Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 284: Never accident

It didn't take long for Zou Qingyuan to leave, and Ouyang Chuan and several shadow guards secretly brought Hu Hehuang Cheng over.

Huhe Emperor was fainted and was covered with a turban.

Long Xiaoyuan placed people directly in the side hall of Kunning Palace.

Later, Liu Suifeng smiled at Ouyang Chuan bitterly. "Brother, you feel right, Panshan's change ... may really be related to that place."

Ouyang Chuan's face changed immediately. "Isn't that man dead in that place?"

"It looks like it's gone now." Liu Suifeng grinned bitterly, then immediately turned straight. "Brother, I need something"

"You said," Ouyang Chuan hurriedly said.

"Everything left by Master, especially about the tapeworm."

Ouyang Chuan understood immediately. "I'll get it back."

"Hurry up," Liu Suifeng said softly.

Ouyang Chuan nodded to understand, and then left immediately.

At midnight, Shi Qingzhou woke up.

Long Xiaoyuan never slept, stayed beside the other side, and saw someone wake up and busy. "Light boat?"

Liu Suifeng was also there, but it was on the beam. Although Shi Qingzhou was awake at this time, Liu Suifeng didn't go down immediately, just watching the situation below intently.

Shi Qingzhou heard Long Xiaoyuan's voice a bit confused, "Huh?" He seemed to have no idea where he was.

Long Xiaoyuan hurriedly said, "Qiaozhou, how do you feel when you wake up? Is there anything uncomfortable on your body?"

Shi Qingzhou shook his head. "No ... what happened to me?"

"Do you remember what happened to you?" Long Xiaoyuan asked carefully.

Shi Qingzhou's expression changed slightly when he heard his words. "On me?"

Long Xiaoyuan was silent, said softly. "Light boat, think about it."

Shi Qingzhou sat up and then recalled it carefully, but his memory only left after leaving Zou Qingyuan. What happened after that?

Shi Qingzhou doesn't remember at all.

"That is to say, you want to come back immediately after meeting Zou Qingyuan?"

"Well, what happened after that, I don't remember." Shi Qingzhou said so, his face was extremely gloomy.

Long Xiaoyuan touched each other's cheek gently. "It's okay ... just, didn't you have many movie guards around at the time?"

"Well, but it's not with me. There is some distance from me."

Long Xiao paused and glanced towards the beam. "Come down."

Shi Qingzhou also looked over. He was not surprised. In fact, just now he felt Liu Suifeng was there.

Liu Suifeng drifted down, "Shi Qingzhou, I'll do a detailed inspection for you."

Shi Qingzhou nodded.

Liu Suifeng's inspection was very detailed this time, but after a long time, he said. "I may need you to soak in special herbs."

Shi Qingzhou had no opinion, Long Xiaoyuan asked directly. "When will it happen?"

"Tomorrow morning. Now you rest."

Long Xiaoyuan thought about it and didn't oppose it.

Liu Suifeng left, Shi Qingzhou said slowly. "You don't sleep with me for now."

Long Xiaoyuan laughed. "how?"

Shi Qingzhou froze in the corner of his mouth. "During my amnesia, I did things that hurt you, didn't I?"

Long Xiaoyuan "stunned". "Did not have time."

Shi Qingzhou's face became ugly again.

Long Xiaoyuan sighed. "Light boat, it's impossible for me to leave you."

Shi Qingzhou frowned fiercely.

Long Xiaoyuan took off his coat and went to bed.

"Aren't you afraid we're all in the way of others?" Shi Qingzhou said in a deep voice.

Long Xiaoyuan smiled. "Don't be afraid, I'll set up a book tomorrow. If we all die and let you take over slowly, your father will be the regent king. "

"There are too many different surnamed kings." Long Xiaoyuan said indifferently.

Looking at Long Xiaoyuan's light and light wind, Shi Qingzhou turned from anger into helplessness.

In the end, Shi Qingzhou said slowly. "Forget it, come on."

Long Xiaoyuan smiled and hugged Shi Qingzhou's waist and wrapped the quilt around them. "Well, that's pretty much the same."

Shi Qingzhou rolled his eyes. "Liu Suifeng left like this and said nothing. It should be fine for the time being."

"Well, it will be fine in the future." Long Xiaoyuan settled.

Shi Qingzhou looked at each other and nodded. "Ok."

Long Xiaoyuan laughed.

Early the next morning, Long Xiaoyuan and Shi Qingzhou could almost be said to wake up at the same time.

Long Xiao Yuan said: "Good morning."

Shi Qingzhou nodded.

Long Xiaoyuan kissed him severely on the other's lips. "We should get up, Kayak, did you sleep well yesterday?"

Shi Qingzhou nodded. "not bad."

Liu Suifeng also arrived soon.

"Do I need to stay?" Long Xiaoyuan asked Liu Suifeng.

Liu Suifeng nodded. "Well, I'll need you when Shi Qingzhou and I can't move easily."

"That line, today's early will be waived."

Liu follows the wind. "I asked the palace people to collect a lot of fresh morning dew. When you get out of Shi Qingzhou, you will drink all the morning dew. Don't use breakfast.

"Um." Shi Qingzhou nodded, indicating that he knew.

