Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2240: OK, so do it!

Chapter 2240 Okay, so do it!

The group began to wander around the mineral water factory, and Xu Dong was responsible for introducing the situation.

Li Wei, the technician who was in charge of testing water quality at the time, has now become Xu Dong's right-hand man, and he added some technical explanations.

From scratch, from conception to implementation, in just a few months, they have built this mineral water plant very well.

Now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

"Mr. Chen, according to the current scale, the initial output of this mineral water factory should be 50,000 bottles. Of course, this output is not much now, mainly because we still have several production lines that have not been assembled yet."

"But if it is fully rolled out, our daily output should be able to reach 200,000 bottles. If we want to expand the scale in the future, we can also increase the output."

Xu Dong pointed to the workshop and said that this number is not surprising, but fortunately, the scale can continue to be expanded.

In Xu Dong's original vision, the output should be larger, but because Chen Shuyao has not yet agreed to the proposal to expand the scale, he needs to wait.

"Well, this mineral water takes the high-end route, and the output will not be too large. The current scale is sufficient. If the sales of the product are good, then consider increasing investment and expanding the scale."

Chen Jianghai thought for a while.

200,000 bottles of mineral water, even if it is calculated at ten yuan a bottle, the value that can be generated that day is 2 million, a month is 60 million, and a year is more than 700 million.

This scale is actually not large for Jiamei, but it is a basis for moving towards a high-end brand.

Of course, with the increase in sales, the scale will naturally increase.

"I want to start the production of this mineral water factory at the end of July. We need to conduct experimental sales of the Biluo Shanquan product first."

Chen Shuyao frowned. To be honest, she still had some concerns about Biluo Mountain Spring.

This time to visit, although all aspects are perfect, but in fact her concerns have not been dispelled.

The mineral water factory has reached a high-end route, and the price of each bottle of mineral water is not low. Although people's consumption level has risen now, Chen Shuyao is still a little confused about the price of his mineral water.

Chen Jianghai looked at Chen Shuyao and understood what he was thinking.

"Mr. Chen, if it is a small-scale production, then we can do it now. With our current capacity, 20,000 bottles of mineral water a day can be guaranteed."

"It's a good time to do a pilot sale, or a trial sale."

Xu Dong thought about it for a while, but he felt that it could be implemented now.

Chen Shuyao asked curiously, "Oh?

Are you ready to start production now? "

"Of course, there is absolutely no problem, Li Wei, go ahead and bring the box of mineral water we produced."

The corner of Xu Dong's mouth outlined, and soon Li Wei came over with a box of mineral water.

According to the design of Jiamei, the packaging of this Biluo Mountain Spring is very delicate, and it feels very good to hold in the hand. The bottle presents the appearance of a cylinder, and the streamlined design of the four recesses makes this mineral water look very good. large and luxurious.

"It looks good looking, can you drink it?"

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"Of course, we have been filtered by a number of equipment. In fact, the water quality is already very good. We don't need to do any more operations. We are just a porter who moved the water into the bottle."

Xu Dong was full of confidence, unscrewed the lid and handed Chen Jianghai and Chen Shuyao a bottle of water.

It is not the first time that Chen Jianghai has drank the water here, so he has no worries.

After twisting the lid and taking a sip, I felt a sweetness in the entrance. Although it is summer now, this mineral water is really refreshing after drinking it.

Biluo Mountain Spring is collected from the deep water of Wandao Lake. The water temperature is very low, and it does not need to be iced to give people a cool feeling.

Chen Shuyao, as the boss of Jiamei, naturally can't question the products she produces. After drinking this mineral water, her confidence has increased.

"Just follow what Mr. Chen said, start the production first, and let Mr. Chen be responsible for the convenience of sales."

Chen Jianghai said indifferently that it is normal for Chen Shuyao to lack confidence in Jiamei's first high-end mineral water brand.

Just follow her way now, and when the sales situation improves, the factories here are at full blast.

"Jiang Hai, if you want to set a sales direction, what direction should we work towards?"

Chen Shuyao has already started to conceive the sales plan of this Biluo Mountain Spring, and the group walked and thought, holding a bottle of Biluo Mountain Spring in their hands.

"The sales direction you mentioned is to ask me how to expand the influence of this water, right?"

Chen Jianghai naturally heard the overtones of Chen Shuyao's words.

Chen Shuyao nodded, noncommittal, "I know you have a good relationship with Xijiang TV, what's the matter, do me a favor and design an advertisement?

Xijiang TV now has good ratings because of the super girl voice. If I put an advertisement here, the effect should be very good. "

This time, Chen Shuyao actually wanted to discuss with Chen Jianghai about the advertisement of Biluo Mountain Spring.

Chen Jianghai and Xijiang TV have a good relationship. Wouldn't it be a waste if Chen Shuyao didn't make good use of it?

"Yes, I can help you get in touch with Director Qi, this is not a problem.

But in my opinion, you might be able to use ads for sports. "

Chen Jianghai unhurriedly expressed some of his views.

I heard that Lao Jin's football team is doing very well and has achieved a good record. Chen Jianghai doesn't know much about the specific situation, but he can make a phone call and ask.

In fact, sports stars consume a lot of beverages and mineral water, and their influence is also sufficient.

If a sports star can hold Biluo Mountain Spring and drink it in front of the camera, the effect will obviously be better than advertising on TV.

In addition, it seems that sports stars are not paying special attention to advertising in China. Jiamei can create a precedent. In the future, as the first person to eat crabs, Jiamei will now win this cooperation. It will be much easier.


Are you asking me to advertise with sports games? "

Chen Shuyao asked Yes, I have a team in my hand, a football team. If you need it, you can use the name of a sponsor to put the label of your home beauty on the jersey, I think this should work well. "

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Lao Jin's team was originally the Qiuhai Group's team, and the Qiuhai Group was originally printed on the jersey, but now that Chen Shuyao is in need, Chen Jianghai is not stingy.

"Okay, then do it!"

Chen Shuyao said very simply.