Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1750: This slogan is so amazing

Chapter 1750 This slogan is really amazing

"Then you can ask reporter Li to ask questions at a leisurely pace."

Chen Jianghai waved his hand and said.

Li Shuangyu smiled slightly, but did not answer.

Chen Jianghai was present in person, but she did not dare to ask too sharp questions.

Besides, even if he asked, who would be embarrassed by then.

Later, Chen Congjun took Chen Jianghai and Li Shuangyu to visit the entire Chenjia Village.

Before that, Li Shuangyu had visited Chenjia Village once.

At that time, Chenjia Village had not yet developed, and there was still a big gap between it and now.

Looking at the current Chenjia Village, Li Shuangyu is also full of admiration.

In just a few short years, Li Shuangyu was very surprised that Chenjiacun had undergone such a huge change.

"Mr. Chen, Chenjiacun has changed so much that I can't recognize it."

Li Shuangyu pointed around and couldn't help but sigh.

Chen Jianghai laughed and said: "If you think it's good here, you can play here for two more days."

"Mr. Chen, I don't have time for this program. I will definitely come over next time I have the opportunity."

Li Shuangyu said seriously.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

Then, the shooting mission officially began.

The first link, of course, is to take a general picture of the whole village.

During this period, some problems of Li Shuangyu will also be mixed.

In this link, Chen Congjun is the protagonist who does his part.

Chen Jianghai was with the two of them the whole time and rarely spoke.

Apart from speaking when necessary, Chen Jianghai kept smiling the whole time and tried not to make a sound while looking at the camera.

The theme of this show is about the changes in Chenjiacun. Naturally, Li Shuangyu can't give all the problems to Chen Jianghai as soon as he comes up.

This is what the leaders of Taili meant, but Li Shuangyu didn't want to do it.

At least in the first half, the focus must be on Chenjia Village.

Otherwise, it will be arrogant and lose its original intention.

After the overall introduction, Chen Congjun breathed a sigh of relief.

I said so much just now, but fortunately nothing went wrong.

Seeing that the question about Chenjiacun was almost over, Li Shuangyu brought the question to Chen Jianghai.

Chen Congjun also knew at this time that it was time for Chen Jianghai.

Li Shuangyu and the others said they were here to interview Chenjiacun, but the focus was still on Chen Jianghai.

Next, Chen Congjun consciously gave up time and played the role that Chen Jianghai just played.

Li Shuangyu was not polite, and asked Chen Jianghai if he had any questions, and directly put Chen Congjun aside.

Chen Congjun was not angry, but instead cooperated with Li Shuangyu with a smile.

After asking a few questions, Chen Congjun took everyone to the land behind the farmhouse.

There is a large lawn here, which is all green at a glance, which is particularly pleasing to the eye.

Chen Congjun asked the villagers to spread a few blankets on the ground, just like tourists usually play.

"When tourists come here, they all sit here and watch the scenery."

Chen Congjun introduced.

Li Shuangyu looked around, the scenery here is really good.

"Mr. Chen, don't mind sitting here for our interview!"

Li Shuangyu asked with a smile.

Chen Jianghai nodded, I naturally don't mind.

Then, the three of them sat down directly on the grass.

The general situation of Chenjia Village has been filmed just now, and the next thing is about some interview questions.

The subject of today's interview is Chen Jiacun, and the first question is naturally Chen Congjun.

After asking Chen Congjun, Li Shuangyu asked Chen Jianghai the next questions.

Chen Jianghai is naturally quite cooperative, knowing everything and saying everything.

Chen Congjun was answering about the situation in Chenjia Village.

Overall, the cooperation between the three is quite good.

After chatting for a while, Li Shuangyu asked such a question.

"Mr. Chen, if you contributed money to help Chenjiacun, did you have any other purpose besides being your hometown?"

Facing Li Shuangyu's question, Chen Jianghai was slightly taken aback.

Chen Jianghai did this mainly to help Chen Congjun.

But in front of the TV, Chen Jianghai naturally couldn't say that.

If you want to make Chenjiacun's reputation louder, the purpose must be higher.

"I think China's economic development is very fast now, which is unique in the world."

Regarding China's economic growth, it is now an issue that the whole country attaches great importance to.

Chen Jianghai said this, directly affirming the achievements of China's economic reform in recent years.

Regarding Chen Jianghai's conclusion, Li Shuangyu nodded lightly in agreement.

Li Shuangyu knew that what Chen Jianghai said was a bit exaggerated, but in this case, she would naturally nod in agreement.

Moreover, China's economic achievements in recent years are indeed obvious to all.

Even if it is now affected by the financial turmoil, it is still increasing, not declining.

At the same time, the government has also introduced a series of policies to minimize the impact of the financial crisis.

In general, the future of China's economy is promising, which is the consensus of almost everyone and cannot be denied.

"I think if China wants to revive, the countryside must be revitalized."

Chen Jianghai then expressed his views very simply.

Hearing this point of view, Li Shuangyu's eyes lit up slightly.

Subsequently, Chen Jianghai began to analyze the characteristics of the domestic economy, that is, the concentration of labor-intensive enterprises.

In this case, the labor force in rural areas will become less and less.

There is no labor force in the countryside, so it is not realistic for the countryside to develop.

At that time, China's urban economic construction will get better and better, but the rural areas will be more and more backward.

While developing the urban economy, we should also pay attention to the rural economy.

The two should work side by side to quickly meet the requirements of economic growth.

Chen Jianghai's suggestion surprised Li Shuangyu.

Now everyone in the country believes that developing the urban economy is the most important thing.

As for the countryside, not many people care at all.

Many people even have a wrong view, that is, the backward countryside is a drag on China's economy.

In fact, this view is quite wrong.

Rural economy is an important part of China's economy. Without this part, China's economy will not be complete.

At that time, even if the city develops well, the countryside will be empty after all.

Before this, everyone thought that the economic development of the countryside was not very important.

This point of view that Chen Jianghai now puts forward can be said to stand on the opposite side of everyone.

However, Li Shuangyu thought that what Chen Jianghai said was very reasonable.

Especially Chen Jianghai's sentence: "If China is to revitalize, the countryside must be revitalized".

This slogan is really amazing.

Just based on this Jianghai's point of view, I will never go wrong.

At this time, Li Shuangyu still didn't know what kind of storm Chen Jianghai said would form.

Chen Jianghai continued to explain: "The economic strength of a country can be described by the bucket effect."

"Huaxia's comprehensive economic strength is calculated based on the weakest link."

"In this case, the backwardness of the rural economy will inevitably affect the overall economic strength of Huaxia."
