Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 771: Reply (Part 2)

Early in the morning, Morita was awakened by the sound of snow shoveling outside.

After waking up with her eyes waking up and gradually clearing her vision, Morita finally remembered it. Last night she stayed at Xia Yu's house, and now she is lying on the bed...

Looking around, pulling the quilt to cover the head, it took a few seconds to reach out the small head melon, and the nostrils kept flapping, like a lazy cat sniffing the smell of the owner, the more it smelled, the more eyes shined, "A Yu the taste of!"

After talking, his face flushed red, this behavior similar to a female idiot, let Morita Maki hung down like an ostrich.


There was a real cat outside the door, sitting there halfway, and there was a touch of intimacy in the cry.

"Are you calling me to get up?"

Morita can only leave the bed with reluctance and pushes open the window, discovering who is shoveling snow outside the house, there are surprises in his eyes, "Yes, Christmas gifts!"

I didn't care about grooming, and straightened out my long black straight hair to the mirror. Morita Miki rushed downstairs and followed the cat vigorously.

Stop at the door.

"Oh, early!"

Hearing the footsteps, Xia Yu twisted her head and greeted her, her smile was natural, and she didn't feel the fatigue of cooking all night.

The snow in front of the door was also shoveled clean, and the road was cleared, and the snow was piled up in the corner. As for the snowman or something, Xia Yu didn't have this leisurely mood, and was no longer a child.

When the shovel was taken back to the backyard utility room and put back, Xia Yu found that Yuchuan sisters had also come from the apartment building next door.

Someone yawned at the stairs.

"Ah, it's all up?" Zhu Qing rubbed his eyes.

"It's only seven o'clock, you guys are so early!" Xia Yu's mouth twitched.

Tamagawa Misa immediately stepped forward, like a child asking for a red envelope, "Boss Xia, Boss Xia, what about gifts? It's a little sad to wake up today without seeing gifts in bedside socks."

Seeing a few pairs of beautiful eyes, Ying Xia laughed: "I am thinking about it all!"

At the same time, I muttered secretly.

It seems that relatives and friends attach great importance to this Christmas gift. I thought of staying for a night for gifts and forbidden spice tasks. Oh, it should be said that I spent more than a few days in the virtual space and finally grabbed the flashing key.

As for whether the key is right, can you open the corresponding gourmet door...


At this time, a reminder of oven work came from the kitchen.

When he heard the sound, Xia Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't make a joke. He quickly stepped into the house, put on insulated gloves, and took out a large baking tray.

Zhu Qing and Zhenxi followed up.

A total of four pieces of golden drip-shaped bread are roasted with a strong mixed aroma.

But apart from the shape, the bread crust is not good-looking, uneven, and some black and dark red particles are mixed with them. In fact, these are the pieces of dried fruit and dried grapes.

Morita really smelled the taste and said strangely: "It seems to be no different from a normal "German Christmas cake"..."

"Well, there is no difference in taste. At least from the taste, we can judge that the ingredients are all conventional." Yuchuan Ayaka, who is also a master in the pastry field, commented so.

"But this is just a cake embryo?"

Zhu Qing smiled.

Xia Yu took a bowl of melted butter, held the brush, and evenly spread hot butter on each cake.

Seeing this, Tamagawa Misa raised her hand: "I know this step, close it!"

"If my sister is here, you should sprinkle it with unique vanilla sugar?" Who knows she threw the topic back to Yukawa Aya.

Tamagawa Ayaka was stunned for a while, and said, "Vanilla sugar is vanilla flavored sugar granules and powdered sugar. If you are a sweet tooth lover, you should like vanilla sugar..."

Talking, she watched Xia Yu take a strange bowl and use a spoon to scoop up the white powder in the bowl and sprinkle it on the buttered bread.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Aya Kazukawa's eyes flickered a little, and a strange halo flashed in his vision.

"Well, not sugar?!"

Zhu Qing, who is Lin Chu, immediately smelled something wrong and exclaimed: "What is this white powder?"

Xia Yu removed the spoon, looked at the four finished products in the baking dish, and clapped his hands.

"carry out!"

As a result, the bread, which was not very beautiful, was completely changed.

The dust is like snow covered with bread, some of the dust is also melted with butter, forming a film like frosting.

Opening his mouth, Xia Yu was about to greet several relatives and friends around him to enjoy his latest masterpiece, but he didn't expect it, the system jumped out at this time and gave him the decision information.



In fact, don't greet Xia Yu. When the bread is wrapped in Frost and Snow, Zhu Qing and Zhen Xi, their eyes shine, and their eyes can't be moved anyway.

An indescribable cooking gas field trapped them.

Even if Zhu Qing had a small shock in his heart: "It looks very ordinary..."

A bit of unbelief.

"Then eat it!"

Glancing left and right, grasping a fruit knife, Zhu Qing knows how to eat this hard cake anyway. Since it is just out of the oven, it is definitely not possible to eat directly with her hand. She cut the piece of cake with her knife and cut it into equal pieces. Like this, so there is not much burning in the hand.

The bread was cut and the cross-section was exposed to the vision. Zhu Qing stared, "The materials are indeed those from last night. The crushed dried fruits are almonds and walnuts. Other materials are dried fruits and salted lemon slices. The spices are also quite rich. , Cardamom, cinnamon powder..."

Slowly open, the mouth is subconsciously close to the bread, and it will take a bite.

But at this time, Zhu Qing's shoulders shook and his eyes appeared horrified.


The calm sea surface emerged from her head. It should have been a calm daytime without wind and waves. Who knows that the sea surface suddenly had many bubbles, and there was a dark shadow under the seawater, zooming in quickly.


The beast floated its head, making a dull cry that seemed to shake the sky. At the same time, a gleam of golden water sprayed towards the sky, and the water droplets spread out.

Some drops of water hit the face against the wind.


Golden lightning fell on the deepest part of my mind. Zhu Qing closed his eyes and opened it again after a while. Finally, he was shocked and tasted the bread crust in his mouth.

The texture of bread is naturally not soft.

The teeth bite down, hey, the first bite is the part mixed with almonds. The roasted nuts are simply the spring eyes in the golden desert. Zhu Qing has the thrill of a treasure hunter.

"Well, there are almonds in this mouth!"

"Oh, I ate walnuts, they were crisp and delicious!"

"Raisins are so sweet!"

Next to Zhenxi and Meisha yelled.

Unconsciously, after eating several pieces, Zhu Qing was tired of chewing his mouth and closed his eyes to chase the picture given by the chef.

The gems that radiate dazzling glory are like treasures on the road of life.

This road extends infinitely in the field of vision.

"Life is full of treasures. Remind us to pay attention to the soles of our feet, but should we also carry hope and courage to go down?" Zhu Qing probably ate the chef's heart.

This is a Christmas Day gift.

Speaking of the truth, it is better to let relatives and friends understand themselves through food. This is the holiday blessing Xia Yu offered to them.

After really eating his own cake, Zhu Qing closed his eyebrows tightly.

"What's wrong..."