Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 78: Blind spots in cooking


  Simple two words, ingredients.

The female staff took the scroll and stood on the stage, and the eyes of Masaru Shinbara swept past the astonished Xia Yu, and said in time: "The main ingredients are fixed, but the form of cooking is not limited, everyone can freely play, the time limit is 2 hours! "

   He looks very good, but the chefs on the scene are all tense.

   Fortunately, this group of quasi-two-star chefs has a wealth of on-site cooking experience. If they are replaced by a group of students, some people may tremble.

   The examination room fell silent for a while.

   The chefs and staff who came from outside quickly filled the auditorium with hundreds of seats, and the latecomers could only squeeze in the last row and wait and see. If someone smokes and makes noise, the staff will stop it in time.


   Auditorium, Miyoko Hojo casually glanced at the nearby seat, and was startled.

  She wiped her eyes hard.

   is also sitting in the first row, on the right hand side, seven or eight seats away from her, standing with two girls.

   One girl has slightly curly long blond hair and a good figure, while the other has medium and short purple hair and stands next to the blonde girl with a little respect.

   Furthermore, what made Yoko Hojo dare to confirm their identity is that they are all wearing uniform skirts of Yuanyue!

   "How come the **** tongue and that new house, Feishama, came to IGO Tokyo Headquarters?" Mijoko Hojo secretly frowned.

   She did not respect and chase the other girls of Yuanyue to Yasushi Rina and Xinhu Feisha.

  The first seat of Togetoshi Shigetsu is the goal and ideal for which Miyoko Hojo struggles. Therefore, Tachie Rina, who has already obtained a seat for Shigetoshi, is undoubtedly an enemy who has stopped her on the road.

   on the examination room.

   "Do you use the specified ingredients to make a dish?"

   Xia Yu quickly used his brain.

   The status of other chefs is also similar. They all found Zhang kitchen counter to stand and meditate.

   rumbling. A loud wheel sound was heard and echoed in the stadium, and several strong and strong staff members pushed together a cart full of ingredients filled with ice.

   "Fresh Atlantic codfish ingredients have been delivered, everyone can choose at will!" the female staff holding the reel said to the microphone.

   This time, the nine chefs who participated in the assessment all moved up, all striding meteors, although there will not be a scene like the market looting, but a tense atmosphere quietly permeates everyone.

  Identifying and selecting ingredients is also part of the assessment!

   Otherwise, the IGO agency will not spend so much money to transport the live cod to the scene.

  Nine people surrounded the cart, their eyes eagle-sharp, searching for their favorite cod in the chilling cold water.

   Xia Yu is also one of them.

   Actually, he was coerced.

   If the freshwater fish is often processed and cooked, he can talk about the whole day from south to north.

   However, cod is a marine species, mainly produced in the cold waters of North Atlantic from Northern Europe to Canada and the eastern United States. Currently the main cod producers are Iceland, Norway, Canada and Russia.

  Neon fishery in Hokkaido can also catch cod, but the output is not high.

  The old man rarely asked him to deal with cod these years. Because the menu of the small restaurant of Xia cuisine, there is no Chinese cuisine with cod as the main ingredient.

   Xia Yu didn't know much about cod. He just stayed on the surface knowledge like the place of origin and asked him to choose ingredients. That would be difficult.

   So to speak, this assessment question happened to hit the blind spot and weakness of his cooking skills!

   So, standing in front of the cart, motionless, he became the object of attention on the large screen shot broadcast above the stadium.

  Shenyuan Zhengren stared at the big screen, his face slightly sinking.

   "Mr. Godbara, that teenager, is the chef you take special care of?" Dojima Silver was curious. If he had been trained as a professional chef and had enough cooking experience, he would not choose cod.

  Shengyuan Zhengren felt a little embarrassed.

   The IGO organization, in the local neon, can be said to coexist and compete with Yuanyue. Despite his unwillingness, Shenyuan Zhengren nodded and said in a deep voice: "I believe he can make dishes that satisfy us."

   "Then wait and see." Dojima Silver's eyes flashed.

   Ryoko Rina has a wonderful pair of eyes, always placed on Xia Yu. She didn't watch the broadcast screen, and saw that other chefs had moved the big cods back and forth to her kitchen counter, and Xia Yu was still standing in a petrified way, and her thin eyebrows were gradually wrinkling.

  The auditorium is also full of discussion.

   "What is that boy doing? The cooking time of 2 hours is very hurried!" Some chefs who came to participate in the one-star assessment were puzzled.

   "It's still too young. I don't seem to be a student of Yuanyue. Sure enough, I encountered difficulties in the selection of ingredients at the beginning. And this is just the beginning. There are also many details about handling cod."

   "Then no need to watch, this boy is the first to be eliminated!"

   Listening to the sound coming from behind, Miyoko Hojo inevitably fidgets.

   Blind spot!

   Even she felt a little embarrassed. Cod. Ingredients rarely used in traditional Chinese cuisine.

the other side.

"Sir Erina, he seems to be having trouble." Purple hair girl, Shindo Higashi sandie whispered behind Erina Today is really a coincidence, not only Dojima Silver came to IGO Tokyo Headquarters negotiated business, and Yasushi Erina also came. She was already an IGO two-star chef. This time, she came here to apply for Samsung evaluation and waited for a while in the venue lounge.

   The previous broadcast made her curious. The luxurious lineup of examiners shows that there are not simple characters in the two-star examination area. What she didn’t expect was that she met the nasty chef again!

"He hasn't been trained as a professional chef, and there are many blind spots in the cooking area." Azumi painted Rina's mouth with a ridicule. "What about Mr. Xia Qing's grandson. Ye Luzi is Ye Luzi, even with cod "The dietitian on the table" doesn't understand!

  薙切織Rina's remarks, was really wrong Xia Yu.

   Cod became famous in Western Europe. It can be said that it is similar to Chinese dumplings, German elbows, and neon sushi. It has become a civilized carrier.

   This fish is also found on the Pacific coast, but the countries along the Pacific coast are generally not interested in this fish. Because the cod has a rough taste and a lighter taste, it does not meet the East Asian pan-Chinese cultural circle's aesthetic of "freshness".

   So, there is a strange phenomenon in the mainland of China. The local cod cannot be fired, and the price is even cheaper. The price of black cod and cod delivered from abroad is exaggerated.

  Regardless of how it was discussed by the outside world, Xia Yu at this time was in a wonderful state.

   Kitchen God Space.

   "System, give me all edible cod species!"

   Xia Yu sharpened her **** and carried out an urgent make-up the majority of book readers to come to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in phone users please go to read.