Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1720: Happiness, sometimes it's that simple

Chapter 1720 Happiness is sometimes that simple

In general, the program begins with a few words from the host, which is very old-fashioned.

The opening of the super girl directly makes people feel bright.

At the beginning of the show, more than a dozen models walked the catwalk, which brought the atmosphere of the whole scene to its climax.

After the show, the host came on stage to announce the start of the competition.

Before the competition, a VCR of the contestants will be played for about half a minute.

In this way, the audience can get to know the contestants better.

The whole opening ceremony was very amazing, and the beginning was not delayed.

It can be said that this beginning has already attracted many audiences.

The atmosphere at the beginning is not comparable to other programs.

When Chen Liye and the others saw the beginning, they were all attracted.

For a while, the entire hall was quiet, only the sound from the TV.

Seeing Chen Liye and the others like this, Chen Jianghai felt relieved.

If Chen Liye and the others can accept it at their age, let alone others.

The popularity of a program means that its ratings will not be much worse.

If a show is watched by only a fixed part of the population, its ratings will definitely not be so good.

For the next period of time, the family's mind was on the TV.

At half past nine, Lin Wanqiu suddenly snorted.

Chen Jianghai hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Wanqiu blushed and explained to him a little embarrassedly, "It's too late, the child is going to bed."

At this time, Chen Liye and the others discovered that it was half past nine before they knew it.

This show is really good, time flies so fast, and before you know it, two hours have passed.

"Jiang Hai, what time does this show end?"

Lin Wanqiu turned her head and asked.

Chen Jianghai replied, "It should be half past ten!"

Lin Wanqiu felt reluctant to hear this.

It's such a shame to miss this show.

"Will it be replayed tomorrow?"

Lin Wanqiu looked at Chen Jianghai with hope and asked.

Hearing this question, Chen Jianghai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know this, do you want me to ask you?"

"No, it's so late."

Lin Wanqiu quickly shook her head and said, "I'd better take them to bed first!"

Chen Liye nodded and said, "Yes, it's time for children to grow up, so they must not stay up late.

Still have to go to bed early. "

After finishing speaking, Lin Wanqiu hugged Lele and walked upstairs with Huanhuan in one hand.

"Mom, I still have to watch, I don't want to sleep yet."

Huanhuan has a face of reluctance.

As for Xiaoxiao, although she was also reluctant, she still obediently went back to her room.

Hearing Huanhuan say this, Lin Wanqiu's face suddenly became serious.

"Huanhuan, are you not listening to your mother?"

Seeing Lin Wanqiu's appearance, Huanhuan hurriedly cast a look of help to Chen Jianghai.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai can only spread his hands and show Huanhuan a helpless expression.

At this time, Wang Shufen coaxed, "Huanhuan, obey me, and go to bed with my mother."

Now that's all right, Huanhuan can only pouted and followed Lin Wanqiu upstairs reluctantly.

Lin Wanqiu is quite strict when it comes to managing children.

If Chen Jianghai and the others doted on Huanhuan too much, Lin Wanqiu would say it directly.

Everyone in the family knew that Lin Wanqiu did this purely for the sake of the children.

After thinking about this, they didn't say anything else.

In fact, it was mainly Chen Jianghai's attitude that influenced Chen Liye and Wang Shufen, who were grandparents.

It's true that Huanhuan is their granddaughter, but Lin Wanqiu is Huanhuan's mother, and she has rights no matter what.

Chen Jianghai respected Lin Wanqiu very much.

Chen Jianghai never interfered in Lin Wanqiu's education of children.

Everyone has different education methods, and Chen Jianghai doesn't want to interfere too much.

Just like Chen Jianghai, his education method is very simple.

It is enough to give children a happy and happy growth environment.

Children who grow up in such an environment will not be too bad in character.

The premise is that someone can control them.

Chen Jianghai and Lin Wanqiu like this, one sings the red face and the other sings the white face, loving parents and strict mothers, it is true that the division of labor is clear.

Lin Wanqiu is more strict with her, there is no harm.

Unless Lin Wanqiu has done too much, Chen Jianghai will remind him a word or two.

It's so late now, Huanhuan, it's time for them to go to bed.

Continue to toss, it's not good for them.

Chen Jianghai watched for a while, thinking that Huanhuan should have fallen asleep, and then stood up.

"Mom and dad, you both go to bed earlier, I'll go upstairs first."

Chen Jianghai said.

Chen Liye and Wang Shufen were all focused on the TV at this time.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, he waved his hand to show that he knew.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jianghai smiled and shook his head, then went upstairs.

When he came upstairs, Huanhuan was already asleep.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu was holding Lele and humming a little tune.

Seeing Chen Jianghai come in, Lin Wanqiu hurriedly signaled him not to speak.

Chen Jianghai nodded and walked to the bed gently, daring not to make any unnecessary noise.

In this way, Chen Jianghai sat beside the bed and quietly watched Lin Wanqiu coax Lele to sleep.

This scene made Chen Jianghai very calm.

Happiness, sometimes it's that simple.

Within a few minutes, Lele was already asleep.

Sometimes Chen Jianghai really envy children, can sleep so fast.

Seeing that Lele was asleep, Lin Wanqiu gently placed him on the cot, lest it would disturb him.

Wang Shufen originally wanted to take Huanhuan to sleep with her, but Lin Wanqiu refused.

In Lin Wanqiu's view, children should spend more time with their parents.

If children spend too much time with their grandparents, their feelings for their parents will fade a lot.

This was something Lin Wanqiu could not accept no matter what.

Chen Jianghai said softly, "Would you like to go down and watch TV for a while?

I'm watching here. "

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Lin Wanqiu smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "No need, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

The TV is nice, but for Lin Wanqiu, a mother, sleeping is a big deal.

Chen Jianghai nodded, then said with a smile, "Okay, rest early!"

For Chen Jianghai, it may be a common thing to rest early.

But for Qi Jingyi, this is not an easy task.

The future of the entire Xijiang TV station is all on his shoulders.

If Qi Jingyi doesn't do it well, it means that Xijiang TV Station will continue to maintain this half-dead situation.

This is something Qi Jingyi absolutely does not want to see.

It is precisely because of this that Qi Jingyi took the liberty to come to Chen Jianghai in that situation, hoping that Chen Jianghai could help.

In fact, he didn't have much hope for this at first.

But even if there is only one in ten thousand hope, Qi Jingyi is willing to give it a try.