Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1771: This time is too sensitive

Chapter 1771 This time point is too sensitive

It is understandable that many people have no confidence in national enterprises.

At present, China's economic pillar is mainly light industrial manufacturing.

To put it horribly, it is basically a foundry.

Being a foundry can make quick money, but don't think too much about technology.

It is precisely because of this that Qiuhai with technology can rise in such a short period of time and become a unique and unshakable existence in China.

Now Qiuhai has to face the challenges from big foreign brands, which is a very difficult level.

What's more, what Qiuhai faced this time was not one foreign-funded enterprise, but several.

And they joined forces to launch an attack on Qiuhai.

In the face of such a huge impact, it is normal for domestic consumers not to be optimistic about Qiuhai.

They think that the autumn sea, which has been beautiful for a while, may be the last glorious period of time.

Everyone, whether they support or oppose Qiuhai, is not optimistic about this incident.

At this time, except for Qiuhai's people and those who believed in Chen Jianghai, the rest did not believe that Qiuhai could continue to create miracles under the leadership of Chen Jianghai and survive this test.

Early the next morning, Chen Jianghai received many calls.

Feng Zongxian, Gu Yanping, Chen Jiangshan, Chen Shuyao and others all called in person.

The purpose of their call is also very simple, just to know what Chen Jianghai thinks.

At the same time, they also expressed their attitudes unconditionally, as long as Chen Jianghai does not give up, they will support Chen Jianghai unconditionally.

After receiving their call, Chen Jianghai was somewhat moved.

For this matter, his attitude is very obvious.

No matter what the foreign-funded enterprise does, Qiuhai will never back down, and must fight it to the end, showing the ambition and momentum of the Huaxia brand.

After hearing Chen Jianghai's decision, everyone was more worried while admiring it.

Qiu Hai's opponent this time is too powerful, and it seems impossible to defeat it at all.

For Qiuhai's future, no one can predict what kind of trend it will be.

As for Chen Jianghai, he is naturally full of confidence in Qiuhai's future development.

No matter what kind of opponent, Chen Jianghai believes that Qiuhai can deal with it calmly, and then win the final victory, from one glory to another.

At this time, the news of Qiuhai's release of new products also spread in China.

For Qiu Hai's move, many people were very surprised.

They thought that Qiuhai would be silent, but they really never thought that Qiuhai would make such a decision.

Doing so is equivalent to declaring war on these foreign companies.

Fiercely facing foreign companies, and still declaring war on so many companies in one breath, I am afraid that no one in national enterprises would dare to do so.

For Qiu Hai's move, most people are not optimistic.

You know, Qiuhai released not a new product, but many models.

The opponents of these products are the new products that foreign companies have just launched recently.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is definitely not a coincidence that so many foreign companies are attacking Qiuhai at the same time, it is obviously premeditated.

This move of Qiuhai shows that he is going to fight with these old-fashioned foreign companies.

If it is just a single product, many people think that Qiuhai still has a chance.

The so-called two fists are invincible to four hands. Now that the battle line is stretched so long, the key is that the opponents are very strong. Under this situation, Qiu Hai's chances of winning are not large.

Everyone thought Qiu Hai's move was too arrogant.

Chinese people still think so, let alone those old-fashioned foreign companies.

They were a little worried at first after seeing Qiuhai react in such a short period of time and then release a new product.

When they reacted, they thought Qiu Hai was just bluffing.

This move of Qiuhai can be said to be in their favor.

Ever since they released new products, they have been following Qiuhai's actions.

What they are most afraid of now is that Qiuhai will not respond.

Then they release new products, the impact on Qiuhai will be minimized.

If Qiuhai really does this, these old-fashioned foreign companies really have nothing to do with Qiuhai.

What they didn't expect was that Qiuhai chose to respond directly, and his attitude was so tough.

Qiuhai doing this is naturally the best news for these veteran foreign companies.

As long as Qiuhai was involved in this war, it would not be so easy for him to get out easily.

As for the new products released by Qiuhai, foreign-funded enterprises simply did not take it to heart.

In their opinion, those new products released by Qiuhai are definitely gimmicks.

When Qiuhai launched their new product, they kept emphasizing that they used new technology.

Foreign companies believe that Qiuhai is just bragging and making false propaganda.

Is the new technology so well developed?

If it is really such a good research and development, foreign companies will not be overwhelmed by Qiuhai in the past few years.

Another point is that this time point is too sensitive.

If Qiuhai really has a new technology, why did it wait until now to announce it?

There are new technologies that are not on the market, wait until the opponent makes a move, and then bring out the technology?

To sum up, these old-fashioned foreign companies believe that Qiuhai has no new technology at all, and at best is just stealing the concept.

The so-called new technology is nothing more than Qiuhai exaggerating propaganda and fooling consumers.

The reason why Qiuhai did this was simply to take advantage of the national sentiments of Chinese consumers and to revert the unfavorable situation.

In fact, the veteran foreign companies had anticipated this from the very beginning, but they didn't expect Qiuhai's reaction to be so fierce and his tactics so radical.

They wished that the current Qiuhai could attract enough attention, and made a fool of it.

The more attention it attracts now, the heavier the losses Qiuhai will suffer in the future.

It is best to let Huaxia consumers know that when the truth is revealed, Qiuhai will lose even more.


The next morning, when Chen Jianghai was about to go out, Chen Liye suddenly stopped him.

"Jiang Hai, has nothing happened to your company recently?"

Chen Liye pulled Chen Jianghai aside, lowered his voice slightly and asked cautiously.

Last night, Chen Liye had seen the relevant news.

In this case Chen Liye was naturally very worried.

Those foreign companies are so mobilized, will they have any bad influence on Qiuhai?

Of course, Chen Liye didn't want to affect his family, and he was afraid that they would also worry, so he was so cautious, lest they would hear him.

Seeing Chen Liye's expression, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly and comforted him: "Dad, it's nothing, you don't have to worry too much, I already have a way to deal with it, there will be no problem."

Seeing that his son said so confidently and still looked relaxed, Chen Liye breathed a sigh of relief.