Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 287: What's up with him

Liu Suifeng followed Shi Qingzhou out.

Shi Qingzhou did not delay much on the road and went directly to the General's Mansion.

Liu Suifeng followed each other.

However, Liu Suifeng's brow frowned as soon as he reached the gate of General's Mansion. "and many more."

Shi Qingzhou heard his brow frown. "what happened?"

Liu Suifeng looked around and slowly said, "It doesn't feel right here."

When Shi Qingzhou heard the words, his expression suddenly calmed down. Those people really turned to his house? With serious flashes of light, Shi Qingzhou immediately checked it out.

However, after a while, Shi Qingzhou retracted his gaze. "What is the problem?"

Liu Suifeng thought about it, said. "not human."

Shi Qingzhou froze slightly. "Not human? What is it?"

Liu Suifeng said slowly. "It could be poison, or ... well, I don't know what it is now. If you can, it's better to let Long Xiao come over a bit. His body contains the King of Gold. It should be easier to find the problem."

Long Xiaoyuan ... Shi Qingzhou frowned and immediately opposed. "No! It's too dangerous."

Liu Suifeng smiled bitterly. "The outside is too big, so it's not easy to check."

Shi Qingzhou still does not let up.

Liu Suifeng had to say. "Go ahead and talk."

Shi Qingzhou nodded slightly, "Well, let's go and see."

So Liu Suifeng followed in.

Madam Shi was very happy to see Shi Qingzhou return.

Mrs. Shi pulled Shi Qingzhou to the inner room. Liu Suifeng didn't follow this time. He planned to make a round in General's Mansion and check it carefully.

Shi Qingzhou knew that the other party was checking the situation in the house, and nodded to the other party secretly.

However, after all, Liu Suifeng was not in the house. When he walked around the house, it seemed that he was going to the inner court, but the housekeeper finally came to stop it.

"This boy, this is the inner court."

Liu Suifeng blinked. "Really? It doesn't matter. I was ordered by the queen. If you don't believe it, you can ask him."

The housekeeper was a little baffled, but when Liu Suifeng moved Shi Qingzhou out, he didn't dare to stop it anymore.

However, I still have to ask.

So the steward went to Shi Qingzhou himself.

"What he wants to do, follow him. Don't stop him anywhere." Shi Qingzhou said lightly.

The old housekeeper was shocked when he heard the words, and his cold sweats came out, which meant too much!

The old housekeeper did not dare to ask more, and hurried on.

Mrs. Stone's face also changed, and he could not help saying that after the old housekeeper stepped down. "Light boat, what is going on? Who is that person?"

Shi Qingzhou slowly said: "Mother, you don't have to worry, that person is my friend, I asked him to inspect our house."

"Check?" Mrs. Shi froze for a moment. "Check what?"

Shi Qingzhou said softly. "I haven't been very peaceful in the palace recently. My identity is special. I don't want our general's government to be the target of some people.

"So it was ..." Mrs. Shi Qingzhou's words relieved Mrs. Shi slightly, but she followed her heart again.

"Qiaozhou, what could be wrong with our family?"

Shi Qingzhou said slowly. "I don't know yet, so the dishes need to be checked. Madam, don't worry too much about it. The friend I brought with me is very medical and he will check it out."

Mrs. Shi heard nothing and finally said nothing.

Shi Qingzhou talked to the other party about something else, and Mrs. Shi was still immersed in the joy of her son's return.

So, after more than an hour, Mrs. Shi said. "Qiaozhou, I made your favorite snack at home, I will let the subordinates come here."

Shi Qingzhou came back this time to accompany his wife, and by the way, check if there is any problem at home.

Liu Suifeng shouldn't have solved the problem right now, otherwise he would at least come over and show up, so Shi Qingzhou agreed with the situation. "it is good."

So Mrs. Shi took the stone boat to the small dining room outside the house.

The reason why I just went to the small dining room is because after all, it ’s not suitable for the large dining room when it ’s not time to eat.

The small dining room here is where you can eat snacks and entertain guests.

After Shi Qingzhou sat down here, Mrs. Shi also sat down with the other side.

The people below quickly brought the seated snacks.

"The light boat, just made, is still warm, eat two more, but you can't eat too much, otherwise you won't eat it for lunch."

"OK." Shi Qingzhou nodded. "Then eat it again at lunch."

"Uh-huh, have lunch at home," Mrs. Shi said happily.

Shi Qingzhou ate two pieces of snacks and it really tasted good, and Mrs. Stone also ate two pieces.

