Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1574: good name

Chapter 1574 This name is good

The whole production process went smoothly, but it took a bit of time. After the baby was born, Lin Wanqiu was already exhausted.

After receiving this good news, Lin Wanqiu no longer had any worries in her heart, a burst of tiredness struck, and she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

After the lights in the delivery room went out, Chen Jianghai came to Lin Wanqiu's side for the first time. Seeing that Lin Wanqiu was fine, he felt relieved.

At this moment, Wang Shufen, a grandmother, was holding her newborn grandson, her face full of joy.

The family followed Lin Wanqiu's bed in a hurry.

"Jiang Hai, is there any problem with Wan Qiu?"

Wang Shufen looked at Lin Wanqiu, who had fallen asleep, and couldn't help but care.

As a father, Lin Jianguo looked at his haggard, sleeping daughter with worry on his face.

At this moment, Xue Chunli, who is a mother, has tears in her eyes.

She knew very well how much her daughter had suffered for this child.

Chen Jianghai quickly replied: "Parents, don't worry, Wanqiu has nothing to do, she's just too tired and needs to rest now."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is nothing wrong with Lin Wanqiu, that is the best news.

At this time, everyone didn't speak, lest it would affect Lin Wanqiu's rest and wake her up.

Chen Jianghai followed his gaze to his son, and was full of joy.

"Look at those eyes, this nose, it really looks like Wan Qiu."

Chen Jianghai reached out and touched it lightly.

Chen Liye nodded quickly and said with a smile on his face: "This little guy cried loudly just now, and he will definitely be a great guy in the future."

The others also nodded in agreement.

The healthy birth of a new baby fills everyone's heart with joy.

Right now it is in the ward, otherwise the elders may not be able to help celebrate each other.

Later, Chen Jianghai asked Chen Liye and the others to carry the baby to the next room, so that the little guy would cry again and make Lin Wanqiu rest.

Now Lin Wanqiu thinks that she is very tired and needs a good rest to recover her strength.

When Chen Liye and the others saw Chen Jianghai speak, they hurriedly carried the baby to the next door.

In the eyes of many people, the newly born baby is naturally very important.

But in Chen Jianghai's eyes, his wife Lin Wanqiu is the most important.

After they left, Chen Jianghai sat beside Lin Wanqiu's bed and looked at the sleeping Lin Wanqiu and was reluctant to look away.

Seeing Lin Wanqiu's pale face, Chen Jianghai felt pity in his heart.

Chen Jianghai knew very well in his heart that the reason why Lin Wanqiu insisted on having this child was actually entirely for him.

Now that this wish has been fulfilled, Chen Jianghai has also made a decision, and he will never have children in the future.

After more than an hour, Lin Wanqiu woke up.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu's face was still pale, and Chen Jianghai was heartbroken.

"Jiang Hai, where's the baby?"

As soon as Lin Wanqiu woke up, she couldn't wait to ask.

Chen Jianghai said quickly: "Don't worry, parents are watching the baby next door, how are you feeling?"

"Come on, bring the baby over and show it to me."

Lin Wanqiu said urgently.

Chen Jianghai wiped the sweat from Lin Wanqiu's forehead and said, "Wanqiu, take a good rest first, and look at it later."

Seeing Chen Jianghai say this, Lin Wanqiu was shocked, and the anxiety on his face became more intense.

Is there something wrong with the baby?

Thinking of this, Lin Wanqiu felt even more anxious, struggling to get up.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai quickly stopped her and said, "Okay, okay, don't get up, I'll ask my parents to carry the baby over."

He knew that Lin Wanqiu would definitely not be relieved if he didn't hug him.

The reason why Chen Jianghai didn't bring the baby here was because he wanted Lin Wanqiu to have a good rest.

Now it seems that Lin Wanqiu's wish must be fulfilled.

As a mother, she will feel at ease only when she sees her baby.

Follow Chen Jianghai to the next door and ask them to carry the baby over first.

Sure enough, seeing that the baby was all right, Lin Wanqiu was relieved and a smile appeared on her face.

Lin Jianguo asked aside, "Jiang Hai, Wan Qiu, have you thought of the child's name?"

Chen Jianghai glanced at Lin Wanqiu, obviously wanting to ask for her opinion.

Lin Wanqiu finally looked at Chen Liye and said with a smile, "Dad, please name the child!"

The last time Huanhuan was born, Chen Jianghai decided directly on the name.

At that time, Lin Wanqiu felt that something was wrong.

When choosing a name, the opinions of parents are important, but it is best to follow the opinions of grandparents.

So this time, Lin Wanqiu directly handed over the task of naming to Chen Liye, the grandfather.

Chen Liye was very happy to hear it, and nodded hastily: "Okay, no problem, no problem!"

Lin Wanqiu's ability to do this is a respect for his father-in-law.

Then, Chen Liye frowned and thought hard.

The people in the room were not in a hurry, waiting for Chen Liye to choose a good name.

"Otherwise, let's call it Chen Leping. I hope this child will have a happy life and be safe. Let's just call him Lele. He just happens to be a pair with his sister, happy and happy!"

After Chen Liye thought for a moment, he raised his head and said.

Hearing this name, Lin Jianguo and the others did not express their opinions first, but looked at Chen Jianghai subconsciously.

Apparently they felt that this matter ultimately depends on Chen Jianghai's meaning.

Chen Jianghai did not speak, but looked at Lin Wanqiu with a smile.

Lin Wanqiu was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood what Chen Jianghai meant, and then nodded with a smile, "Dad, this name is good."

Suddenly, the room was full of laughter.

Lin Jianguo said with a smile on his face: "My family, this name is good. In the future, Lele will definitely become an indomitable and useful talent like his father."

Hearing Lin Jianguo's words, Chen Liye smiled and everyone became happier.

Chen Jianghai is so excellent, of course, his father has no dog, and the future of his son Chen Leping will not be much worse.

For the next few days, Chen Jianghai stayed with Lin Wanqiu.

In fact, at this time, Lin Wanqiu could already be discharged from the hospital.

The doctor also specially reminded.

However, Chen Jianghai was somewhat uneasy and insisted on staying in the hospital for two more days.

According to his idea, if something happens, you can call a doctor in time, which is more convenient and quick.

On the fourth day, Lin Wanqiu couldn't live anymore, she told Chen Jianghai that she wanted to go home.

A place like a Lin Wanqiu doesn't like it very much.

Even if she lives in the intensive care unit now, she has nothing missing, and she still feels like she lives like a year.

Chen Jianghai estimated that if Lin Wanqiu was allowed to continue living, she would definitely not be able to bear it, so she nodded in agreement.

Chen Jianghai greeted Yan Fei and asked him to go through the discharge procedures quickly.

Yan Fei's efficiency was good. It only took less than half an hour to complete the procedures.

After saying hello to the doctor, Chen Jianghai took his wife and children and went home happily.