Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 277: Development as planned

King Zhou's order finally arrived.

There is one on the bright side and one in the secret.

Everyone on the bright side knows how to tell them what to do in the future.

Somewhat surprisingly, the several shops mentioned by Fang Shuoyang, Zhou Wang all said a little on the decree.

To put it simply, it depends on whether the Yuelong dynasty did not have a stroke. If it did not, the incident of Huhe Huangcheng was deemed not to have happened.

The northern country where Hoh emperor is located also has no alliance with the east country.

If the Yuelong dynasty was recruited, then they seized this opportunity here, and they could even go to war with the Yuelong dynasty in the name of rescue call and emperor Cheng!

Of course, this premise must be determined that the Yuelong Dynasty really succeeded!

Then there are other commands that are eloquent.

However, it was all about the border customs, and they had little relationship with Fang Shuoyang.

In addition, what they didn't know was that there was another secret letter, but this secret letter was given to General Song alone.

This secret letter made General Song's hair suddenly a little sad.

King Zhou estimated that they and the Yuelong dynasty are likely to have a battle.

King Zhou asked General Song to be among the two. Oh, one of the two princes was selected to be the commander, and he led the army independently.

It's clear that the prince will make military achievements.

But this kind of thing, which son of the emperor do you want, you can just say, what do you do to make him a courtier?

It's up to you to do whatever you want.

Can such a thing be resolved?

Is this kind of thing you want to be free?

Once it doesn't work out, will this be a big problem?

General Song's hair suddenly turned white.

Although Fang Shuoyang didn't know that General Song had received a secret letter, as long as he fought with the Yuelong Dynasty, it was not difficult to estimate.

Where are the two princes? It's impossible to watch them all here, right?

If it is truly at war, one is bound to lead the army. The other stayed behind.

The one who stayed behind stayed well. There was no problem.

It's not good to stay behind.

The simplest is inaction.

The one who charged in charge was naturally the focus of everyone's eyes.

To win, that is, real military achievements, for the prince, of course, there are many benefits.

This kind of thing, everyone wants to go into charge.

Now, giving this decision to General Song is indeed embarrassing and offending!

On this day, there has been a problem with the Dongyue Kingdom.

In the battle of small stocks, some people in the Yuelong Dynasty suddenly became weak. If the reinforcements of the Yuelong Dynasty did not come in time, I am afraid that this battle will be a big defeat.

Later, the good luck of the Yuelong dynasty rescued the people in a timely manner and pulled them back, but the soldiers' faces were slightly panic, which really made people look happy.

After that, in the barracks, weird diseases and infectious diseases are no secret.

Even though the above has been strictly forbidden to communicate more about the illness, this still cannot stop the rumor.

Of course, the spies of the Northland and the only spies left by the Dongye Kingdom here also passed on the news.

War is about to start!

That night, General Song called everyone together for a meeting.

None of these people were Fang Shuoyang and Zhou Yanye.

Then, General Song vaguely proposed that there would be a prince general and the number would not be small, and then asked everyone for their opinions.

The straight son said immediately: "Then the four princes will be fine. I don't think there will be any problems with the four princes leading the army."

The other generals did not speak for a while, but if they had to choose one, most of them had the intention of Fang Shuoyang.

Although, Fang Shuoyang never attracted them.

Two of the generals looked at each other, said. "The five princes have been here before, and he is more familiar with the terrain here."

The other general also said. "Yes, and the performance of the five princes last time is quite remarkable, if it was not the accident of the former prince ..."

"Is that an accident?" The straight general called out immediately. "Everything is broken, is that still an accident?"

"Lao Geng!" Song Jiangjun sank.

The straight-headed general closed his mouth at once, and the only thing he was afraid of was the top boss General Song.

Another friend of the general also said: "You need to be careful. They are two princes, not two soldiers. The royal family, don't you die?"

The up-and-coming general immediately squirked his lips, but he was not an indifferent person, so he stopped saying anything.

It wasn't long before General Song declared adjournment, but he had not yet decided which prince would choose to lead the army.

The content of this meeting did not become a secret.

