Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1082: Don't put the cart before the horse

Chapter 182 Don't put the cart before the horse

Since Huabao can develop such a product, so can Geli, which is determined to be the first brand of Huaxia air conditioners.

According to Dong Xiaolan's idea, in order not to lag behind others, Geli will now begin to quickly shift the focus of scientific research to photocatalysts.

"Mr. Chen, do you think this is okay?"

Dong Xiaolan asked.

"Dong Zong, there is no need to shift the focus of research and development!"

Hearing her proposal, Chen Jianghai directly rejected it.

"Mr. Chen, why?"

Dong Xiaolan said she couldn't understand it at all.

In my impression, Qiuhai, led by Chen Jianghai, has always been at the forefront of R&D innovation.

But why was Gree rejected by him?

Chen Jianghai smiled and asked, "Mr. Dong, this new product is just what they said, have you seen the real thing?"

This question made Dong Xiaolan at a loss for a while.

After receiving the news, Dong Xiaolan hurriedly reported to Chen Jianghai.

As for the authenticity of the news, I really did not go to the bottom of it.

In Dong Xiaolan's view, this is the news in the newspaper, so how can it be fake?

It can only be said that the current Dong Xiaolan's mind is still too simple, and he still does not know the despicable methods used by some unscrupulous enterprises in business competition.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean by that?"

Dong Xiaolan asked with some doubts.

Chen Jianghai said lightly: "It literally means, this may just be a smoke bomb."

Dong Xiaolan also understood at this time, but she was still a little worried.

After all, Chen Jianghai should only be guessing.

"Mr. Chen, why don't we also consider conducting research on this topic?"

Dong Xiaolan followed the suggestion.

She thought that since this technology was proposed, it was normal for Ge Li to follow suit.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

Moreover, this technology sounds quite advanced, and it makes no sense that others have Gree but not.

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "Research can be studied, but it does not have to be a key project."

"Because with the current technology, it is too difficult to break through. If you put all your energy into it, you will put the cart before the horse."

Dong Xiaolan nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen, I know what to do."

Putting down the phone, Chen Jianghai's mouth curled slightly.

The domestic electrical appliance market is getting more and more interesting.

This so-called photocatalyst air conditioner is actually a gimmick-like existence.

It is nothing more than adding a filter screen containing activated carbon to the filter.

After the activated charcoal is wet, take it out and bask in the sun, and you can continue to use it.

The cost of this net is less than one dollar, but it is advertised as a photocatalyst, and it is also enthusiastically sought after by consumers. It can only be said that it is very ridiculous.

As for why this happened, it is because the current home appliance companies are creating price wars.

On a technical level, everything is the same except for Qiuhai.

When the price war reaches a certain level, it will definitely stop.

The ultimate goal of these companies to cut prices is to make money, not to lose money.

Reducing the cost warning line is their bottom line.

At this time, someone started to think about it.

If a company can innovate in technology, it will be more competitive than other brands.

With this kind of thinking, many companies will start round after round of concept wars with technological innovation as a gimmick at this time.

Among them, this photocatalyst air conditioner is one of the famous examples.

Similar to this, there are sterile refrigerators, digital color TVs, etc. These are all gimmicks.

After the concept of the aseptic refrigerator came out, they said it was a sign that the refrigerator entered the green era.

In fact, it is to inject some medicines into the plastic parts of the refrigerator, and the cost is less than ten yuan.

Relying on this technical concept, they can raise the overall price of the refrigerator by about 200 yuan.

There is also a ring-shaped three-dimensional air conditioner. It is said that it is a patented product developed by a large enterprise after investing hundreds of millions of yuan in the research and development of air conditioners.

In fact, a timer is installed on the fan blade, so that it can change up and down, left and right.

With these conceptually simple techniques, these companies did make a lot of money early on.

It's just that there are no airtight walls in the world, and these things are always used when they are bought home.

As long as it is used, the horse's feet are directly exposed.

Consumers found the problem as soon as they used it, and the result is of course needless to say.

These things, right now, may feel like they only appear in small companies.

In fact, those big companies in the country are in a similar situation.

Today, the best home appliance companies in China have not made any breakthroughs in core technologies, and they are still subject to foreign companies.

Even many large companies want to work hard in this area, but are restricted by the big environment.

This is the so-called bad money driving good money. In the end, even big companies with ideals can only join forces with them.

Among them, Haier's sweet potato washing machine is a very classic and famous example.

It is said that once, Zhang Ruiming went to the countryside of Sichuan Province to investigate.

He found that the drainage pipes of the washing machines used by local farmers were often blocked by mud.

After asking, he realized that the washing machine that the farmer bought was used to wash sweet potatoes while washing clothes.

It sounds a bit magical now.

But at that time, it really happened.

After Zhang Ruiming knew about the situation, he went back and talked to the staff of the scientific research institute.

The farmer used our washing machine to wash the sweet potatoes and blocked the drain pipe. Can you think of a way to solve this problem?

A young man from the scientific research institute told Zhang Ruiming that the washing machine is used to wash clothes, how can it be used to wash sweet potatoes?

Zhang Ruiming said that the farmers have now provided us with a very important information.

This information cannot be bought with money. What you have to do now is to develop a washing machine that can wash sweet potatoes.

When it is put on the market, the sales will definitely not be bad.

After receiving this task, the R&D department also brainstormed and developed the world's first sweet potato washing machine in just one month.

In fact, the solution is very simple. The researchers installed two drain pipes on the washing machine.

One is thicker and the other is thinner. Use the thicker one when washing sweet potatoes and the finer one when washing clothes.

Later Haier developed a washing machine for washing lobster and a washing machine for ghee according to the needs of consumers.

Logically, this sounds funny, but Haier is really engaged in research and development.

A product that can solve customers' problems is also a direction of research and development.

It is a pity that this innovative spirit of Haier has not been continued.

In those days, Haier's sweet potato washing machine was an innovative story that the media talked about with great interest, and it was even written into university textbooks.

Of course, it's the opposite.