Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2008: How does this make them play?

Chapter 208 How can this let them play?

The hand-held rechargeable fan that became popular in later generations became popular almost in 1819.

But Chen Jianghai watched a foreign movie in his last life.

That movie was made in seven years, but there are already small fans in the movie, so I have to say that foreigners really started very early in this regard.

Many things are also very thoughtful, and technology is indeed developed. After a good idea appears, it can be put into practice soon.

Chen Jianghai believes that domestic entrepreneurs need to work harder and be more proactive in order to achieve excellence in this regard, instead of falling behind.

After Yue Hongsheng listened to Chen Jianghai's explanation, he was full of respect for Chen Jianghai again.

Everything is within Chen Jianghai's plan.

The key is to know how to design electrical appliances, which is very powerful.

This is a complete boss!

It's not too cool to hang around with such a boss.

Yue Hongsheng left Chen Jianghai's office with excitement on his face and went directly to deploy his plan.

Chen Jianghai took out his phone and directly dialed the number of the head of the scientific research department of Qiuhai Group, and asked him to bring a few technical backbones over.

Soon the person in charge rushed over with a few technical backbones, and Chen Jianghai directly took out the design plans of several small electrical appliances and briefly talked to them.

This suddenly surprised the head of the scientific research department and a few technicians.

Although it is only a small electrical appliance, this design concept has not even been thought of by them.

What shocked them even more was that Chen Jianghai's design was very detailed, and it wasn't as simple as just coming up with an idea.

For them, there is no need to study too much, and they can directly draw drawings and produce samples according to Chen Jianghai's detailed design.

This time, they doubted whether Chen Jianghai still had a secret research team outside.

But on second thought, everyone felt that there was no need for this.

The research team of Qiuhai Group is first-class in terms of staffing and equipment.

And the benefits for the research team are also very high.

If Chen Jianghai has a research team outside, there is no need to give them such good treatment.

Besides, if other research teams have designed these appliances, they don't have to give them the design of these appliances for further research and production samples.

This makes no sense at all.

Therefore, they can be absolutely sure that this is what Chen Jianghai designed.

This made them even more intimidating.

What kind of boss did they meet?

Some people couldn't help but want to find out Chen Jianghai's real education.

I think he must have graduated from a famous technology school.

Facing such inquiries, Chen Jianghai smiled without saying a word and kept it mysterious.

Then, he called Ni Xingyu again.

These small appliances also need simple chips to control. He needs Ni Xingyu to get a batch first for the design and production of samples.

After hearing Chen Jianghai's purpose and use, Ni Xingyu also praised Chen Jianghai fiercely.

Although he is engaged in chip research, it does not mean that he does not understand how creative thinking is required to design these small appliances.

The research and development of chips is to serve these products. Only when more advanced new products are designed and clear requirements are put forward, can the development of chips be promoted in turn.

Therefore, Ni Xingyu agreed immediately and took the lead in developing the chips needed for these small appliances.

After getting these things done, Chen Jianghai directly asked the Propaganda Department to build momentum.

A new round of changes in the electrical appliance market is about to begin.

For a time, Qiuhai's move shook the entire electrical industry.

Other electrical appliances companies once again focused their attention on Qiuhai Group.

They really couldn't figure out what Chen Jianghai was doing.

There was a price war just now, and the entire market shrank a lot.

At this stage, all electrical appliance companies are in a period of downturn and recovery.

Including the once mighty foreign companies all hibernated and licked their wounds silently.

As a result, Qiuhai Group was better, but it did the opposite and made large-scale investments to build directly-operated stores!

Forget it.

Now it has been announced that there are even bigger moves, and there will be a batch of new products coming out!

How does this make them play?


After hearing the news, those foreign electrical appliance companies made a helpless sigh.

For Chen Jianghai and the Qiuhai Group he built, they felt a deep fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The price war made them retreat, and finally had to give up the Chinese market.

Although the battlefield is mainly in China, the impact is unprecedented.

The failure of the foreign electrical appliance alliance in the Huaxia market soon spread to the world.

Especially in the third world countries, the Qiuhai brand of electrical appliances, which was not well-known, has suddenly been sought after, and many people are eager for Qiuhai Electric to enter their market.

In some areas that Qiuhai Group did not plan to enter in a short period of time, some people took the initiative to call or simply organize a delegation. They traveled thousands of miles to the headquarters of Qiuhai Group to inspect and prepare to negotiate agency matters.

Faced with such a situation, after the overseas investment department of Qiuhai Group communicated with Chen Jianghai, they changed the original overseas market expansion plan, and began to inspect these areas in turn, and then decided whether to enter these markets in advance.

Thinking that the foreign enterprise alliance wanted to enter these areas, it still paid a considerable price.

However, the Qiuhai Group is better, and it has become self-evident that the various conditions and treatments enjoyed by others have taken the initiative to come to the door.

While people in the foreign enterprise alliance are envious, they are also very curious.

After such a long-term price war, Qiuhai Group should not lose a lot.

But now, Qiuhai Group not only did not look weak at all, on the contrary, it showed such a strong force, which was completely a momentum of stamina, which really made them unable to understand.

Today's Qiuhai only has the strength to expand directly-operated stores, and also has the ability to develop new electrical appliances and bring them to the market, but I don't know how to do it.

Of course, they are also more eager to know what the new electrical appliances Chen Jianghai is about to release.

They are afraid that the new electrical appliances that Qiuhai Group chooses to release at this juncture are subversive things that can lead the market.

At that time, they didn't even know how to deal with it.

The electrical appliance industry is upgrading faster and faster, and one step behind means one step behind.

If others sell it, but you don’t, people will choose other brands to buy products, and their loyalty and recognition of your brand will decrease.

Slowly, you will feel that you are a small third-tier brand, and when you choose to buy other home appliances, you will be ignored directly.