So, soon, Fang Shuoyang and Zhou Yanye knew.

Zhou Yeye knew immediately that the opportunity was here. This time, if he could no longer grasp it, he would be very passive, and he would always live in the shadow created by Fang Shuoyang!

Thinking about it this way, Zhou Yeye was also fortunate to draw two generals together.

If the two generals did not speak well at the meeting, I am afraid this errand will fall directly on Fang Shuoyang's head.

By that time, Fang Shuoyang's scenery is beautiful, so what else is there for him?

Zhou Yiye immediately became operational.

In this way, two days later, it was said that Zhou Yeye personally sought General Song.

What Zhou Yanye said to General Song was not known to others.

In short, General Song's relatives said that General Song's face was not very good-looking after Zhou Yeye left.

However, despite this, the prince who led the troops has been determined to be Zhou Yanye.

In this regard, Fang Shuoyang has been very calm and calm from the beginning to the determination of candidates.

The tone of Tarzan's collapse and unchanging tone suddenly made a lot of people who already liked him more.

I heard that the princess of the fourth prince was not very happy.

But this is normal, isn't it?

General Song is more interested in Fang Shuoyang, and even he has hinted to the other side Shuo Yang, otherwise, he does not need to give the other side some marching experience.

But I didn't think that Zhou Yeye would suddenly come up with a trick "pump at the bottom of the kettle."

Why did Zhou Yanye succeed?

There are nothing more than two, threatening and tempting.

Attracted, General Song was unmoved.

But the threat is still the threat from the prince, and the prince who is already in action, can not be ignored.

What's more, this is a matter of choice, not right or wrong.

His own intention is one thing, but he is too involved and too big.

When a prince shamelessly uses threats, as a defender, he can only do nothing.

After all, the Dongye Kingdom belongs to the Zhou family, and although he is a general, he is also under the royal family.

In this regard, General Song's opponent Shuo Yang was actually very sorry.

Fortunately, Fang Shuoyang's mind was not like Zhou Yiye's. Although it was wrongly suggested, Fang Shuoyang in turn comforted General Song. They were all princes, and everyone was the same. As long as they can defeat the Yuelong Dynasty All right.

He stayed behind and could learn more, which was good.

Fang Shuoyang with this kind of spirit really made General Song very impressed and decided that if they must support one, this one is a good choice.

In this way, Fang Shuoyang showed that he is a gentleman who does not fight or rob, everything is for the country.

Moreover, she will never show any dissatisfaction with Zhou Yeye outside.

This creates a somewhat strange phenomenon.

Although it was said that Zhou Yeye was "in control", among the soldiers he led, a large part was actually saying, why not the four princes leading them?

In this regard, Zhou Yeye was very angry, and his expression became colder every day.

In addition, several soldiers chewing their tongues.

Only in this way, Zhou Yeye not only failed to restore his own reputation, but also made his own reputation worse! This other party is proud of their surprise!

In fact, Fang Shuoyang did not do much to those ordinary soldiers, but he only smiled occasionally. I never expected that there would be such an obvious effect.

However, Fang Shuoyang thought that more should be the result of the generals' tendency towards him.

After all, the soldiers always look at the leader's face and act.

That night, Shi Qingzhou found Fang Shuoyang.

"The plan is going well now, and soon there should be a declaration of war on Dong Ye Guo's side. It will depend on our performance."

"Relax." Fang Shuoyang smiled slightly. "I'm ready here."

Shi Qingzhou nodded, and said, "Not care, in addition, we need to do some other preparations."

Fang Shuoyang is naturally not a person who underestimates the enemy. Although he is now developing according to plan, he knows better that the risk will be greater in the future.

So Fang Shuoyang nodded quickly. "Brother Shi please."

So the two men discussed slowly ...

While the two were in discussions, the Yuelong dynasty over there seemed to be very unsettled, but it was time to close the net.

Long Xiaoyuan conveyed the orders that night, and he has been busy since noon yesterday and hasn't stopped much!

Fortunately, it is almost over.

Long Xiaoyuan hasn't eaten his dinner yet, so he plans to finish all of his hands ...