Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1332: Are you serious?

Chapter 1332 Are you serious?

Chen Jianghai turned his eyes to Yue Hongsheng and asked, "Hongsheng, how about you?"

"me too."

Yue Hongsheng replied without the slightest hesitation.

Song Tingting, a girl, showed her attitude generously. As a man, he certainly had no reason to back down.

Seeing that the two answered so firmly, Chen Jianghai nodded slightly.

Both of them are employees of Qiuhai, and now they have encountered difficulties that they cannot solve.

Most importantly, the two like each other.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but think of his marriage with Lin Wanqiu.

The two of them have also gone through a lot of hardships to be happy.

Therefore, for the two lovers in front of them, Chen Jianghai hopes that they will eventually be married and will live happily in the future.

"Xiao Song, I heard that your parents are in the system?"

Chen Jianghai asked coldly.

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

Song Tingting didn't hide it, she just admitted it.

Chen Jianghai continued to ask, "Song Tingting, do your family agree that you are with Yue Hongsheng?"


Song Tingting shook her head without thinking.

Chen Jianghai followed and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"


Song Tingting answered very directly, but her eyes revealed unusual determination.

Yue Hongsheng did not expect that Song Tingting had already made such preparations.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at her in surprise.

Both shocked and moved.

He felt that his attitude towards this relationship was not as decisive as Song Tingting.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly.

He really liked Song Tingting's daring to love and hate style.

But thinking of her previous attitude towards Jin Zhijiang, Chen Jianghai was a little relieved.

It really answers that sentence, good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand.

People like Song Tingting definitely have an interesting soul.

"If Qiuhai is willing to invest in the next province, will your parents still object?"

Chen Jianghai asked directly.

He already knew that Song Tingting's father happened to be in charge of attracting investment.

Hearing this, Song Tingting raised her head sharply and stared at Chen Jianghai with wide eyes.

Yue Hongsheng's mouth was wide open.

He never thought that Chen Jianghai's reassurance was this!

Political achievements, this is the most important thing for people in the career.

Especially in this era when the economy is in command, what Chen Jianghai offers is a big killer move, and basically not many people can withstand it.

After being excited for a moment, Song Tingting quickly calmed down.

"Mr. Chen, are you serious?"

Song Tingting looked straight at Chen Jianghai and asked.

After all, if it was just to fulfill the two of them, Chen Jianghai's decision to invest in the next province would definitely be hasty.

And it was really hard for her to imagine that a boss like Chen Jianghai would actually make such a decision for his subordinate's marriage.

You know, since Chen Jianghai said it, it must be a big move.

The old **** Chen Jianghai said on the ground: "Can I still lie to you?"

Song Tingting took a deep breath and couldn't help reminding: "Mr. Chen, you should know that the investment here is not a small amount."

Hearing this, Yue Hongsheng on the side was not worried.

When it comes to investing, Mr. Chen has never been stingy.

And often it's shocking.

In fact, Chen Jianghai's atmosphere has long convinced him.

The only thing Yue Hongsheng is curious about is what projects will Chen Jianghai invest in?

Chen Jianghai made a gesture with his hand: "There are two new projects in Qiuhai right now. Arrange one in the past to solve the employment of thousands of people. It should be the least."

Hearing this, Song Tingting and Yue Hongsheng's eyes lit up.

It can solve the employment problem of thousands of people. What other achievements are more real and dazzling than this?


Yue Hongsheng and Song Tingting looked at each other and saw the hope in each other's eyes.

After being excited, Yue Hongsheng also calmed down.

He thought of something, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Mr. Chen, if we invest in the province next door, it means that our initial investment will be much higher. Besides, will Pingshan have any ideas?"

These concerns of Yue Hongsheng are of course very reasonable.

If the project is operated across provinces, it is normal for the initial investment to be high.

Moreover, there is one more important question.

Now Pingshan is developing rapidly, and many jobs are needed.

Qiuhai's two new projects, even if they are all placed in Hirayama, can be digested by themselves.

Now Qiuhai suddenly pulls a project to the next door and saves it, people on the side of Pingshan will inevitably think more.

After all, the current Qiuhai is definitely second to none on the side of Pingshan.

The development of Qiuhai has brought huge benefits to Pingshan and even the entire Xijiang.

It not only solves the local employment problem, but also creates rich tax revenue.

The local economy has also been greatly developed because of Qiuhai.

In order to completely keep Qiuhai in the local area, the conditions given by Pingshan are also quite favorable.

Therefore, many of Qiuhai's actions give priority to the local interests of Hirayama.

Now that he has made changes because of this incident, it is no wonder that Yue Hongsheng has these concerns.

Originally, Song Tingting frowned when she heard Yue Hongsheng's words.

This is definitely great news for the two of them.

But for Qiuhai, this is a big price to pay.

If Chen Jianghai really made Qiuhai pay such a big price for helping them, how would they pay it back in the future?


Chen Jianghai said confidently: "I'm Qiuhai's boss. Where to invest, I don't seem to have to think too much about what other people think, right?"

In fact, the investment of a company will consider various factors.

There are very few people who can make a decision like Chen Jianghai.

It can also be seen from this point that Chen Jianghai is very confident in the Qiuhai created by himself.

With the current size of Qiuhai, no matter where it invests, local governments will definitely welcome it, and the policy tilt that should be given will definitely not be less.

Chen Jianghai said this, of course, full of confidence, and he also did his homework in advance. The investment environment there is indeed good, and the conditions for sea, land and air transportation are all available.

Yue Hongsheng felt that Chen Jianghai did this for him.

At this time, he really didn't know how to express his gratitude to Chen Jianghai.

"Mr. Chen, I will be Qiuhai's person from now on."

Yue Hongsheng suddenly stood up and said word by word.

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing and asked, "Aren't you from Qiuhai now?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Song Tingting on the side couldn't help reached out and pulled his arm, making him sit down beside her again.

It was only at this time that Song Tingting discovered that Chen Jianghai was a very interesting person.

It is rare to see such a boss who pays so much attention to his employees.

It is no wonder that in normal times, Yue Hongsheng highly respects Chen Jianghai so much, and has repeatedly stated that he will follow Chen Jianghai with all his heart and complete the tasks he has given him.

Even when he was recuperating in the hospital, he couldn't let go.

At this moment, she also felt that following such a boss, if she didn't go all out, she would really be sorry for her conscience.