Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1490: Let them fight first

Chapter 1490 Let them fight first

No one could have imagined that in just 20 to 20 years, such a big change would take place in the mainland.

Those people from Xiangjiang who looked down on the mainland in the past, took a look again and were completely stunned.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Yan Fei was stunned.

Can the development of the mainland be so fast?

Can it catch up with Hong Kong in two thousand years?

This sounds a bit magical.

Of course, Yan Fei did not dare to refute Chen Jianghai's words.

In his opinion, since Chen Jianghai said this, there must be some truth.

Yan Fei is now looking forward to whether, in 20 years, will the development of first-tier cities in China surpass that of Xiangjiang, as always said.

Soon, the three came to the hotel that Fang Aiguo had booked before.

Yan Fei also knew a little about the purpose of this trip.

Chen Jianghai came to Hong Kong this time for the stock market.

Not the stock market in Hong Kong, but the stock market in Siam.

After knowing this information, Yan Fei began to collect relevant information.

As Chen Jianghai's secretary, it would be a dereliction of duty if he didn't even know the purpose of Chen Jianghai's trip.

And if you don't do some preparation work, it's also incompetent.

It was at this time that Yan Fei knew who Sotts was.

What makes Yan Fei even more unimaginable is that Sotts is going to take action against a country!

It just sounds like the Arabian Nights.

How can a person be an opponent of a country?

Perhaps only by following behind President Chen, can I get access to this level of things...

Yan Fei is very strange now, why does Chen Jianghai believe that Sotts can succeed?

Because in his opinion, this is no different from a mayfly shaking a tree.

No matter how powerful an individual is, it is impossible to defeat an economically developed country like Siam!

Entering the room, Chen Jianghai sat comfortably on the sofa, seeing the doubts on Yan Fei's face, he couldn't help but ask, "What?

Still thinking about what happened just now? "

Yan Fei shook his head slightly, and quickly replied, "Mr. Chen, I'm not thinking about that, but about the stock market."


Chen Jianghai asked casually, "Tell me what you are thinking."

Seeing Chen Jianghai asking, Yan Fei didn't want to hide it.

"Mr. Chen, can Sotts really win against Siam?"

Yan Fei would have such doubts, naturally because he had done a lot of homework.

Since the 1990s, developed countries have relocated a large number of labor-intensive industries to Southeast Asian countries.

In this case, the surrounding countries have developed rapidly.

One of the fastest growing economies is Siam.

Now Sotts wants to do it, which makes Yan Fei a little difficult to understand.

Individuals want to snipe a country's economy, it is simply as difficult as the sky.

What's more, the strength of Siam is obviously not bad.

Hearing Yan Fei's question, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly.

It is quite normal for Yan Fei to have such doubts.

I believe that all those who have reacted now will not be optimistic about the quantum fund led by Sotts.

Especially in the first two attacks, Sotts and his Quantum Fund returned with nothing and did not seek any benefits.

Such a result will naturally create an illusion, making everyone feel that Sotts is over his own abilities.

However, Chen Jianghai knew that all the previous attacks were a kind of temptation.

This third attack by Sotts was due to adequate preparations and the right time and place, and finally he won a big victory.

The entire Asian economy has experienced huge turbulence and heavy losses because of this turmoil.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly: "Did you do your homework before coming here?"

Yan Fei nodded calmly: "Mr. Chen, I checked the situation of Siam. Its current economy is very good, and it is not so easy to snipe. It may be possible for other countries."

Chen Jianghai said patiently: "Don't look at Siam's current superficial beauty. In fact, its internal problems are very serious. In order to attract foreign capital, their domestic financial market has a high degree of freedom."

"In addition, the economic development of Siam in recent years is actually going downhill, but the performance is not too obvious."

"In this case, most of the domestic money is invested in real estate.

In this case, there are already signs of an economic bubble in Siam. "

“It is based on this situation that the exchange rate of Siam is also significantly overvalued.

Salters dared to attack Siam precisely because they analyzed these reasons and analyzed the overall economic situation of Siam to find its Achilles heel. "

After listening to Chen Jianghai's simple explanation, Yan Fei seemed to understand a little.

But he still thought it was too mysterious.

After all, it is the power of individuals to deal with a country that is functioning normally, and the strength of the key people themselves is not bad.

"Mr. Chen, I still think this is very difficult."

Yan Fei still insisted on his point of view.

Chen Jianghai didn't care about Yan Fei's stubbornness, he waved his hand and said, "If a person wants to deal with a country's economy, he must be fully prepared, otherwise he will definitely fall into a doom."

Chen Jianghai said this, and it can be seen that he attaches great importance to this matter.

Salters thought so too, otherwise he wouldn't have had two feints before.

The first two attacks provided Sotts with a lot of necessary information, and at the same time paralyzed the Siamese government to a certain extent.

Now, the weakness of Siam has been exposed, and the third attack has not really been taken seriously by the Siamese government.

The time was clearly ripe, and Sotts was fully prepared.

In this case, it is inevitable that Sotts will win the final victory and make huge profits.

Meanwhile, many speculators and international speculators are on the sidelines.

These speculators, seeing such an opportunity, are like sharks smelling blood.

Once the opportunity is available, it will never be missed.

At this moment, Yan Fei's cell phone rang.

Yan Fei quickly picked it up to take a look, and quickly said to Chen Jianghai, "Mr. Chen, it's Manager Fang's phone number."

Chen Jianghai nodded, took the phone directly, and pressed the answer button.

"Brother Hai, some people have already started selling Siam coins in the market."

As soon as the call was connected, Fang Aiguo's excited voice came from the receiver.

"How's the amount?"

Chen Jianghai asked very Fang Aiguo quickly replied: "It's not very big, they should be retail investors."

Hearing this news, Chen Jianghai sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then ordered: "Don't worry, let them fight first."

Fang Aiguo listened with a look of surprise: "Brother Hai, don't we do it now?"

Now that some people are starting to sell Siam, it's a sign that Sotts' attack is about to begin.

Otherwise, there will be no sell-off in the good-end.