Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1563: The existence of a hero

Chapter 1563 The existence of heroes

"Okay, Patriotic, rest early! It's been a tiring day, and there will be the last battle tomorrow."

Chen Jianghai clapped his hands and told everyone.

Fang Aiguo nodded vigorously, and then let his men go back to rest.

At this time, everyone was tired for a day, and Chen Jianghai didn't shout any more slogans.

Now, all they need is to rest well, recharge their batteries, and prepare for tomorrow's battle in the stock market in the best possible state.

After this matter is completely over, Chen Jianghai will naturally give them a satisfactory reward, even more than they imagined.

After all, he won a big victory this time, and it can be said that he has achieved an amazing harvest, and naturally he will not be stingy.

The exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar is fully stable, giving the entire Hong Kong citizens full confidence in the future.

Many people stayed up all night just waiting for this news.

Now that the news has come out, they do not feel sleepy at all, but feel refreshed and in high spirits.

They can't wait to jump to the next day right now.

As long as the stock market wins again, then Hong Kong will be able to survive this crisis smoothly.

Victory is just one last step away!

But most people know that Sotts has been cornered at this time, and he is powerless to return to the sky.

As long as things are confirmed in the stock market tomorrow, the battle to defend the Xiangjiang River can come to an end.

Xiangjiang is about to win the final victory!

The success of defending the Hong Kong Coin has made all Hong Kong citizens more confident about tomorrow.

As soon as the stock market opened the next day, the trading volume rose wildly.

In just one hour, the transaction volume of nearly 10 billion Hong Kong dollars was reached.

Hang Seng Index is like riding a rocket, soaring from more than 7,300 points, it is unstoppable.

When it was near noon, it had risen to more than 7,600 points in one breath.

By the afternoon, the Hang Seng Index continued to rise.

In the morning, Chen Jianghai and the others didn't do much.

The rapid rise of the Hang Seng Index now shows that the confidence of Hong Kong people has returned.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai can already conclude that they have won this war.

In the afternoon, Chen Jianghai and Xiang Jiang had a very tacit understanding, and together they shot up the Hang Seng Index.

When the market closed, the Hang Seng Index of the stock market finally reached more than 8,500 points.

At this point, all the dust settled.

Sotts and the others opened a position at around 7,500 points, which means that after the Hang Seng Index rose sharply this time, Sotts would lose a lot.

"We won, we won! We won!"

There were bursts of enthusiastic cheers in the trading room, and many people even embraced each other and cried with joy.

Looking at this scene, Chen Jianghai also showed a carefree smile.

After working so hard for such a long time, the merit is finally complete.

Fang Aiguo was very excited at this time.

He took Chen Jianghai's hand and shouted excitedly: "Brother Hai, look, we succeeded! We really defeated Sotts!"

Seeing his eyes full of tears and hearing his hoarse voice, Chen Jianghai patted him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, it worked!"

Since Souters attacked Siam, the notorious financial tycoon has almost become one of the most famous in Southeast Asia.

In the face of such a character, Fang Aiguo said that it is impossible to say that there is no pressure.

From the day Chen Jianghai announced the rescue of the city, Fang Aiguo would officially face Sotts.

From that day on, Fang Aiguo felt a lot of pressure, and his nerves were tense.

Even if Chen Jianghai stood behind him and shared most of the pressure for him, the remaining part of the pressure was enough to make Fang patriotic spirit tense and sleepless all night.

After so many days of hard work, Fang Aiguo finally relaxed after winning the final victory.

This is definitely a brilliant stroke for his future life.

It can be said in the future that Fang Aiguo has also made great efforts to make the famous Sotts fail.

In the trading room, Fang Aiguo's team was still cheering and celebrating, enjoying the joy after the victory, and at the same time venting the backlog of emotions.

They have been waiting for this day for a long time!

From the beginning to the end of the battle, they were involved in the whole process.

In the first half, they felt the danger of the financial market, as well as Sotts' domineering.

In the second half, they felt Chen Jianghai's boldness and carefulness, as well as Quanquan's patriotism.

This journey is definitely a very important time period for them in their lives, it is worth recalling and commemorating, and cherishing them forever in the depths of their hearts.

Finally, they set their sights on Chen Jianghai.

They shouted in unison: "Long live Mr. Chen!"

For Chen Jianghai, they admire them from the bottom of their hearts.

Whether it is from the technical level, the vision level, or from the patriotic heart that Chen Jianghai has, they all admire Chen Jianghai.

Ordinary people only know how powerful Chen Jianghai is, but it's actually just a hazy concept.

And these people in the industry really know how powerful Chen Jianghai is.

When everyone was not optimistic about Xiangjiang, he took out a lot of real money and resolutely stood on the opposite side of Sotts.

When everyone thought that Chen Jianghai would definitely suffer heavy losses, Xiangjiang was completely hardened and had the upper hand in this defense battle.

After such a wonderful operation, in the hearts of these professionals, Chen Jianghai exists like a god.

Facing such compliments, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and waved to signal everyone to be quiet.

Soon, the trading room became silent, except for the slightly heavy breathing and heartbeat.

Everyone looked at Chen Jianghai with reverence and anticipation, wanting to hear what he had to say.

At this time, Chen Jianghai was an omnipotent superman in their hearts.

For Chen Jianghai's orders, they will obey without hesitation.

Chen Jianghai said very simply: "Everyone has a good rest first, I will let Aiguo give each of you a big red envelope."

Hearing this, Fang Aiguo's team became even happier, and immediately burst into laughter, all thanking Chen Jianghai.

To be able to accomplish such a big thing and to get a lot of salary, for them, they were already satisfied.

But now that Chen Jianghai promised a big red envelope, they were looking forward to it even more.

With Chen Jianghai's generosity, this red envelope must be huge!

At the same time Except for those traitors who insisted on shorting Xiangjiang, the rest were cheering and celebrating the victory of Xiangjiang.

Sotts' attack has failed completely, that is to say, the future of Xiangjiang will be good again.

For tomorrow, the citizens of Hong Kong at this time are full of confidence.

Of course, they know that the reason why Xiangjiang can get such a result is inseparable from one person.

This person is Chen Jianghai from the mainland of the motherland!

After this battle, Chen Jianghai is a heroic existence in the hearts of all the citizens of Heung Kong.