all sweated.

"This is the finals!" Erina thought, with complex eyes and beautiful eyes, only the figure of the young lecturer on the field, "Bernard, Tang Yuqiong, Maas, Shichi thistle..."

Silently read the names of the opponents.

On the name of the father who had been deprived of custody, Elinaton still uttered the full name in a low voice.

"Hills, hills and hills, all over the mountains. On the mountain road that is about to conquer the highest peak, even if the road is rugged, you will steadily reach the top of the mountain... right?" she said inwardly.

"Will win!"

Morita Mori, I don’t know when to admire her sweetheart.

Perhaps, it was from the beginning when the teenager helped her into Yuanyue.

She is very dazzling, especially after winning the 43rd "Autumn Selection" of Yuanyue, she has a very high popularity in Yuanyue School and is known as a genius who can already stand side by side with Shijie.

However, Morita knew very well that no matter how dazzling he was, he was just a small satellite that could not get out of orbit.

She was spinning tightly around a planet shining like the sun.

"Xia, Li..."

Zhu Qing put away the ease on his face, and the pretty face sank slightly.

"The interpretation of "Burning Flame" is about to begin! "

at the same time.

The Chinese food industry does not know how many seniors, such as the old man Xia Qing, such as the dark world leader Yan Qi, and the owner of Baiyulou, one of the world's food kings, the Chinese leader, also watched the screen in an instant.

In addition to the Chinese community, all over the world, igo, gourmet clubs, two international gourmet organizations, the entire senior executives are almost watching the live broadcast.

There is no doubt about the attention of the finals.

"All right!"

"carry out!"

Focusing on the crowd, the two young chefs on the stage raised their heads almost at the same second.

At the same time, two high-definition cameras were lowered over the arena and aimed at the two people's counter.

As a result, two completely different kinds of noodles are fully displayed in the picture.


There was an exclamation.

Li Han's noodles after filling are spiral.

Xia Yu's noodles are made of flat, wide noodles, and weave long white braids, but there is no gap between the hairs. Even if the lens is drawn to the nearest, the audience did not find any flaws.


Looking at the picture, the old man Xia Qing gave a haha ​​clear laugh.

Seeing that the two players did not turn on the stove, nor did they set up any pots on the counter, the audience immediately discussed.

"What about the wok?"

"How can I cook noodles without a wok? "Fried" is a crucial part of this topic!"

In a suspicious glance, Xia Yu and Li Han, without a word, each took their own noodles, stepped away from the counter, and stood in front of the'artificial pond'.



Splash oil and raise the flame.

So the stage returned to the fiery scene one hour ago.

But this time, the flames were more fierce and the sea of ​​fire swept through a larger area. The two female hosts were affected by the heat wave and had to retreat to the corner. They looked up slightly and stared at the two large fires on the stage. The flames of flame were extinguished and reflected. Their pretty faces are wonderful.

"Fuel grease... all poured in!"

Chiyo Aichi's mouth opened and murmured.


Yuki Watanabe's partner suddenly shouted, his voice slightly sharper because of shock.



The sea of ​​flames made by Li Han changed first.

On the stage, there was a deep sound of drinking echoing, uh, uh, it was not an illusion. There was a white shadow in the raging orange flames, which gradually flicked away.

Soon, this group of white shadows became more and more muscular, and there was even a compelling momentum——


It seemed that Li Han was roaring, but it was also like a sudden beast roaring in the sea of ​​flames.

In just ten seconds or so, the white shadow stained a little golden yellow.

In addition, the rich fragrance that greets people's appetite continually spreads out.

See this.

Audiences who were all confused before have also reacted.

"This this……"

You can't say a complete word.

"He directly roasted the noodles with flames?!" The guest seat, surprised by the batch of chefs, could not sit still.


Mas, Bernard, and Tang Yuqiong are paying attention to another fire.

Their eyes are full of Mo Ming's expectation.

"What about your interpretation?"

At the same time, in the closed headquarters of the ‘Food Club’ in the United States, the shredded thistles stared closely at the satellite TV on the wall.

From beginning to end, the barley cut thistles are all concerned about Xia Yu.

"You won How could you lose to him." He muttered to himself, as if to imply clenching his fists.


A crisp footstep fell on the stage.

The center of fire.

Xia Yu's right foot stretched forward half a step and found a position that he thought was comfortable.

"It turns out that your "burst" is like this..."

When cooking skills reach a certain level, there are so-called essence, gas and spirit.

And among them.

"God" is the embodiment of the chef's style!

"The momentum of "Unified Fried Noodles of the Seven Kingdoms", you are so far away!"

"let me do it--"

Xia Yu took a sharp breath.