Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1315: reverse this injustice

Chapter 1315 reverse this injustice

After all, Zhong Dalong is just a techie.

He never thought about what kind of impact it would have on the Chinese market if foreign companies really produced repeaters.

In other words, scientific research staff like him are thinking about R&D technology.

As for how to convert technology into products, they have not considered it at all.

In general, the current domestic environment is like this.

I don't care much about R&D.

Some scientific researchers have researched something, and as soon as the paper is published, it is published in a newspaper, and it is rated as an advanced domestic leader.

Afterwards, the school or research institute held a commendation meeting and issued a reward of several hundred yuan, and this matter was over.

As for the researched technology, no one cares about its follow-up.

The main reason for this phenomenon is that domestic enterprises do not pay enough attention to technology.

Most domestic companies do OEM assembly.

As for using scientific research technology to transform into products, there are really few companies that do this.

Chen Jianghai said sincerely: "Old Zhong, you are wrong about this."

"If foreign companies produce repeaters, won't they enter the Chinese market?

This is not good news. "

Zhong Dalong reacted immediately, he had never thought of such a possibility before.

In Zhong Dalong's view, if so many domestic enterprises produce repeaters, foreign-funded enterprises will not be able to enter anyway.

But Zhong Dalong forgot one thing, that is, foreign-funded enterprises are now the representatives of high quality and high technology.

If foreign-funded enterprises really come in, even if the price is higher, many domestic consumers will still choose foreign-funded enterprises.

The inherent impression is not so easy to break.

As for those inferior repeaters with low prices and poor quality, consumers will naturally not buy them.

At this time, Zhong Dalong can be said to be at a loss.

He really never thought about these business matters, and he didn't know how to deal with them.

Seeing Zhong Dalong like this, Chen Jianghai also looked helpless.

This is the case with domestic R&D personnel, who have no idea what the technology in their hands will bring them.

In other words, what can it bring to this society and country.

To put it nicely, these people are addicted to R&D and don't hear anything outside the window.

To put it uglier, it is that the brain lacks a string and can't turn around.

Chen Jianghai didn't intend to let it go easily. Since this matter has been said today, it will be fully explained.

He hit the railway while it was still hot: "Do you know that if we introduce advanced technology from abroad, do we need to pay technology transfer fees and patent fees?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai asking this, Zhong Dalong was immediately excited.

"This is for sure, and these patent fees are very high, and can even reach half of the profits of the company's products. Many people have told me about this."

"These foreigners are really abominable, they are just taking advantage of the fire, but we have nothing to do with them."

It can be heard from these remarks that Zhong Dalong has a bad impression of foreign-funded enterprises.

Zhong Dalong followed up and said, "Actually, it doesn't take long for the money to be given. After using these technologies for a year or two, basically all of them have been learned. When the time comes to develop a similar set of technologies, there is no need to pay them patent fees."

Hearing Zhong Dalong's answer, Chen Jianghai didn't know what to say.

In desperation, he could only give Zhong Dalong a thumbs up.

The fake products that have been rampant in China for a long time, I did not expect Zhong Dalong to be so clear.

It is also true that the name of China's cottage country was established in the early 1990s.

Many products are out of control on the road of cottage and go further and further.

Thinking that when Apple was not listed, Huaqiangbei started selling it three months in advance.

It can also be seen from here how powerful Huaxia is on the road of Shanzhai.

"Since they want to collect our patents, why can't we go to them for royalties?

If they don't accept it, won't they take advantage of it? "

Chen Jianghai said unceremoniously.

Zhong Dalong also understood what Chen Jianghai meant when he heard this, and nodded with a serious expression: "You are right, you really can't let them take advantage of us."

Chen Jianghai's remarks completely made Zhong Dalong think clearly about one thing.

He is just a scientific researcher, and he is simply a layman when it comes to the market.

Chen Jianghai has such a thorough understanding of the market and has enough strength himself, so he is naturally the best candidate.

Zhong Dalong said directly: "Mr. Chen, just say what to do! I will listen to you!"

Thinking of Chen Jianghai just said that bad money drives out good money, foreign-funded enterprises enter Huaxia and other issues, Zhong Dalong feels that his head is a bit big.

Instead, let Chen Jianghai, a professional, solve this matter.

What Chen Jianghai just said, Zhong Dalong felt very reasonable.

A lot of things even came to his heart.

Why is it that only foreign companies charge Huaxia patent fees, but Huaxia cannot charge them?


This injustice must be reversed!

Hearing Zhong Dalong say this, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, he knew that this matter was settled.

"Old Zhong, regarding this patent fee, I have already thought of two options. You can see which one you want to choose."

Chen Jianghai followed suit.

Zhong Dalong nodded immediately: "Mr. Chen, tell me."

Chen Jianghai then carefully told Zhong Dalong the two plans that he had planned in advance.

This first solution is very simple.

Zhong Dalong took control of this patent right himself. If domestic companies want to enter the repeater market, they must obtain Zhong Dalong's consent.

As for foreign-funded enterprises, it is even simpler. They must collect technology transfer fees and patent fees from foreign-funded enterprises.

Before Chen Jianghai's first plan was finished, he was directly interrupted by Zhong Dalong.

"Mr. Chen, your plan is too troublesome, is there something simpler?"

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, he had already guessed that Zhong Dalong would definitely not choose the first plan.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Old Zhong, the first plan is indeed a bit troublesome, but you can control the overall situation..."

Before Chen Jianghai finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhong Dalong.

"What do I control?

I am alone, where can I be busy! "

Zhong Dalong shook his head and said.

Chen Jianghai said with a smile: "Then you can listen to my second You can say it quickly."

Zhong Dalong urged impatiently.

The second plan mentioned by Chen Jianghai is too simple for Zhong Dalong.

The second plan is for Qiu Hai to come forward and set up an agency for patent licensing of repeaters.

What this agency has to do is very simple, which is to review these companies that want to enter the repeater industry.