Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2270: Why not be envious?

"Mr. Chen, we just asked about the reward. I want to know if the club will give the players some rewards after the Qiuhai football team wins this time? Including the Li Datee player who performed very well on the field, what will the club do with it? How to reward them?"

The female reporter asked with a smile, but there was a needle in her words.

You are such a big group, this time Qiuhai Football Team gave Qiuhai Group enough cards and successfully won the game. As the boss, it would be unreasonable not to give some rewards.

This reward is too much, maybe others will think that the CEO of Qiuhai Group is a nouveau riche.

If you give less, then others will feel unworthy for the players.

Anyway, the pen is in the hands of the media reporters, and they can write whatever they want.

The spotlight fell on Chen Jianghai, and the camera was on, waiting for Chen Jianghai's answer.

Yue Hongsheng was already very unhappy standing in the back. No matter how she looked at it, this female reporter seemed to be here to make things difficult for Qiuhai Group.

"As for how to reward, this is our internal matter, but our Qiuhai Football Club will never treat any player badly. This time they won, and I have personally provided them with some rewards. As for how the club rewards, this I don't know."

Chen Jianghai smiled lightly and said gracefully.

When the female reporter was about to ask questions, Jin Changan and Li Detian couldn't help but stand up.

"This reporter friend, if you want to know anything, just ask me."

As a reporter, it is normal to spy on this kind of news, but after Qiuhai Football Club has expressed a clear reply, she has to get to the bottom of the problem, which is a problem.

Originally, Chen Jianghai was low-key, and Qiuhai Football Club was low-key, and was unwilling to disclose the reward casually.

This is not good for those players, and after knowing such a generous reward from the Qiuhai Group, there will definitely be media to vilify these things, depicting the hardworking spirit of the original team members as money and struggle.

Neither Chen Jianghai nor Qiuhai Football Club would like to see such a thing happen.

Rewards are just rewards. The focus is on the members of the Qiuhai football team. They are working hard for their future and for the football profession.

But sometimes, some media just like to twist the truth.

They just want to write about what other people want to see, and they just want to write about something made up.


Jin Changan stood up, looked at the reporter and said, "Mr. Chen said in the lounge just now that he will personally contribute to reward the members of our football team."

"Li Date, the captain of our Qiuhai football team, because of his outstanding performance on the court, Mr. Chen personally rewarded him with one million yuan, and the rest of the players were awarded two hundred thousand yuan each."

When Jin Changan said this, it caused an uproar.

"Wow, so many rewards!"

"The Qiuhai Group is indeed rich and powerful! President Chen is so bold!"

"As expected of the boss of a group, the first shot is a million-level!"

"My God, how many years do I have to work to make this much money."

There was a sound of surprise in the venue of this press conference, and even the female reporter was a little embarrassed.

I didn't ask if I knew it earlier, but I didn't expect this question to cause such a big reaction.

The audience who sat in front of the TV watching this press conference couldn't hold back for a long time. It is worthy of being a team of Qiuhai Group, and Chen Jianghai is worthy of being the boss of Qiuhai!

This shot is a million-level, and the player named Li Date has made a fortune.

One million in 1999 is even more shocking than the ten thousand or twenty years ago.

Ordinary people may not be able to earn this amount in a lifetime of working, but Li Date earned this huge sum of money after playing a football game.

Why is this not enviable?

One million is too far away, maybe just those ordinary players can be envied

I admire them. They also have a reward of 200,000 yuan. Don't underestimate these 200,000 yuan. Now, who can get 200,000 yuan for ordinary people?

Therefore, Chen Jianghai's reward is too generous.

After a game, these players all became rich.

Those people in this circle who knew enough about football were also shocked by Chen Jianghai's generosity.

I have long heard that the Qiuhai football team is highly paid, and the average monthly income of each player can exceed 10,000 yuan, which is already considered a very high income among football players in 1999.

Now Chen Jianghai is even more rewarding with a big wave of his hand, which makes the players of other teams think.

The Yuanhong football team members, who are watching the press conference at the moment, feel chills. They look at their bosses, and then look at their own bosses. They didn't have this kind of reward when they won before.

But it is a million-level reward casually, which is too enviable.

"I can't do it anymore. I must go to the Qiuhai football team. Tomorrow is a trial training."

"Dude, I'm going too. For nothing else, I just want to ask the Qiuhai football team if they want a caddie."

"Hahaha, I'm very simple, I will definitely be able to play in the Qiuhai football team, and I'm going to get a million-dollar prize!"

This conversation spread among Yuanhong Football Team, and perhaps other teams as well.

This move of Chen Jianghai obviously greatly stimulated people in the football circle.

At the press conference, the female reporter was shocked and speechless.

"My friends, this is just a personal reward from President Chen. Our club will also give some rewards to the players, so don't be too shocked. Although we are not as generous as President Chen, we will not be less."

"Our Qiuhai football team despises some of the chaos in the current circle, but after all, everyone is doing it for money, so if our Qiuhai club wants to put an end to this ethos, we must start with rewards. All the players can solve their worries and give them enough space to play."

"Here, I want to tell all the players in this circle that if you want to get the rewards you deserve, you should show your true skills. Our Qiuhai Football welcomes everyone with strength. Players will join us and challenge our President Chen's bonus!"

Jin Changan said very confidently, and at the same time looked at Chen Jianghai.

The camera was once again aimed at Chen Jianghai, the CEO of Qiuhai Group, who was once again known to everyone.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand a little embarrassedly, how did this press conference change its flavor...

Fortunately, the female reporter did not continue to ask questions, and soon this press conference finally got on the right track, just when everyone felt that the situation was calm.

The female reporter from Xijiang TV raised her hand again.

Jin Changan is a little weird, how dare she ask questions.

But after all, it was a live broadcast, and Jin Changan couldn't deny the opportunity, so he could only signal to the staff to give the female reporter the microphone.

"Congratulations again to the Qiuhai football team for their victory. I have a question for Mr. Li Date."

The female reporter's expression was intriguing, and now Jin Changan couldn't figure out what she was going to do.