Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 1990: Vanity is at work

Chapter 1990 Vanity is at work

What Chen Congjun said is indeed true.

And when the Chen family was not developed before, they actually didn't have much envy in their hearts. Instead, they felt that they were too high-profile and flamboyant, and they started tossing around with a little money.

In the local language, it is Baolibaoqi.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Chen Jianghai breathed a sigh of relief, and then said gently:

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with having money to repair one's own ancestral grave.

But if the repair is too luxurious, people will be jealous.

It is often said that it is too much to say, and that is the truth. "

"The most important thing is to leave an impression on others - upstarts.

Honestly, I hate that word. "

"This is a derogatory meaning, what image do you think of when you hear this word?

Is it fat-headed and big-eared, rich and oily, spending money like dirt. "

"I don't want the old Chen family to leave such an image on the outside, and even our next generation is branded with this."

"This basically negated all our efforts and efforts, and made people think that our old Chen family was able to develop through luck."

"Actually, we are not.

We rely on our own hands, hard work, sweat and wisdom to earn today's rich life, with peace of mind. "

"Of course, there is also a personal reason.

You all know where I am now.

Business wars are like battlefields. If there is another situation similar to price wars with foreign companies, these things will become their means of attacking me. "

"And the unscrupulous media will also hype these things, and they like to report on this kind of gossip."

"The key is that their urine quality will magnify some things infinitely, how to attract people's attention.

At that time, many real things will naturally be distorted and turned into dirty water and splashed on us. "

"It's a little more exaggerated. If these are seen above, they will have some opinions on me."

"The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

It's really a big tree! "

"The more developed our Chen family is, the more low-key it becomes.

Because this is our own private matter, if it arouses the public's attention, there will be no grounds for accusations and attacks without any benefit. "

"There are a lot of people who suffer from pink eye disease in this world, and those who have conflicts of interest with us will use this to secretly let loose arrows."

"In short, we are all from the same blood. Remember one thing. Our Chen family is tied together, and we all prosper, and we all lose."

"Let's deal with private matters in a low-key manner, and do good deeds in a high-profile manner, so as to ensure the long-term prosperity of our old Chen family."

The half-truths that Chen Jianghai said were intended to convince all the Chen family members to change their previous thoughts.

Of course, his words are not completely groundless.

In fact, he has seen too many such examples.

For example, Ma Tian in the previous life was a lesson in life.

After hearing Chen Jianghai's explanation, all the Chen family members present understood why Chen Jianghai had other opinions on this matter.

Maybe some young people may not be able to understand the meaning, but old people like Chen Liye can fully understand Chen Jianghai's worries.

The reputation of the nouveau riche is really ugly, and they don't want people to say it behind their backs.

"Jiang Hai, I think you are right, I support you."

Lin Wanqiu was the first to stand up to support her husband.

"Jiang Hai, is it because we think too simple, or you have a long-term vision."

At this moment, Chen Liye not only figured out the truths that Chen Jianghai said, but also thought of the scene of moving the grave before.

He guessed that the idea of ​​moving the grave was probably also from his son, and now after listening to his remarks, he is even more certain about this guess.

However, he didn't have any intention of blaming Chen Jianghai, instead he felt that his son was really well-intentioned.

As for whether it will affect the future fortune of the Chen family, he doesn't care at all.

His son is so smart and cautious, it must be a man who will conquer the sky.

If you all rely on Feng Shui to change your destiny, what hope is there to do?

Although the ancestral tomb needs to be rebuilt, it should not be too public, and it should be controlled within a certain range.

Chen Congjun and Chen Jiangong naturally understood this.

As for the other members of the Chen family who were in the audience, they naturally had no opinion when they saw this situation, and expressed their support for Chen Jianghai's approach.

"Jiang Hai, what you said makes sense, then let's follow your ideas. We can repair the ancestral tomb better, and we don't need to make it so luxurious."

"I believe that the ancestors knew it, and I should be very happy to see that we people are not extravagant and wasteful."

"After all, there are a lot of things you can't just look at.

Thinking about it now, it's a bit silly to go to build an archway or something.

They are all made for outsiders to see, and people with discernment will laugh at them. "

Chen Jiangong's face blushed slightly and said a little ashamed.

Before, he just thought about how to do it better and how to honor his ancestors. Now that he thinks about it, it is actually his own vanity at work.

He just wanted to let outsiders see the grandeur of their old Chen family today.

After all, in the past, it was considered enough to live a hard life, and more or less, he also suffered from the scorn of some people.

Now that I have finally developed, I naturally want to show off.

That's why he was so keen on rebuilding his ancestral tomb.

Chen Congjun thought of something through Chen Jianghai's words, so after everyone else had dispersed, he quickly found Chen Jianghai:

"Jiang Hai, repairing ancestral tombs is our family's private business, so repairing the ancestral hall in the village is a public business, right?

The ancestral hall in our village has hardly been maintained in recent years and has long been dilapidated. "

"Or by repairing the ancestral tombs this time, we will also repair the ancestral hall in Chenjia Village, and then donate money for the renovation in your name."

"This is doing good deeds for the village and can improve your prestige in Chenjia Village.

And I believe that people from the same clan will give full support to increase the cohesion of our surname. "

Hearing Chen Congjun's words, both Chen Liye and Chen Jiangong's eyes lit up.

This is also a kind of brilliance.

The village is called Chenjia Village, and most of the people are also surnamed Chen. They were a family a hundred years ago, and now they are getting closer and closer because of Chen Jianghai, and their interests are completely tied up.

"Second uncle, you're learning quite fast, but you don't need to use my name to donate money to build the ancestral I don't go back to the village much now, so it's useless to have a high prestige."

"It's very necessary for you to be the village chief.

Of course, my dad and my third uncle are also included in this matter. It is more appropriate to donate money to build in the name of the three of you. "

"In addition, as long as it is our surname, those who are willing to contribute money and efforts cannot be stopped.

This is not the ancestral hall of each family, but the ancestral hall of everyone in our village. "

Chen Jianghai analyzed the crowd.

After hearing this, Chen Congjun slapped his thigh hard: "Okay, I'll do this tomorrow, but how much should we donate?"