Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 2530: No need to go through the back door

Westerners have always looked down on China. They still live in the era when they dominated the world, so they have a natural sense of contempt for people and products from China, so as long as the products flow into the European market, the quality inspection in Europe will change. very strict.

Therefore, in order to ensure that there are no problems in this area, in the second half of April, Qiuhai Group established an after-sales service point to find out the key points of product problems, and then solve them one by one. At the same time, it reduced production capacity and focused on producing a batch of products that can meet European standards. .

This is also preparing for entering the European market.

Of course, Chen Jianghai will not favor one another, what is the standard in the European market, what is the standard in the Chinese market, Chen Jianghai is what standard, this has also contributed to the high-quality products of Qiuhai Group's various home appliances, Qiuhai Electric Appliances currently on the market , No one will say anything that is inferior to foreign products.

Even foreign products, under various regulations and standards, are not as good as domestic Qiuhai Electric Appliances.

In the past, there were always people who worshiped foreign countries and thought that the quality of foreign products was better, but now Qiuhai Electric gave this group of Muyang dogs a solid slap.

And the reputation of Qiuhai Group also improved rapidly at this time.

For Qiuhai Group and Chen Jianghai, the Chinese people still trust them very much.

"Mr. Chen, don't talk about European standards. We have almost set a higher standard for ourselves. The people in the product quality inspection department are like chicken blood. They can't tolerate any flaws. Those who don't know think we are When it comes to luxury goods, home appliances are so refined, and the indicators have already surpassed other brands by several times.”

Yue Hongsheng showed a helpless expression, and he didn't want to complain, but he really couldn't help it.

Chen Jianghai smiled, Qiuhai Group has this kind of craftsman spirit, so the road ahead can be more steadfast and stable.

The reduction of market share in a short period of time is not a big deal. Maintaining long-term goals and carrying out long-term development is the direction Chen Jianghai has set for Qiuhai Group.


Chen Jianghai's cell phone rang suddenly, and the string of numbers displayed on the screen was obviously from Zhao Dongling.

Zhao Dongling is currently the boss of the media company in the hands of Chen Jianghai, and he has now thoroughly expanded his business.

Because of the merger with Lotte Entertainment, this media company now also uses the name of Lotte, Lotte Media, signed a large number of artists when it turned out, most of them are the super popular players of Super Girl.

Through various packaging methods and the help of top people in the industry, these contestants who have come out of Super Girl have also become the top female artists now.

But Chen Jianghai's goal is not only that, he also hopes that Lotte Media can enter Hollywood, cooperate with those big directors of Lao Mi, and shoot some excellent works.

Before, Chen Jianghai met Michael, the president of Disney, in Lao Mi, and they had already reached a cooperation agreement.

At present, Marvel has already started planning to shoot Iron Man. Because of Chen Jianghai, Zhao Dongling has also participated in it.

Now Zhao Dongling should be in Lao Mi right now, why did he call himself? ....

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

The phone was connected, but the voice on the other end was still a little noisy, filled with the voices of all kinds of old rice people, and the sound of various equipment colliding, it sounded like a noisy filming set.

Chen Jianghai asked directly: "Old Zhao, why did you think of calling me? How is it? Is the filming going well?"

Hearing Chen Jianghai's concerned words, Zhao Dongling's heart warmed up.

"Mr. Chen, we just finished filming a scene here, and the current progress is very good, but I have something to report to you."

Zhao Dongling said very eagerly.

Iron Man's script Marvel had written and directed a long time ago. From some details to the overall situation, in fact, the talents related to Lotte Media brought by Zhao Dongling were actually very difficult to get started.

I have to say that Hollywood is indeed the world's film factory, and the film technology here far exceeds that of China.

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Zhao Dongling was refreshed by the many technologies in the equipment and so on.

This time they used to say that they were the producer, but in fact the more important purpose was to learn, which is also an important reason why Chen Jianghai let Zhao Dongling and others go.

Only after learning other people's system, learning other people's shooting methods and skills, can I go back to China and apply it myself.

"Mr. Chen, there is a role of the protagonist's secretary in the script of Iron Man. According to the idea of ​​Li Stan, the president of Marvel, this supporting actress is going to use our Chinese actors to appear in the role. Mr. Li Stan also asked me to find some related characters. I'm also thinking about it now, but I still want to ask you to make up your mind."

Zhao Dongling immediately said concisely.

The filming has already started, and the relevant characters have been decided, but because Marvel has the background of the Qiuhai Group after all, and this movie also has the investment of the Qiuhai Group, so of course Li Stan still has to please the investor and give an important The supporting actress role, which is something Li Stan can do.

On the one hand, to please Chen Jianghai, UU Reading On the other hand, if this movie is not going to be released in China, then there will be a Chinese actress, which will obviously boost the box office even more.

"Oh, it's for this..."

Chen Jianghai smiled. He thought of the role of the little hot pepper female secretary in Iron Man, but well, this Iron Man is the pioneering work of the Marvel Universe after all, and Chen Jianghai doesn't want to see this movie fail.

So for the sake of authenticity, he didn't intend to use Chinese actresses.

On the one hand, it is difficult for Chinese actresses to perform the European and American taste of Hollywood. On the other hand, there is no rush to export culture.

In the future, there will be more opportunities for Chinese actors to appear in Hollywood, so this opportunity may not be needed now.

"Old Zhao, my opinion is to let Li Stan continue to find actors from Lao Mi. This Iron Man is their pioneering work in the Marvel Universe. I don't want to see him compromise for the sake of capital."

"Tell him that there is no need to use these methods to reduce the integrity of the film. In the future, our Chinese actors will have the opportunity to fight for themselves. There is no need to use these methods to get roles."

Chen Jianghai said this very harshly.

This is clearly telling Li Stan not to use this kind of method to go through the back door.

The level of Chinese movies is indeed not as good as that of Lao Mi, but it may not be necessary to obtain an important role through this method. In the future, more Chinese actors will enter Hollywood, but they definitely do not rely on the relationship through the back door.

It is by virtue of one's own true strength! .

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