Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1965: be careful and live long

Chapter 1965: Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years

The key is that Chen Jianghai gave Ross great trust and let him master a huge wealth.

Usually, I rarely even call to ask.

So that every time he couldn't hold back, he would take the initiative to call Chen Jianghai to report some situation.

It seemed that this was the only way to make him feel a little more at ease.

Therefore, for Chen Jianghai, the boss, Ross is more respectful than grateful.

Yes, respect from the heart.

"How's the stock on hand now?

Tell me what's going on. "

Chen Jianghai asked straight to the point.

Ross was also accustomed to Chen Jianghai's straight-forward character, and immediately entered the state and gave detailed answers.

In general, he has successively spent another fifty million dollars to acquire the stocks of several pharmaceutical companies.

This kind of operation is completely in accordance with the plan formulated by Chen Jianghai before, and it can be regarded as quite satisfactory, and there is no unexpected situation.

Chen Jianghai was very satisfied with this, and directly ordered: "Okay, from now on, stop all acquisitions, and give me all these stocks in my hands.

During this period of time, no matter what happens, don't rush to sell. "

What Chen Jianghai means now is simply to not sell or buy, just wait and see.


Ross was stunned.

At this moment, he could not guess Chen Jianghai's intention at all.

After all, for the stock market, you are either selling or buying.

Especially in the U.S. stock market now, although the stocks of those pharmaceutical companies have rebounded, they have attracted the attention of many investors, and they have bought them.

But Ross is well aware that even at these prices, these stocks are still undervalued.

In this period, whoever puts money into these stocks will surely make a fortune.

According to Ross's estimate, it will take half a year for pharmaceutical stocks to really start to soar steadily.

In fact, this is also the judgment of many people in the US stock market.

In a word, it is too early and too conservative to stop now.

After all, the funds Chen Jianghai gave him still have a lot of room to use to buy these stocks. If he stopped suddenly now, wouldn't he miss a lot of profits.

"You just do it."

Chen Jianghai didn't give Ross too much explanation, and gave a direct command, and his tone was even a bit serious.

Ross's character has been inspected by Chen Jianghai, and naturally there is no problem, and Chen Jianghai is absolutely trustworthy.

But as the old saying goes, there are no impervious walls in the world.

For example, what if he accidentally drinks too much one day, or accidentally leaks the news while talking in his sleep?

That thing can be big, and it may even cause a butterfly effect and change the direction of the stock market.

After all, the current Ross is not a little-known character. On the contrary, he must have been in the eyes of some people with so many stocks in the pharmaceutical industry.

be careful and live long.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he simply did not tell him the specific reason.

In the end, Ross had no choice but to agree.

After so many things, he, like many people who have followed Chen Jianghai, has an almost blind admiration for this young boss.

He had seen many of Chen Jianghai's methods. What Chen Jianghai said might have sounded a bit like a fantasy at the time. It was unbelievable. One cashed.

All the facts are constantly proving that Chen Jianghai's judgment is correct.

So far, there seems to be no exception.

Although he still couldn't understand Chen Jianghai's behavior this time, he would do it honestly.


After arranging foreign stock market operations, after Chen Jianghai hung up the phone, he threw himself into the struggle with the foreign enterprise alliance.

The alliance of foreign enterprises is now almost losing their minds to the crazy price cuts.

"After our investigation and analysis, we can basically conclude that under the blockade of our chips this time, the reason why Qiuhai is still able to fight with us on price is that those local electrical appliance companies are secretly helping him."

Li Tiangang reported the information he had collected from various channels at the foreign enterprise alliance meeting.

"Baga! Those Huaxia companies are really courting death.

We should block all the chips of all Huaxia electrical companies so that they can't get a single chip. "

Yamamoto Ichiro slapped the table ruthlessly and immediately screamed, glaring at his eyes angrily, his cheeks were also swollen red, and there was even a bit of hideous color in his eyes.

In his eyes, all the companies that helped Qiuhai Group should be damned.

"Calm down, Mr. Yamamoto, do you know what you're talking about?

We have to pay a lot of price to block an autumn sea. Do you know how much capital it will cost to block all the electrical companies in China? "

Some people have always disliked Mimoto Ichiro's behavior. Seeing him like this, they feel a little contemptuous in their hearts, and at the same time express their dissatisfaction.

No matter how strong the foreign enterprise alliance is, it is impossible to block the entire Chinese enterprises.

It's like fighting against a country.

China is not a small country.

And don't look at the normal attitude of the Huaxia government, but in the face of some big right and wrong, it will be surprisingly tough.

Once it touches the bottom line of the Huaxia government, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

"Then find companies that cooperate with Qiuhai and block them."

Yamamoto Ichiro took a deep look at the other party, and knew in his heart that what he said just now were all angry words, but he still gritted his teeth and replied unconvinced.

The other party just let out a sneer, and then closed his mouth and said nothing more.

Li Tiangang certainly didn't want infighting. The most important thing now is that everyone should unite to defeat Qiuhai and win the final victory.

If now their alliance of foreign enterprises starts to have conflicts from within, there is really no hope.

So he quickly persuaded Ichiro Yamamoto: "Yamoto-kun, don't say it, if we can find out about this company, we won't be so passive.

Overall, the chip blockade is actually quite effective. "

"Qiuhai is just lingering now, and it is impossible for other companies to fully provide the chips he needs."

"Especially the high-end Huaxia electrical appliances companies other than Qiuhai hardly use it, and the number of purchases is very small."

"We could kill him for that alone.

Therefore, the next step is to reduce the price of high-end products more vigorously, forcing Qiuhai to do the same strategy with us. "

"At that time, once his high-end chips are not available, it will become our breakthrough. At that time, we will use this to completely defeat his Qiuhai Group."

It has to be said that there are still smart people in the foreign enterprise alliance.

Li Tiangang is definitely one of them.