Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1610: what is the last one

Chapter 1610 What is the last one

The two did not speak, but turned their eyes on Chen Jianghai again, quietly waiting for his next words.

Since Chen Jianghai said this, he must have his reasons.

Chen Jianghai looked at the two and explained with a slight smile, "Actually, there are several types of this model."

"The first one is to limit the number of free users to use.

After you exceed the number of free usage, you will have to pay for it. "

"As for the second one, it's a limited free trial.

The specific functions that free users can use are limited, and free users can only use a few specific functions.

If you want to use other functions, you have to pay. "

"The third trial period is free.

It is free for users during the trial period, and will naturally be charged after the trial period. "

"The fourth is that basic functions are free, and other special functions are charged."

"Take your WPS as an example. Basic operations are free. If you want to be faster and more convenient, you will need to pay extra."

"About this second profit model, there are roughly the same."

Qiu Wangshan and Lei Dajun looked at each other, their eyes full of hope and doubts.

I have to say that the two profit methods mentioned by Chen Jianghai are really suitable for the free model and have strong operability.

Lei Dajun asked: "Mr. Chen, in fact, there are many aspects of this second method similar to the first method!"

"It's almost the same, but there are differences."

Chen Jianghai nodded slightly, and said a simple sentence without excessive explanation.

Qiu Wangshan asked another question: "Mr. Chen, if you were asked to work in the Internet industry, which profit model do you think you would use?"

This question can be said to be the center of gravity.

In Qiu Wangshan's view, these two profit methods are very good.

However, if Chen Jianghai were to choose, what would he choose?

Is it the one that Chen Jianghai chose, the best one?

Chen Jianghai laughed when he heard it.

After laughing for a while, he put away his smile and said sternly: "You two, don't be too limited in your thinking. You must know that in a brand-new industry like the Internet, if your thinking is limited, it will definitely not last long."

Qiu Wangshan and Lei Dajun looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "Actually, the Internet industry does not say which profit model is good and which profit model is bad."

"It can only be said that the one that is more suitable is the best! As for how to choose a profit model, it mainly depends on your product."

Chen Jianghai's remarks can be said to be like an enlightenment, completely awakening Qiu Wangshan and Lei Dajun who were in a state of confusion.

They never thought that they would hear such a novel remark from Chen Jianghai today.

More importantly, Chen Jianghai's remarks completely opened a new door to the Internet for them.

At this time, the two had considerable admiration for Chen Jianghai.

Both of them admired in their hearts that Chen Jianghai was able to come up with such a magical model.

Awesome, simply amazing!

Another point, that is, Chen Jianghai told them without reservation.

The Internet industry can be said to be an emerging industry in China, with an extremely broad market and huge benefits.

However, Chen Jianghai did not treasure himself, but shared all the things he thought of with the two of them.

In the eyes of Qiu Wangshan and Lei Dajun, this is really great.

If they swapped identities, they asked themselves that they couldn't do it at all.

At the beginning, Lei Dajun directly held a negative attitude towards Chen Jianghai's free mode, and was very disgusted in his heart.

As for Qiu Wangshan, it was a dubious attitude.

It is precisely because of this that the two people will come to Qiuhai again and want to discuss this issue face to face with Chen Jianghai.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's answer, they realized that the two of them and the one in front of them were not qualified to use the word "discussion" at all.

It would be more appropriate to ask for advice.

"Mr. Chen, I am really glad that you are not from the Internet industry.

Otherwise, there is really nothing to do with us. "

Qiu Wangshan said with a sigh of relief.

No wonder he was so emotional.

In today's China, the Internet has just started.

It can be said that there are quite a few Internet companies in the true sense, and more are just toddlers like Jinshan, trying to find a way to survive.

As for wanting to make a profit, this goal seems very confusing.

It is precisely because of this that the competition in the industry is not very fierce.

It's really hard for Qiu Wangshan to imagine that when everyone's strength is very low, suddenly a Chen Jianghai, Huaxia's entire Internet industry, does not know what the situation will be.

By that time, I am afraid that no one will be Chen Jianghai's opponent.

After all, Chen Jianghai has abundant funds on the one hand, and such advanced concepts on the other hand.

In their view it is simply invincible.

In fact, what Qiu Wangshan and the others didn't know was that Chen Jianghai had already established himself in the Internet industry.

When the domestic Internet environment improves, it will be time for Chen Jianghai to exert his strength.

The free model will let people like Qiu Wangshan know what the real Internet economy era is.

Facing such praise, Chen Jianghai just waved his hand slightly, and said in a very indifferent tone: "Mr. Qiu is joking, I'm just talking on paper."

For Chen Jianghai's modesty, Qiu Wangshan and Lei Dajun were dumbfounded.

If they can talk so well on paper, what's the matter with the two pragmatists!


People can think of these things without doing this industry.

The two of them have been in the business for so long, but they have no idea.

The difference here is really stark.

Compared with Qiu Wanshan's admiration for Chen Jianghai, Lei Dajun cares about another thing.

He asked sincerely: "Mr. Chen, you said before that there are three profit models. I don't know what the last one is?"

It can be seen that Lei Dajun is very curious about these three modes.

Chen Jianghai smiled and explained, "Actually, in my opinion, this third model is not very realistic to implement at present. It is almost the same with the first two models."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Lei Dajun became even more curious.

"Mr. Chen, can't you tell us a little bit?"

Lei Dajun's face was full of curiosity, and his tone also contained a hint of pleading.

Chen Jianghai's first two have deeply convinced him.

Now for this third one, he is even more looking forward to it.

Lei Dajun asked this, but Chen Jianghai didn't hide it from him.

I just heard Chen Jianghai answer with a smile: "It's actually very simple, that is the big data collection mode."

Hearing this term, Lei Dajun's eyes suddenly lit up with a frenzy on his face.

He felt that what Chen Jianghai was going to say next would definitely exceed his imagination.