Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2068: Wine is the fragrance of Chen

Chapter 268 Wine is the fragrance of Chen

Chen Jianghai also cleverly changed the topic in time, and then asked, "Tell me about the winery's situation, and the next plan."

When it comes to business, Chen Shuyao also packed up all his emotions, and suddenly returned to the state of a strong woman.

She sorted out her thoughts a little and said: "The winery is now fully completed and the equipment is all in place.

Yesterday, Master Jia and I checked it all over again, and there were no problems. "

"In terms of staffing, it has basically met the requirements for starting construction.

There are only some technical personnel and highly educated management personnel, and some need to be recruited in the future. "

"But that one can't be rushed, it needs to be carefully selected, and it must not be overused.

Whether this winery can really develop in the future will largely depend on these people. "

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but interjected and asked, "Where did the employees come from?

Is Jay satisfied?

At that time, the work of winemaking cannot be done by Jia Ye alone. "

"After all, the old man is old, so be careful that you are overworked and ruined your body."

Chen Shuyao nodded quickly and replied: "Most of the employees are from Chenjia Village, and they were sent by your second uncle personally, and they are of good character."

"The rest were recruited from nearby villages and towns, and they were all honest and responsible people.

Jia Ye is also very satisfied. "

"As for the work of winemaking, I asked Master Jia to choose a few smart and hard-working young people as apprentices, hoping to master his skills as soon as possible, mainly to help him, so that he can properly Take it easy."

"Besides, it's all large-scale, integrated, and modern equipment. Master Jia only needs to control the ratio of winemaking and pay attention to the links to maintain the purity and quality of wine. Not to Mr. Jia."

Chen Jianghai does not know as much about winemaking as Chen Shuyao.

After all, Chen Shuyao is solely responsible for the connection with the bottled wine, and has done a very good job, so Chen Jianghai rarely intervenes in related matters.

Chen Jianghai finally felt relieved and nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, it's just that you've worked hard for you recently."

When Chen Shuyao heard Chen Jianghai's caring words, her heart warmed slightly, and her tone immediately improved a lot.

"You still have a little conscience, knowing that you care about me, no matter how hard it is, it's worth it."

Facing such words, Chen Jianghai couldn't respond well, so he could only let out a wry smile in his heart.

Fortunately, Chen Shuyao didn't have to let him respond, and just continued on the sidelines:

"The winery is ready now, just waiting for the opening. The next plan is to launch the first batch of lamb wine directly to the market after the ribbon is cut tomorrow, and only do necessary publicity at the point of sale."

"At present, it has been finalized that the first batch of supplies will be the farmhouses of Chenjia Village and Meihua Supermarket as pilots. After the sales feedback comes back, we will do marketing and advertising according to your previous plan..."

Without waiting for Chen Shuyao to say more, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but ask: "Isn't it right?

The winery has just opened, where does the wine come from? "

Anyone with a bit of common sense should know that winemaking takes time.

It's not that production can be produced.

Wine needs to ferment, and the better the wine, the longer it takes to ferment.

There is also an old saying, wine is the fragrance of Chen.

This is why many wines are divided into ten or twenty years.

The older the wine, the more expensive it tends to be.

Of course, it's not that these wines have really been fermented for that long, but the concept is just that.

Chen Shuyao raised her brows slightly, and a smug smile appeared on her face.

Since dealing with Chen Jianghai, the person in front of me seems to know everything.

Now that she finally encountered something he didn't know, she couldn't help but feel a little funny in her heart.

However, Chen Shuyao didn't really mean to laugh at Chen Jianghai, and quickly explained: "Jiang Hai, of course, this first batch of wine was not produced by the winery.

But Jia Ye made it at home. "

"This batch of wine uses traditional craftsmanship, and the quality is definitely the best.

As soon as I discussed it with Master Jia, we decided to use it to open up the market. "

After listening to Chen Jianghai, he couldn't help but nodded and praised: "Shu Yao, this is a good idea!"

"The first batch of wine to open the market must be pure wine, so that people can linger, eat the marrow and know the taste, and truly recognize it."

With Chen Jianghai's affirmation, Chen Shuyao became more and more confident, and continued to say: "After the first batch of wine opens the market, the first batch of wine in the true sense of the winery will be ready to leave the factory."

"Because the first batch of supply is our own property, we can get the public's first-hand evaluation of this wine."

"Based on these evaluations, we can further debug the taste of the wine before it can be introduced to a wider market."

Chen Shuyao pointed to the outside: "According to our plan, the first big market must be Pingshan and Linghai.

In both places, I am quite confident. "

"Before that, of course, our advertising and publicity will be bombarded violently.

First, people's appetite is lifted, and then the wine is brought to the market. "

"As for the plan in the future, there is no detailed scrutiny. In short, it is a steady and steady approach, with Chenjia Village as the center point, and slowly spread to the whole country."

Chen Jianghai has no opinion on this plan and is basically satisfied, so he has no plans to intervene more for the time being.

At this moment, Jadwang, who was covered in fireworks, also came out of the kitchen.

After seeing Chen Jianghai, there was a smile on his face and he said, "You guys really know how to order, the mutton slice soup is just ready, you and Shu Yao quickly wash your hands, let's eat first."

Chen Jianghai agreed and immediately went to wash his hands.

He is really greedy for mutton slice soup.

This delicacy has always been deeply hidden in his memory, and he thought that he would not be able to eat it.

Looking back now, the last time I ate the mutton slice soup made by Jia Ye was at least ten years ago.

Due to Chen Jianghai's attitude, Chen Shuyao is also full of expectations for this mutton sliced ​​soup.

She even couldn't help but go with Chen Jianghai to grab the spot of the sink.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help frowning after seeing and shouted, "Hey, what are you doing, come first, do you understand?"

Chen Shuyao rolled his eyes at him, and still took up the place to wash his hands and said, "According to first come, first come, I came earlier than you!"

"Besides, do you know that women are first?

You are a big man, and you are also the CEO of Fortune 500. Do you still have any gentlemanly demeanor! "

Chen Jianghai was so naive that it was rare to have no psychological burden, so he temporarily forgot his identity and said without restraint:

"It's such an old man, and I'm talking nonsense! I'm talking about the order in which you come to wash your hands. When it comes to delicious food, there is no woman to give priority to."