Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1692: People spend their whole life playing 5

Chapter 1692 People play five **** all their lives

There are thousands of people in this world, and everyone has different thoughts and personalities.

Managing a group of people is definitely not an easy task.

With Chen Xiaolong's current age and ability, it is very difficult to do this.

Or, most people can't do that.

In the past few years, Chen Xiaolong has met many people and visited many enterprises, which can be regarded as accumulating a lot of experience.

But if you really want to say that you can completely manage people, I am afraid there is only one person.

This person is Chen Jianghai.

When Qiuhai went up and down, no one dared not to listen to Chen Jianghai's words.

Chen Xiaolong really admires Chen Jianghai for being able to do this.

It is mainly Chen Xiaolong himself, who has also suffered a lot in this regard.

Although Chen Xiaolong is now the head of the store, he has a lot of power and a lot of staff, but if he wants to be convincing, he is far from reaching this level.

In last year's work, Chen Xiaolong had encountered several times of yang and yin disobedience.

But in the end, he had no choice but to open one eye and close the other, and then found an opportunity to beat him properly, and the other party finally restrained.

But if he really wants to deal with it as resolutely as Chen Jianghai, he doesn't have the courage yet.

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, and then asked again: "Then why do you think the employees below will not obey your management?"

This question seems very simple, but the situation is varied, so Chen Xiaolong didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Of course, Chen Jianghai didn't expect Chen Xiaolong to answer this question. After he thought about it for a while, he said lightly, "Why don't you first find the reason for such a thing?"

This answer caused Chen Xiaolong to be stunned for a moment, then suddenly he lowered his head and did not dare to look into Chen Jianghai's eyes again.

Regarding this issue, Chen Xiaolong really never thought to find the reason in himself.

In his opinion, the reason for the problem is that his subordinates are not satisfied.

Chen Jianghai raised three fingers and said patiently, "As long as you do three points, you can make most employees obey you."

"The first is that you lead by example.

Second, be relatively fair and just.

Third, there is a perfect reward and punishment system. "

Chen Xiaolong nodded while listening, keeping Chen Jianghai's words firmly in his heart.

Chen Xiaohu has a different view on this issue.

He frowned and hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Brother, we paid them wages, shouldn't they listen to us honestly?"

Hearing Chen Xiaohu say this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing.

Looking at his still a little green face, Chen Jianghai shook his head secretly, this cousin of his own is still too young.

Chen Jianghai looked at Chen Xiaohu and then at Chen Xiaolong, and said unhurriedly, "The two of you must remember one thing, that is, don't think about controlling others."

"Everyone in this world has their own ideas.

If you want to impose your own ideas on others, it is unrealistic. "

"Even if you can make others submit in the short term, it will definitely not be a good thing in the long run."

"The only thing we can do is control ourselves.

Do what you have to do and don't do what you can't do. "

Having said the words of admonition, Chen Jianghai didn't want to say anything more.

Talking too much is not good for the two of them.

The world view of the two people has been formed, and it is not realistic to want to change.

In other words, Chen Jianghai does not expect to make them change with just a few words.

All Chen Jianghai can do is to let them understand what can and cannot be done.

To change the world view, they can only do it themselves, through learning, through experience, a little accumulation and make changes.

The two brothers each asked a question, and Chen Jianghai was responsible for answering them.

Even if Chen Jianghai's goal today has been achieved.

Whether they can do it in the end, and what it will be like, depends on their own comprehension.

Before leaving, Chen Jianghai gave them a message.

"There is a famous corporate boss who said that people play five **** in their life, family, work, health, friends and soul."

"Of the five balls, only the work is made of rubber.

The harder you hit the ground, the harder it bounces back. "

"The other four **** were made of glass and it shattered when it fell on the ground."

"I hope you can play these five **** well and make your life more exciting."

Chen Jianghai's remarks contained his expectations for the two brothers.

It is hoped that the brothers Chen Xiaohu and Chen Xiaolong will be able to link the past, set an example, and inspire more family members, so that the Chen family may develop into a big family that can flourish.

After saying this, Chen Jianghai stood up directly.

When the brothers Chen Xiaolong and Chen Xiaohu saw this, they also stood up and looked at Chen Jianghai eagerly.

"Tonight, you can do whatever you want, and there will be no such opportunity in the future."

After speaking, Chen Jianghai turned around and left.

In the private room, Chen Xiaolong and Chen Xiaohu looked at each other, not understanding what Chen Jianghai meant.

After Chen Jianghai went out, the two brothers also understood.

In the future, Chen Jianghai's requirements for them may be quite strict.

Tonight may be their only chance to be arrogant.

However, the two did not disappoint Chen Jianghai. After a brief discussion, they went out directly.

Chen Jianghai, the elder brother, had such high expectations for them, and they naturally didn't want to disappoint Chen Jianghai.

Instead of starting tomorrow, start today, start this moment!

If they want to achieve Chen Jianghai's expectations, they must work harder.

Seeing the two brothers chasing after him, Chen Jianghai was very satisfied.

In any case, it was beyond Chen Jianghai's expectation that the two brothers could make such a decision.

In Chen Jianghai's view, both of them are still young, and their ability to resist temptation is still weak.

But judging from the performance of the two brothers today, Chen Jianghai obviously missed the point.

Of course, it is better to say that Chen Xiaolong and the others have a very good idol who has set an example for them, rather than Chen Jianghai.

And this idol is Chen Jianghai himself.

Chen Jianghai's career has grown from nothing, from small to large, from weak to strong.

Along the way the two brothers are all watching.

Without Chen Jianghai, there would be no Qiuhai today.

Chen Jianghai's way of life and the compliments of the elders in the family, the two brothers really didn't listen to them less, and their ears were almost full of cocoons.

In this case, Chen Jianghai has long become the idol of the two brothers.

Now that Chen Jianghai has such high expectations for them, they naturally don't want to disappoint Chen Jianghai.

In other words, they did not dare to disappoint Chen Jianghai.