Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1838: 1 threshold

Chapter 1838 a threshold

The current state-owned enterprise reform in full swing has caused a lot of turbulence in the overall economy.

Such a thing has no impact on Ma Tian, ​​who is far away in the United States.

At this time, Ma Tian had been in the United States for several years.

The Internet company Ali in his hands has also officially entered the Internet stage in the United States.

According to Chen Jianghai's instructions, Ma Tian came to the United States to study instant messaging software.

This instant messaging software called CC has been developed in the United States for so long, and it can be regarded as a success.

After several years of development, the number of users of CC has exceeded one million.

For this kind of good news, Ma Tian naturally called the ocean phone to tell Chen Jianghai the first time.

At the beginning, Ma Tian had no confidence in developing instant messaging software.

At that time, the global Internet industry was just beginning, and the instant messaging software was even more blank.

At that time, what Ma Tian wanted to develop the most was actually the yellow pages, or an Internet platform.

For Ma Tian's idea, Chen Jianghai denied it.

The reason is also very simple. The current Internet development is still too backward to support Ma Tian’s idea at all.

Such a company can indeed be opened, but if you want to make a lot of money, it is really difficult.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Jianghai proposed to let Ma Tian go to the United States to make an instant messaging software.

As for why it is not done in China, it is naturally because of the existence of sloppy leaps.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai knows that the United States will more or less suppress Huaxia's companies in the future.

In this case, separating the two companies is the best option.

For future development, Chen Jianghai must make various plans.

If the two companies are using the same instant messaging software, if something goes wrong in the future, the trouble will be big.

Put eggs in different baskets, you can deal with a variety of emergencies.

Being prepared for a rainy day and staying vigilant in times of danger are the basic qualities a successful businessman should possess.

"Mr. Chen, our number of users has exceeded one million."

Ma Tian's excited voice came from the phone.

Chen Jianghai was not too surprised by this number.

Ma Tian has been developing for nearly two years according to his requirements, and has also burned a lot of funds. If there are not even one million users, then Ma Tian and the others will not have to travel thousands of miles to the United States to open a company. Just pack up the bed and go home.

"Good job, what do you think next?"

Chen Jianghai casually encouraged Ma Tian and asked lightly.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's flat tone, the excited Ma Tian calmed down.

It can be seen that Chen Jianghai is not as happy as he thought about this achievement.

In other words, such a result, in Chen Jianghai's eyes, can only be regarded as very general.

After pondering for a while, Ma Tian realized that Chen Jianghai may have higher requirements. If he continues to be complacent, he may be disliked by Chen Jianghai.

This is his own big boss and big financial master, and he must quickly correct his attitude.

When he started this instant messaging software, Ma Tian's idea was very simple. As long as the number of users can reach one million, it is half the success.

Now that this goal has been achieved, Ma Tian is naturally very happy, so he can't wait to call Chen Jianghai to report it as soon as possible.

He did have a little bit of a sense of taking credit, and hoped to get a few words of praise from Chen Jianghai.

After all, it is not easy to be praised by Chen Jianghai.

Ma Tian is also a very confident person, that is, a person like Chen Jianghai can convince him.

Therefore, being able to get the approval of Chen Jianghai is what Ma Tian wants.

It is a pity that this goal is gratifying in Ma Tian's view, but in Chen Jianghai, such achievements seem to be far from enough.

Originally, when Ma Tian reported the news to Chen Jianghai, he just wanted to celebrate in the company and boost morale by the way.

In order to make persistent efforts to move on to the next higher goal.

Now it seems that there is no need to celebrate or anything.

What Ma Tian is most concerned about now is how to answer Chen Jianghai's question so that Chen Jianghai will be slightly satisfied.

Now, with CC's achievements like this, it is natural to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Each of the following stages is very important for CC.

One million instant messaging software users is a threshold.

After this threshold, it is a new world for an instant messaging software.

At this time, CC can't just burn money alone.

Making money is the next most important thing for CC.

When Chen Jianghai asked Ma Tian this question, he just wanted to see what Ma Tian thought.

If you want to occupy a place in the Internet industry, you must have imagination.

Ma Tian frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Mr. Chen, I think it's time to launch a profit model."

Hearing Ma Tian's answer, Chen Jianghai finally showed a satisfied expression on his face.

It seems that Ma Tian has gotten a lot of training in the United States over the years, and he can see the focus of the problem at once.

Now the instant messaging software in Ma Tian's hands is completely free and open.

When this CC was launched, the slogan was free.

It is precisely because of this that it has broken through one million users so quickly.

If you learn other instant messaging software, if you charge from the beginning, it is equivalent to setting a threshold, which will block a lot of people.

If that was the case, this achievement would certainly not have been achieved so quickly.

In the past few years, Chen Jianghai has burned a lot of money.

Now that CC has a sufficient user base, it is time to start thinking about profitability.

A software takes a lot of manpower and material resources to develop and put it into use. To put it bluntly, it is to make money.

Now that the number of users has reached, it is normal to launch a profit model.

Chen Jianghai asked simply, "Tell me what are you going to do?"

"Mr. Chen, I'm going to make money by advertising."

Ma Tian had obviously considered this question before, and answered it almost without hesitation.

Regarding this profit model, Ma Tian was already thinking about it when he started to do CC.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Ma Tian has no clue.

The Internet is still an emerging industry, and everyone is exploring how to make money?

Today companies do not have a good solution.

Later, the establishment of the search company made Ma Tian see a possibility.

The profit model Chen Jianghai used on the search company's engine, Ma Tian felt that it could be used on CC.

Using advertising to make money can be said to be the most stable method at the moment.

At this stage, most of the Internet companies use this profit model.

The profit model mentioned by Chen Jianghai is obviously more advanced than those on the market, and has greater advantages than others.