Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1535: It's absolutely impossible

Chapter 1535 This is absolutely impossible

"Wahaha's side is obviously lacking in stamina, can they still make a comeback?"

Chen Shuyao asked with a frown.

Chen Jianghai said in a deep voice: "Don't forget, there is a Danone behind Wahaha.

As the saying goes, a dog will jump over the wall in a hurry, and a rabbit will bite if it is in a hurry. "

"Zong Daming is now in a desperate situation, and he will never be willing to fail. He will definitely find a way to let Danone Group take action."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Chen Shuyao also calmed down.

Danone, as a foreign-funded enterprise, naturally needs no elaboration on capital.

Especially the experience in the field of industry, which is a rising and young Jiamei absolutely incomparable.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Chen Shuyao couldn't help but start to worry again.

"Jiang Hai, didn't you say that Zong Daming would not go to Danon for help?"

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly, "That's because there was a fight before, but now that Wahaha is in a desperate situation, it's impossible for Zong Daming to just watch his hard work disappear, and he must have to fight to the death."

"Since we won't give up, Danone has been his last straw."

"You mean, he will take out his shares in exchange for Danone's help?"

Chen Shuyao obviously did not believe that Zong Daming would make such a choice.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be able to fight in a hundred battles.

During the price war between Jiamei and Wahaha, Chen Shuyao learned about Zong Daming from all aspects.

In the information Chen Shuyao got, Zong Daming has a strong desire to control, and his opponent's shares are very important.

Of course she wouldn't think that someone like Zong Daming would give up control over Wahaha?

"It's inevitable!"

Chen Jianghai said with great certainty, "Zong Daming spent too much on Wahaha, and now we are forced to do this, and he will definitely not be reconciled."

"So once the stake is sold, it will be his fatal blow, and we have to be prepared."

After Chen Shuyao heard this, she suddenly fell silent.

It seems that this matter is far less optimistic than she thought.

For Wahaha, Chen Shuyao didn't have much worry and fear.

After this half-year price war, both sides know the bottom line.

However, Chen Shuyao was still a little worried about this Danone.

A powerful foreign-funded enterprise can bring too many variables.

Wow, if Danone can help, this price war can be said to be a twist.

It's good to have Qiuhai behind Jiamei, but Qiuhai himself has a big plate and needs a lot of money.

In addition, Chen Jianghai likes to invest in various places, and he needs to use more funds.

In the price war for more than half a year, Qiuhai has successively supported Jiamei with a lot of funds, which has allowed Jiamei to always have the upper hand and forced Wahaha into a desperate situation.

The fruit of victory is about to be harvested. If Danone joins in at this time, can Qiuhai still hold on?

Later, Chen Shuyao told Chen Jianghai about her worries.

When Chen Jianghai heard what she said, he couldn't help laughing.

Chen Shuyao said with some doubts: "Jiang Hai, what are you laughing at?"

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "You don't have to worry about the funds. I will have a large amount of funds in my account right away. Just a Danone is nothing to be afraid of."

Hearing that Chen Jianghai was so confident, Chen Shuyao was very curious.

Does Chen Jianghai have other profitable industries besides Qiuhai?

In the end, Chen Shuyao didn't ask.

After all, tens of millions of dollars have always been small money in Chen Jianghai's mouth.

Now suddenly it is said that there is a large amount of money, how much is that...

"Jiang Hai, in fact, the situation is very good now, and there is no need to spend more money."

Chen Shuyao couldn't help but mention at last.

Chen Jianghai was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and Chen Shuyao was obviously worried about herself.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright."

Chen Jianghai smiled and comforted.

Chen Shuyao insisted: "Jiang Hai, you must promise me, if something goes wrong, don't take care of Jiamei, you must take care of Qiuhai first. If Jiamei is gone, it will be gone, but your Qiuhai can't fall!"

Hearing what Chen Shuyao said, Chen Jianghai was a little moved.

But in the end, she knew too little about Qiuhai.

The current Qiuhai can be said to be completely on the right track.

As long as the general direction is not wrong, then Qiuhai will definitely have nothing.

And with Chen Jianghai at the helm for Qiuhai, can we go wrong in the general direction?

This is absolutely impossible.

Regarding Chen Shuyao's worries, Chen Jianghai seemed very relaxed, smiled and comforted: "You, it's just too much thinking, go back to rest early when you're busy!"

Chen Shuyao had no choice but to say, "Okay, you also have an early rest."

Chen Jianghai put down the phone and felt very calm.

I don't know why, every time I talk to Chen Shuyao on the phone, he feels very relaxed.

But not long after, the phone rang again.

Chen Jianghai picked it up and saw that it was Zhong Dalong's phone.

Seeing this call, Chen Jianghai roughly guessed why he came.

"Jiang Hai, on behalf of the old comrades in arms this time, I want to thank you very much."

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, Zhong Dalong's excited voice came.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said, "Old Zhong, you are too polite, I just did something within my power."

The more Chen Jianghai said this, the more Zhong Dalong felt that Chen Jianghai was of noble character.

He was lucky to have known such a young man.

After sighing, Zhong Dalong said, "Jiang Hai, you don't need to belittle yourself, we know how much you paid here."

"So it's right to say thank you to you.

And we can't do anything but say thank you. "

In this era, nearly 10 million funds have been raised at once, which is definitely an astonishing number.

If there is no face of Chen Jianghai here, Zhong Dalong would not believe it.

How much money can be raised in a purely monumental auction.

It is estimated that there are a million to thank God.

But when he got to Chen Jianghai, he even raised more than 8 million in one breath.

This far exceeded his expectations.

It also exceeded the initial funding requirements of the Veterans Home.

Chen Jianghai didn't want to say more on this matter, and simply changed the subject on his own initiative.

"Old Zhong, I will credit this fund to your account, and I will hand it over to you later."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's words, Zhong Dalong was very surprised.

"Jiang Hai, do you want to give me so much money?"

Zhong Dalong's subtext actually means that Chen Jianghai believes in him so much.

Chen Jianghai joked: "Old Zhong, if you have something you need to use, just use it."

"Jiang Hai, it's the same sentence. I will write down every expense. You can check the whereabouts of every penny at any time."

Zhong Dalong's voice immediately became serious.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, if he didn't believe Zhong Dalong's words, he wouldn't let the other party help prepare this matter.

As the saying goes, don't use people without suspicion, but don't use people who are suspicious.

"Old I believe in you."

Chen Jianghai only replied this sentence.

Zhong Dalong originally had a lot to say, but at this time he couldn't say a word.

Such trust makes Zhong Dalong really not know what to say.

Now he can only do his best to be worthy of Chen Jianghai.

That's all that Chen Jianghai expected to come to.