Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2466: direct showdown

"Mr Butters, this matter does have something to do with me."

Chen Jianghai took a deep breath, he saw the sincerity in Butters' eyes.

As a senior, Butters is a legendary presence in rice stocks. At the same time, he is also an American. Of course, he hopes that the overall situation in the United States will be better.

But now, Chen Jianghai is just taking advantage of the situation. He is targeting rice stocks. In fact, all these arrangements are just following the trend. Even if he does not make arrangements, the rice stocks will collapse when the wheel of history reaches today.

This is an irreversible fact.

But Chen Jianghai borrowed his own strength to seek some dividends in the wheel of history, that's all, he didn't do anything wrong.

"Mr. Butters, your analysis is indeed very reasonable. It is true that some people are making waves in rice stocks, but what I can tell you is that even if no one is making waves in rice stocks, I am afraid that the Nasdaq index will still grow. , and the Nasdaq will also collapse soon after.”

"All I did was make enough profit on this inevitable event."

"You, Mr. Butters, would do the same."

Chen Jianghai handed over some materials on hand, and Butters took a look with a puzzled face.

Some of the above information is some information collected by Fang Aiguo's Dragon Fund, from the oil crisis, the revision of the labor law, from the shortage of natural gas, to some detailed decomposition of Intel.

This data clearly predicts the surge and crash of the Nasdaq since the beginning of this year, but now the surge has come, and the crash has not yet come.

"Our team has conducted multiple professional analyses. Even if there is no behind-the-scenes culprit as you say, the Nasdaq will still collapse. It is only a matter of time."

"All I do is put the right money at the right time and get the right money out."

"That's all."

Chen Jianghai said lightly, Butters looked at the document in his hand with shocked expressions all over his eyes.

He has always boasted that he has a strong analysis team, but now that he has seen this information, he realizes that the team behind Chen Jianghai seems to be even stronger.

To join the stock market, if you are an individual, you need strong judgment.

In the stock market, it is actually difficult for individuals to be profitable all the time. The situation in the stock market is changing, the information is complex and cumbersome, and individuals can grasp very little. Having a team is different.

The team members have a clear division of labor, and can analyze the stock market from various perspectives at various levels, and at the same time judge the rise and fall of the stock market through more news channels.

This forms a financial company.

The name of Butters' stock **** is the result of his personal investment. Most of his investments are profit-making. After he established the company, a huge team helped him analyze the market environment, from various perspectives. Determine the uptrend of this stock.

Therefore, Butters' current investment can basically maintain a very high profit rate.

However, seeing this information from the team behind Chen Jianghai today, Butters was an eye-opener.

Fang Aiguo's Dragon Fund has people from all walks of life. At the same time, they pay attention to the situation from multiple perspectives. Even if it is happening anywhere in the world, someone will keenly capture it.

The war on the stock market is actually more like a modern war.

Information is the decisive factor in war.

Fang Aiguo's team was not perfect enough. It was only at the request of Chen Jianghai that they gradually formed a whole. This time, the battle of the Nasdaq Index was actually a test of their team.

This action against Migu was led and led by Chen Jianghai, who proposed the idea.

And Fang Aiguo's team carried out the analysis and anatomy of this project.

The data report that finally appeared in Butters' hands was the result of the analysis carried out by the team, and was highly in line with the trend of rice stocks.

Of course, they did not take into account the sale of Eastern Communications in the United States, and they did not expect that the recent fluctuations in international oil prices, the information they used was from a few months ago.

This also highlights a problem that information is not delivered in a timely manner, if they can get more information through more channels.

Then maybe their data report will predict more accurately.

" this made by the team behind you?"

Butters said slightly embarrassed.

"Yes, according to my team's prediction, even without our intervention, rice stocks will have a plunge in March, and there will be a carnival climax before that, so I finally made a fishing trip in the United States. The idea of ​​a quick buck."

Chen Jianghai didn't pretend anymore, and directly showed up.

Butters took a deep breath at this time, what else could he say?

If it were him who knew about it, he would mobilize the funds as soon as possible, and then make a fortune in rice stocks and leave, and then issue an early warning.

This is the normal operation of a financial company.

Butters is not sure about the specific timeline, so he can't make accurate judgments, and he doesn't dare to start when the Nasdaq index is soaring, let alone bet on the timing of this cliff.

So he missed the best opportunity to trade.

And Chen Jianghai seized this opportunity.

"Mr. Butters, I know you came here today to persuade me to stop, but unfortunately, I have already stopped."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, according to the memory of his previous life, the peak of the Nasdaq index in March of the millennium was only more than 5,000 stores, but now it has reached more than 8,000 points.

The extra 2,000 yuan was driven by the expansion of Chen Jianghai's 100 billion yuan.

Now that his funds have landed safely, the Nasdaq index of more than 8,000 points is allowed to grow, and Chen Jianghai can't control that much.

Butters leaned on the sofa, he understood the meaning of Chen Jianghai's words.

Now Chen Jianghai has left the market safely and has made a lot of money. As for the retail investors and some financial practitioners who are still struggling in the stock market and waiting for the stock to continue to be guaranteed, they will become the targets of harvest.

"Okay, I'm not here today."

Butters stood up and looked at Chen Jianghai with deep eyes.

"Chen, you are a very forward-looking person. I have always admired your vision before, but now I understand that there is still a very powerful team by your side, and this team may become a global leader in the future. The greatest stock trader ever."

Butters said with If there is a chance, I would like to invite you and your team to my company. We are very willing to learn your advanced experience. At the same time, I am happy to pay some tuition fees. . "

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai laughed, "If there is still a chance, we will be guests. Of course, the money will be exempted. My people deal with tens of billions of dollars all year round, and they may have long lost interest in money. ."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile, Butters reached out and shook hands with Chen Jianghai again, then turned and left.

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