Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1344: 10 points for this question

Chapter 1344 This question is very sharp

You must know that according to Chen Jianghai, China's development is changing with each passing day, and the conditions that can be provided for enterprises will definitely get better and better.

He is also fully confident that he will receive more support, further expand the scale of Qiuhai, and continuously increase technological innovation. With his excellent vision and knowledge, he will lead Qiuhai to become an international brand that leads the trend of home appliances.

Putting aside everything else, nearly 50% of the people present are using Qiuhai appliances, which is a good proof.

Even those in the upper class of society recognize Qiuhai's home appliances so much, other people can imagine.

"In the future, our Qiuhai products will be sold to all corners of the world.

At the same time, our directly-operated stores will also be built in every city, so that all consumers can enjoy Qiuhai's first-class after-sales service. "

It is a lofty goal to open directly-operated stores all over the world.

In other words, this is more difficult than Qiuhai's first place.

As long as the size of the summit is reached, it means that the summit is successful.

Directly-operated stores are opened all over the world, and it requires more than just funds.

The recruitment and management of personnel and the operation of directly-operated stores are not just problems that can be solved by relying on money.

To achieve this, Chen Jianghai and Qiuhai have a long way to go.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's idea, the people present had only one idea.

That is impossible.

Some people even think that Chen Jianghai started to swell because of his current success, which is why this whimsical and unrealistic idea appeared.

At present, there is no directly-operated store on the list of the world's top 500, which can open all over the world.

It can only be said that Chen Jianghai's goal is too exaggerated.

Even if Qiuhai and Chen Jianghai's abilities have been recognized, everyone can't believe that he can achieve this huge goal.

In fact, for Chen Jianghai, if this goal was not difficult, he would not have proposed it here.

The purpose of today's reception is to let people in the United States know Qiuhai, understand Qiuhai, and affirm Qiuhai.

Whether it is Qiuhai's past, present and future, it will be brilliant and splendid.

Chen Jianghai always had a smile on his face, his eyes slowly swept across the faces of everyone, and he said loudly:

"I know people think I'm exaggerating!"

Chen Jianghai stretched out **** and said loudly, "Twenty years, as long as twenty years, this goal of Qiuhai will definitely be achieved!"

Chen Jianghai set this time, many people disagreed.

Even Smith, who had some blind admiration for Chen Jianghai, thought that what Chen Jianghai said this time was a bit exaggerated.

The only one who believed in Chen Jianghai was Lin Wanqiu, who stood in the audience with shining eyes.

She clenched her fists tightly, looked straight at Chen Jianghai, and cheered him up in her heart.

She believed everything Chen Jianghai said just now.

At the same time, she also secretly vowed that in the days to come, all she has to do is to give this man the greatest support and never become a stumbling block on his dream.

Looking at the discussion below, Chen Jianghai knew that his goal had been achieved.

After today, people all over the world don't care if they agree with the rhetoric he just said, but they will definitely pay attention to Qiuhai's company.

This will bring crises as well as opportunities, and it depends on how Qiuhai, who he leads, will grasp it.

Chen Jianghai's speech was not very long, and it was good to finish what he had to say.

It can be said that Chen Jianghai's speech was very successful, in exchange for the warm applause of all the people present.

If there is no last goal, the people present will definitely not be able to pick out any faults.

In fact, many colleagues in Chen Jianghai's speech really got a lot of useful information and provided them with some new ideas.

Of course, no matter what the attitude towards Hai's rhetoric just now is, but at this moment, the people present can truly see the charm of Chen Jianghai's personality.

It is not unreasonable that Qiuhai can be so successful.

With such a wise and talented entrepreneur leading this young and dynamic Huaxia enterprise, it is bound to create more miracles.

Many young women on the scene were deeply fascinated by Chen Jianghai at this time.

After the speech, it was time for reporters to ask questions.

This is the biggest test for Chen Jianghai.

If you can't conquer the media reporters present, today's reception will be a bit of a failure.

After all, although Chen Jianghai's performance just now was wonderful, he could only be influential in a very small circle.

To really let more people know about him and Qiuhai, we must go through these media reporters.

Smith on the side was very nervous.

He knew that the biggest test was coming today.

If Chen Jianghai's answer is not good enough and cannot be recognized by these media reporters, then the comments on Qiuhai in tomorrow's report will definitely not be much better.

As an out-and-out American, Smith is well aware of the urination of these American media reporters.

If a company like Qiuhai from China wants to continue to develop in the United States and become bigger and stronger, it must make these reporters recognize Qiuhai's potential and courage.

Through their dissemination, everyone can recognize this.

In this case, Chen Jianghai's next answer will determine the success of today's reception.

The first reporter stood up and asked the question, which made Smith's heart skip a beat.

This reporter is targeting the target that Chen Jianghai just mentioned.

"Mr. Chen, can the goal you just mentioned really be achieved within 20 years?"

"As far as I know, even the old Fortune 500 companies haven't come this far."

This question is very acute.

If Chen Jianghai doesn't answer well, it will not only offend other Fortune 500 companies, but also make everyone present feel further doubts about Qiuhai's goal, and even raise similar doubts.

As a reporter, asking questions is a good measure of his abilities.

The questions raised by some reporters are not painful or itchy, but the questions raised by some reporters are penetrating.

For example, this is the case in front of me.

Everyone's eyes fell on Chen Jianghai, wanting to know how he would respond.

Fortunately, Chen Jianghai had already prepared for this issue.

Since he proposed this unbelievable goal of the Red Dao, he naturally thought that others would embarrass him through this.

"Before this, everyone at believed that in addition to state-owned enterprises, there would be no Fortune 500 companies in China, and Qiuhai did it."

Chen Jianghai's first sentence made the reporter's face change slightly.

This answer has exceeded his expectations.

"Before this, everyone thought that Huaxia's electrical appliances could not be exported.

Even if it is really exported, the sales will definitely not be much better. "

"Right now, this view has been broken again by Qiuhai."