"The dim sum chef in this house was only hired. It was hired from outside the moon tower. Is it a good workmanship?" Mrs. Stone said that the light boat made a slight meal, and her eyes flashed on the dim sum, slowly . "Refers to the master in Yuelou?

"Yeah, it's inside the Yuelou. It's very good, right?"

Shi Qingzhou said slowly: "It is very good."

"Are there any other people in the house who are in charge recently?" Shi Qingzhou asked.

Mrs. Shi thought for a while, "Yes, there were three servants and one account room."

"Oh, this." Shi Qingzhou nodded, and said nothing.

Mrs. Stone did not doubt anything.

Soon after, it seemed that Mrs. Stone was called by the housekeeper.

Shi Qingzhou stepped out of the dining room and called the guard leader over here.

The other party arrived soon, and Shi Qingzhou didn't talk nonsense.

"Call me all the new people in the government in three months, and go to ... Wangyue Pavilion."

Although the leader was puzzled, he immediately did.

Shi Qingzhou went to Wangyue Pavilion in the front yard of Fuzhong.

Then he was asked to call Liu Suifeng.

Liu Suifeng arrived when Shi Qingzhou arrived at Wangyue Pavilion.

At this time, those who were about to be called had not yet arrived.

Shi Qingzhou glanced at Liu Suifeng slowly. "Anything found?"

Liu shook his head with the wind.

Shi Qingzhou said slowly again. "There are some new people in Fuchu. Please wait and see if there are any problems."

Liu Suifeng nodded. "I know."

Although he has not found any problems in the government, he always feels a bit wrong.

This kind of discomfort is a little familiar to him, but there is no way to explain it. This made Liu Suifeng feel a little uneasy.

At this moment, Shi Qingzhou reminded him that there was something wrong with the staff in the house, and he calmly converged and waited.

Those people were quickly brought up, and within three months, seven people came from the house.

There is a cook alone, and there is a night fragrant, two little sisters, one in the tent, and two sisters.

When these people came to Wangyue Pavilion, they all bowed down to salute.

Shi Qingzhou didn't get them up either, just sitting calmly.

Liu Suifeng looked at the people below, some thoughtfully.

Shi Qingzhou looked at Liu Suifeng next to him, the expression on the other side made his eyes a little heavy.

"They all looked up," Shi Qingzhou said lightly.

All seven kneeling underneath raised their heads.

All of Shi Qingzhou's gaze swept across their faces.

All seven of them showed an uneasy look, and seemed a little scared of Shi Qingzhou.

Also, Shi Qingzhou's identity is the queen of a country after all, and these flat-headed people are naturally afraid.

Shi Qingzhou's eyes were a little deep and a little condensed, and he didn't hide his condensation.

The atmosphere seemed very depressing for a moment.

Those seven were shaking a little.

Even the guards who followed were stiffened. Shi Qingzhou's aura was too strong, and they were a little scared.

At this time, Liu Suifeng suddenly made a noise.

"The queen called you because you are new here and have not checked your body. The queen is worried that your health or any invisible disease will be transmitted to other people in the house. This is bad, so let me Let me check you out. "

"Queen, the villain is not sick."

"Yes queen, slaves are absolutely free of disease."

"Queen ..."

"Shut up! Noisy!" The guard leader yelled.

Suddenly, all seven closed their mouths, but their faces were anxious.

Shi Qingzhou lifted the tea cup slowly, took a sip, and slowly lowered it gently. "Then start."

Liu Suifeng answered. Then let those seven people come forward one by one.

Later, Liu Suifeng took out another jade bottle from his arms.

Along with the jade bottle, a row of silver needles was pulled out. And Liu Suifeng quenched something on the silver needle in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at it, and couldn't help but beat the drums.

But no one dared to ask anything.

Those people stepped forward at Liu Suifeng's gesture.

Two little sisters-in-law, two maids, one tent, and the other one.

Each of their fingers was poked, and the blood dripped into the jade bottle.

Liu Suifeng just gave them a shot, and then let them stand aside.

Finally, it was the last pastry chef's turn.

The pastry chef stepped forward, and Liu Suifeng also poked, and then slowly looked at the pastry chef.

Liu Suifeng's gaze was also very oppressive, so the dim sum chef suddenly felt a little uncomfortable under Liu Suifeng's gaze.

"Is there anything wrong with the villain?" Said Dim Sum.

Shi Qingzhou stared at each other, and said slowly. "What's up with him?"