Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1884: dream life

Chapter 1884 A dreamy life

The first thing is to plant fruit trees on the mountain.

As for low-lying areas, it is planned to dig ponds to build aquaculture bases.

With the increase in the number of tourists, the entire Chenjia Village can no longer accommodate so many tourists.

After these places are developed, the number of tourists can be greatly increased.

In addition, once these things are planted or cultivated, they can increase the income of the farmhouse.

At the same time, there are a lot of things to do in Chenjia Village.

This way, it will attract more tourists.

Chen Congjun knew that it would take some time to achieve this goal.

As long as it is completed, the entire Chenjia Village will really not have to worry about money in the future.

Chen Jianghai gave Chen Congjun some advice, so that he must do a good job in service.

With the rise of Chenjia Village, there are many villages nearby, and they have also started to follow the example and set up farmhouses.

If Chenjiacun wants to maintain its current status, all aspects must be done well.

Especially in the aspect of service, we must pay special attention to it.

As long as the service is good, you are not afraid of being robbed of your business.

What Chen Jianghai said, Chen Congjun naturally kept it firmly in his heart and implemented it without compromise.


The next day, Zhao Rongxin, who had no news for a long time, called Chen Jianghai.

According to Chen Jianghai's previous requirements, Zhao Rongxin put the company's business focus on navigation during this period.

With the support of Qiuhai's own satellites, the research and development of navigation is quite easy.

So far, Zhao Rongxin's R&D team has successfully made a navigation software.

Now the practical significance of this navigation software is not very big.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the current network is not developed.

If you want to use this software, the conditions are more stringent.

Chen Jianghai knew very well that as long as this software was made, its future uses would naturally be quite extensive.

When the Internet spreads, this software will come in handy at any time.

After Chen Jianghai found out, he praised Zhao Rongxin well, which made the latter very happy.

Speaking of which, Zhao Rongxin was the first to follow Chen Jianghai.

When Chen Jianghai was still walking the streets to repair electrical appliances, Zhao Rongxin came to help Chen Jianghai.

When Chen Jianghai had a repair shop, Zhao Rongxin became Chen Jianghai's apprentice.

Over the years, Zhao Rongxin's life can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The family built a new house, married a beautiful wife, and a child was born some time ago.

Zhao Rongxin really couldn't imagine that his life would become so dreamy.

Yes, now his life is really described as dreamy.

Before Zhao Rongxin got to know Chen Jianghai, his family could be said to be full of apprentices.

The mother is weak and has been recuperating at home, unable to go out to make money.

His father was illiterate and could only barely support his family by working as a coolie.

With four children in the family, being able to fill the stomach is already the limit.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Rongxin dropped out of school after finishing primary school.

From childhood to adulthood, Zhao Rongxin hadn't eaten much good food, and his clothes were tattered.

At that time, Zhao Rongxin thought his future was hopeless.

When he was still young, he desperately wanted to change the embarrassment in front of him, but he made all kinds of efforts, but found that he couldn't do anything at all.

On the contrary, after a lot of tossing down, life became more and more difficult.

The only thing he can do is to do the housework well, take care of his mother and the younger siblings as much as possible, and share some of the pressure for his father who is always working hard every day and is always exhausted.

When he became an adult, the burden of the family fell directly on him.

My father fell ill from overwork and fell ill in bed, unable to go out to work.

It can be said that the pressure of the family's life suddenly came to Zhao Rongxin's shoulders.

At that time, Zhao Rongxin was really a little desperate.

Fortunately, the appearance of Zhao Changgui changed Zhao Rongxin's life.

Since Zhao Changgui brought him to Chen Jianghai that day, Zhao Rongxin's life seemed to be hanging up.

In the first month, when he returned home with his wages, the whole family cried.

At this time, Zhao Rongxin did not cry, he has been comforting the family.

He told his family that Chen Jianghai was a good person.

In the future, he will always follow Chen Jianghai, earn more and more money, and his family's life will get better and better.

For Zhao Rongxin's remarks, the family actually didn't hold much hope.

In their view, capitalists are ruthless.

The only hope of the family is that Zhao Rongxin can find a way to keep the job.

With his salary, the family's expenses are enough, and there is hope for the future life.

After Chen Jianghai founded Qiuhai, he handed over the entire maintenance department to Zhao Rongxin.

Zhao Rongxin is conscientious and does not dare to relax for a moment, and his craftsmanship is also improving day by day.

Seeing Chen Jianghai's business getting bigger and bigger, Zhao Rongxin didn't have any envy or jealousy.

On the contrary, Zhao Rongxin is sincerely happy for Chen Jianghai.

Since the repair shop was handed over to Zhao Rongxin, Chen Jianghai gave some of the profits he earned to Zhao Rongxin as a bonus.

With this sum of money, Zhao Rong's new family's life began to have great changes.

In just half a year, Zhao Rong's new house built a new house.

This can be said to make the villagers very jealous.

Many people say that Zhao Rongxin stepped on the bad luck to have the good life now.

Zhao Rongxin knew very well that although all of this was the result of his own efforts, in the final analysis, it was given to him by Chen Jianghai.

At this time, Zhao Rongxin only had one idea, that is, to help Chen Jianghai take care of this repair shop, and never let him down.

As for the rest, Zhao Rongxin didn't think about it at all.

During this period, family members and relatives all came to Zhao Rongxin, hoping that Zhao Rongxin could introduce them to work in Qiuhai.

Zhao Rongxin refused without thinking about such a request.

Chen Jianghai gave him such a life, and he can no longer make trouble for Chen Jianghai in turn.

What Zhao Rongxin didn't expect, Chen Jianghai suddenly asked him to go to Jinmen in order to acquire a company.

For this matter, Zhao Rongxin also did not think about it, and agreed directly.

Zhao Rongxin didn't even ask Chen Jianghai why he wanted to acquire such a company, and if he did what he did, would his salary increase.

After receiving the call from Chen Zhao Rongxin closed the maintenance shop, simply cleaned up and went out directly.

In Zhao Rongxin's view, Chen Jianghai must have his own reasons for doing so.

As for the remuneration, Chen Jianghai has already given him a lot, which is completely beyond what he paid.

So what the master says, he does what he does.

What happened later really made Zhao Rongxin dare not imagine.

After the acquisition, Chen Jianghai directly made him the general manager of the company.