Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1013: poor parents

Chapter 113: Pity the hearts of the world's parents

When Chen Jianghai brought his family to Changxi, Chen Jiangshan had been waiting for a long time.

After getting off the car, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen walked directly to Meng Meihua.

At this time, Meng Meihua was seven months pregnant, and her belly was obviously big.

Seeing this scene, Chen Liye's face was full of smiles.

Wang Shufen started directly and gently touched Meng Meihua's stomach, which was a joy.

The second old man must be thinking about one thing at this time, that is, he will be able to see his grandson soon.

Seeing his parents like this, Chen Jianghai's face was full of smiles.

It seems that this visit to Changxi is indeed a very correct choice.

"Mom and Dad, Jiang Hai, Wan Qiu, the meal is ready, let's go eat first!"

When Chen Jiangshan saw the whole family coming, he also greeted warmly with a smile on his face.

Chen Liye nodded again and again: "Okay, eat and eat."

Afterwards, the family happily ate a reunion dinner.

The place where Chen Jiangshan and the others live now is the dowry given by Meng Yuejin before.

The area of ​​the house is about 100 square meters, with three bedrooms and two living rooms.

For Chen Jiangshan and Meng Meihua, this house is enough for them to live.

"Meihua, didn't your parents come to live?"

At the dinner table, Chen Liye suddenly asked.

Meng Meihua said quickly: "My parents don't live here, they sometimes come over to cook for us."

Wang Shufen nodded and asked, "It's alright now. When you're about to give birth, should they move in to take care of you?"

Chen Jiangshan said with a smile: "Mom and Dad, don't worry about this, the two of you. Meihua's parents have already agreed that she will come over then, otherwise I will be too busy."

Hearing Chen Jiangshan say this, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen were completely relieved.

"That's fine, that's fine."

After eating, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen turned around.

The decoration of the house is not bad, although it is not very luxurious, it is warm enough.

Lin Wanqiu went to the kitchen to wash dishes with dishes and chopsticks. Meng Meihua wanted to help, but was stopped by Lin Wanqiu.

According to Lin Wanqiu, just sit on the sofa and watch TV.

Chen Jianghai hugged Huanhuan and played with Xiaoxiao in the living room.

Huanhuan is more than two years old now. She can run and dance and is very lively.

"Baba, hug."

Huanhuan ran to Chen Jianghai's side and stretched out her hands.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jiangshan next to him was very envious.

Chen Jianghai smiled and hugged Huanhuan, touched her forehead and asked, "Is the baby tired?"

"Baba, let's go out... go out to play!"

Huanhuan pointed to the outside, and said in a milky voice.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "I'll take you out to play tomorrow. Grandpa and grandma are tired and have to rest today."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Huanhuan couldn't help pouting.

At this moment, Chen Liye came over: "Jiang Hai, Huanhuan wants to go out to play, just take her there.

. "

Wang Shufen, who was on the side, also came over and said, "Yes, your dad is right, children should go out for a walk more often."

For Huanhuan, Chen Liye and the others can be said to be very doting.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu had already washed the dishes and came out of the kitchen.

"Jiang Hai, I'll take Huanhuan out for a walk."

After Lin Wanqiu finished speaking, she took Huanhuan from Chen Jianghai.

At this time, Meng Meihua also stood up, smiled and said to Chen Liye and his wife, "Mom and Dad, Wanqiu and I are going out for a walk."

Wang Shufen nodded quickly, and then specially instructed: "Be careful."

When Chen Jiangshan saw that Meng Meihua was about to go out, he quickly followed up and said, "Meihua, I'll go with you!"

"No, let's take a walk nearby. You can talk to your parents."

Meng Meihua waved her hand and said.

Seeing this situation, Chen Jiangshan did not insist any longer.

After Lin Wanqiu and Meng Meihua left with Huanhuan, Chen Liye said with a smile, "Jiangshan, your decoration is good here!"

"Mom and dad, if you like it, stay here for a while longer."

Chen Jiangshan said with a smile.

Hearing Chen Jiangshan say this, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen exchanged glances quickly, obviously a little moved.

However, they did not answer immediately, but glanced at Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai also understood what they meant, and nodded immediately and agreed directly.

"Mom and dad, Huanhuan is so big now. If you want to stay here for a while longer, there is no problem at all."

Judging from the attitudes of Chen Liye and Wang Shufen just now, they still want to live here for a while.

First of all, they lived in Changxi for so long before. There are many acquaintances here. After leaving for such a period of time, I still miss this place very much.

The second point, which is also what the two elders are most concerned about at the moment, is that sister-in-law Meng Meihua will give birth in a few months.

The second old man wanted to stay here, mostly because he wanted to take care of Meng Meihua.

It will take some time for Meng Meihua's parents to come over, so Chen Liye and the others are naturally worried during this time.

As for the young couple Chen Jiangshan and Meng Meihua, they have no experience in this area at all.

If the two of them are allowed to live alone, Chen Liye and the others are somewhat worried.

Now that Huanhuan is so big, it's no problem for the second old man to want to live here for a while.

Chen Jiangshan said immediately: "Mom and Dad, Jiang Hai said so, you should live in Changxi for a while!"

"Well, we'll stay here for a while, and when Meihua's parents come, we'll go back."

Chen Liye nodded.

Hearing his parents say this, Chen Jiangshan was also very happy.

Regarding this result, Chen Jianghai naturally has no opinion at all.

Chen Liye and the others are willing to live here, mostly for the good of their eldest brother.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai can only say one thing, pity the hearts of parents all over the world.

After finishing speaking, Chen Jianghai talked about going to Meng Meihua's house for dinner tomorrow.

Chen Liye said immediately: "Well, I finally came here, I must be going to my in-law's house to sit."

"Jiang Hai, are you all right tomorrow?"

Chen Jiangshan turned his head and asked.

Regarding this younger brother, Chen Jiangshan knew that he was not usually busy.

If Chen Jianghai has any arrangements in Changxi, he can't be delayed.

Chen Jianghai raised his hand and said with a smile: "Brother, look at what you said, now go to your father-in-law's house, I just don't have time, I have to make time out!"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Chen Liye and Wang Shufen burst into laughter.

Chen Jiangshan was secretly moved.

The next morning, Chen Jianghai and the others set off.

Halfway through Chen Jianghai asked Wu Gang to buy a lot of things.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Chen Liye and the others came to the door after Chen Jiangshan got married.

This is the first time I come to the door, I must not be empty-handed.

It's not good to lose basic etiquette.

When Chen Jianghai and the others arrived at the door, Meng Yuejin and his wife were already waiting at the door.

It can also be seen from this point that the couple still attaches great importance to this meeting today.