Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2129: Big money, absolutely big money!

The 2129th chapter is generous, absolutely generous!

Now Li Yuanchun really regards Chen Jianghai as a friend, otherwise he would never remind Chen Jianghai like that.

After all, as long as Chen Jianghai invests in, it will benefit the county without any harm.

Of course, everyone is happy if it succeeds. There is no doubt that tourism can drive local economic development.

After all, as long as there are tourists, they will eat, drink, and consume.

Some local specialties can also be sold.

Again, as long as there is popularity, the economy will flow and develop, and money will flow in continuously.

Even if Chen Jianghai is unsuccessful, people and materials are always needed to build the scenic spot, which can also boost the local economy to a certain extent.

And once the scenic spot is opened, not to mention whether Chen Jianghai can make money, the local area will definitely benefit.

Although there is a lot of difference compared to the former, for Li Yuanchun, it is always an investment, and there is no loss at all.

Chen Jianghai could naturally hear the meaning of Li Yuanchun's words.

However, how could he not have thought of these things?

Since he does this, he naturally has great confidence that he can do it well and make money.

Because Chen Jianghai is very clear that China's economy will not really start to take off until after the millennium.

As people's wallets become more and more abundant, tourism will be very prosperous.

As long as there are scenic spots with some characteristics, as long as they operate normally and don’t mess around, and there is less negative news, they can always make a lot of money.

Once the scenery in front of him is created, he has the confidence to become the second Jiuzhaigou, or even surpass it.

He smiled and waved at Li Yuanchun, and said calmly, "Mr. Li, thank you for your reminder.

But I have my own plan for this project, and I am confident to do it well. "

"The domestic tourism industry is really just in its infancy. It's not easy to make money, but its development prospects are very promising."

"What I have is the capital and the time to wait until the day tourism peaks."

"Let me tell you, I want to make this scenic spot, not just to make money."

"A large part of the reason is to realize one of my ideals. I want to make it the largest scenic spot in the country, bigger than Jiuzhaigou and more famous."

"My plan is to develop it into a worldwide tourist attraction, like the Maldives."

Li Yuanchun stared at Chen Jianghai with wide eyes.

He never thought that a tourist attraction could involve Chen Jianghai's great ambition.

And now he finally understands what the big project Chen Jianghai is talking about.

Why did he say before that he would invest 300 million yuan first, and then invest more than 100 million yuan in the future?

It turned out that the big projects he understood were not at the same level as the big projects Chen Jianghai said.

But thinking about the size of Qiuhai Group, Li Yuanchun was relieved.

The dignified top 500 companies are often buying and selling billions of dollars, so the big projects that Chen Jianghai said must be top-level projects.

Yesterday, because of two small projects, Chen Jianghai delayed nearly a whole day because it was purely for poverty alleviation.

But today Chen Jianghai ran again, the reason is naturally because of this.

Only such a big project is worthy of Chen Jianghai's identity.

After thinking about this, Li Yuanchun's fiery heart was also stirred up by Chen Jianghai.

After all, if this project is completed, the name of Hexing County will be resounding throughout China and even abroad.

And his name Li Yuanchun will also be remembered by the public, and his future will be very bright.

How could he not participate in such a big event and make his own positive efforts!

Li Yuanchun said excitedly: "Mr. Chen, my situation is small after all, I didn't expect the big project you mentioned to be so big.

Of course I have to strongly support you in this matter. "

"It's realized, then I, Li Yuanchun, will be just like you, and I will leave a name in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

There is nothing to regret if you fail. "

"At least I've been involved in such a great thing and worked hard for it, and that's enough."

Speaking of this, Li Yuanchun sighed very much: "I thought I had lost my passion, but until now I found that my passion is still there, but it was not inspired before."

"Even for my passion, I will do my best and give my best.

Mr. Chen, you can do this project with confidence and boldness, and I will help you with the policy aspect. "

What Chen Jianghai wanted was Li Yuanchun's attitude.

The reason why he is willing to invest in this scenic spot project in Hexing County is that the scenery here is suitable.

Another aspect is because of Li Yuanchun.

After just one day of contact, Chen Jianghai understood that this is a person who can handle and do practical things.

I can understand and support his ideas.

And now the result is very satisfying to Chen Jianghai, Li Yuanchun's attitude is similar to what he expected.

Chen Jianghai couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Li, first of all, I would like to thank you for your support.

But there is no need to make it so tragic, as if my scenic spot project is very likely to fail. "

"To tell you the truth, I am very optimistic about this project, and there is a complete set of operating methods that can absolutely guarantee the benefits of this investment."

"When the scenic spot is initially constructed, I will not devote all my attention to the construction."

Speaking of this, Chen Jianghai raised three fingers: "I will probably divide the construction of the scenic spot into three steps."

"The first step is to plan the general area of ​​the scenic spot and build the infrastructure."

"At the same time, I will first set up a large playground outside the scenic area. The construction period of the playground is relatively short, and the speed of returning funds is also fast enough."

"And in order to save as much time as possible on publicity, I plan to talk directly to Disney and ask them to authorize us to build a Disneyland-themed playground in their name here."

"Using Disneyland's reputation in the international market to attract domestic and foreign tourists.

Then with proper publicity, I believe that this scenic spot will soon be well-known across the country and even the world. "

When Li Yuanchun heard this, he was once again shocked by Chen Jianghai's thoughts.

Big money, absolutely big money!

Disneyland is a well-known brand in the world. If you really get it, the effect will definitely be first-class.

This will mean that this will be Disney's first playground in China.

As Chen Jianghai said publicity is omitted.

Disney's name is enough to attract a lot of people to come and play.

However, while being almost stunned by happiness, Li Yuanchun was still sensible.

He was still a little worried, and he didn't shy away from Chen Jianghai, who was pointing at Jiangshan at the moment, so he said it directly.

"Mr. Chen, your thoughts and courage are absolutely indescribable.

It's just from what I know about foreigners, they are used to being arrogant, and they may not look down on our Chinese market.

So it may be very difficult to get them to agree to the authorization. "