"I have already done the preparations. We will start when Shi Qingzhou finishes drinking Chaolu."

A moment later, the three arrived in a room in Kunning Palace.

This room was prepared by Liu Suifeng.

The bathtub in the room was hot.

"I'll avoid it first, Shi Qingzhou. You go in barefoot and sit cross-legged."

Shi Qingzhou nodded.

Long Xiaoyuan personally removed Shi Qingzhou's clothes, and Shi Qingzhou did not refuse.

Enter the tub, sit cross-legged, the potion in the tub does not reach under the shoulder of Shi Qingzhou's back.

A dark piece in the tub, but the smell was not bad.

Long Xiao distanced. "Well, Liu Suifeng."

Liu Suifeng nodded, and came from behind the screen on the other side, carrying rows of silver pins in his hands.

"Close your eyes and go down with the silver needle. There will only be a slight tingling sensation, and nothing else will happen. So if you have any other feelings, you must speak immediately.

"Um." Shi Qingzhou nodded, then closed his eyes.

Liu Suifeng began to pin, Long Xiaoyuan looked nervously aside.

Liu Suifeng's needle started from both shoulders, and then continued to the top of his head.

Shi Qingzhou has not shown anything strange in his look.

However, when Liu Suifeng's silver needle reached the top of his head, he suddenly snorted, and then immediately spit out blood.

"Light boat!" Long Xiao was astonished.

Liu follows the wind; his face also changes slightly.

After a while, Liu Suifeng took back all the other silver needles on Shi Qingzhou's body, and then said gently, "I have to go on, Shi Qingzhou, keep my heart."

Shi Qingzhou did not open his eyes, but nodded silently.

With one hand, Liu Suifeng pressed Shi Qingzhou's shoulder, and the other hand held the silver needle at a speed that could not cover his ears.

This time, Shi Qingzhou's face turned white immediately.

Long Xiaoyuan couldn't help but step forward, but dare not do anything.

Liu Suifeng pushed the silver needle down further, and Shi Qingzhou opened his eyes sharply at this moment.

Those eyes, blood red and blood red, were completely different from the previous redness.

Moreover, these eyes are filled with **** killings.

"Light boat ..." Long Xiaoyuan murmured.

Immediately following this voice, Shi Qingzhou seemed to remember something, and his look changed again.

Then, the blood red in his eyes faded slowly ...

"Light boat ..." Long Xiaoyuan's voice was a little trembling, and his heart felt more distressed.

Liu Suifeng nodded a few times behind Shi Qingzhou. The next moment, Shi Qingzhou's head crooked.

Liu Suifeng said, "Support him."

Long Xiaoyuan hurriedly supported Shi Qingzhou.

Subsequently, Liu Suifeng slowly pulled out the silver needle, and saw that the silver needle was stained with a little white.

Long Xiaoyuan didn't know what that thing was, but it felt like it was moving.

Liu Suifeng took the fire candle on one side and passed the silver needle.

The silver needles were grilling on the fire, and the white thing became a little black smoke and dissipated in the air.

Long Xiaoyuan was still holding Shi Qingzhou at this time, he hurriedly asked. "what is that?"

"It's a tadpole, a tadpole egg."

Long Xiaoyuan chuckled in his heart. "You mean, that cricket is in Qingzhou's brain, so the dish was not checked out before. Now, that cricket still uses Qingzhou's brain as the home, and there are even eggs in it, right?

Liu Suifeng nodded silently.

Long Xiaoyuan closed his eyes gently, only to feel that somewhere in his heart was twitching.

Even in modern times, human brain problems are the most serious problems.

No surgery is more difficult than a craniotomy.

Moreover, the human brain is also the most difficult to cure.

There isn't even a modern technology today.

Alas, in the human brain?

At this moment, Long Xiaoyuan felt scared, very scared.

"What to do?" Although afraid, Long Xiaoyuan had to calm down, and his voice sounded calm.

"I can't help it now," Liu Suifeng said in a deep voice. "I can only wait for my brother to take my master's hand."

"Do you know who has research on puppets today?"

Liu shook his head with the wind. "No."

Long Xiaoyuan said silently again. "Can you restrain yourself temporarily?"

Liu Suifeng thought about it and shook his head. "No, unless Shi Qingzhou is willing to be lethargic."

Long Xiao paused. Slowly: "If that's the case, that's the only way."

Liu Suifeng nodded. "it is good."

After a while, Long Xiao went away. "Should be all right now?"

"Yes, I haven't asked you yet, do you know what this is?"

Liu shook his head with the wind. "I don't know."

Long Xiao nodded far away. "Okay, you go out first."

Liu Suifeng lowered his eyelids and went out ... the fists on his side clenched slightly.

This is his friend, whether it is Long Xiaoyuan or Shi Qingzhou ...

He can't let them go wrong! Absolutely not!

After Liu Suifeng left, Long Xiao looked at the person in the tub, leaned in, and kissed the other person's forehead ...

"Qiaozhou, no matter what, I am with you ... it's okay ..."

Shi Qingzhou was in a coma, and it was impossible to answer.

Long Xiaoyuan lifted the person out of the tub, and wiped it with a cloth towel prepared a long time ago ... a little bit, very carefully