Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 261: really unexpected

"Mr. Chen, the injured worker is called Yang Chaoqian. There are four children in the family and elderly parents. That's why he worked so hard."

After listening to Liang Haoyang's words, Chen Jianghai looked solemn.

Soon, people were sent out.

People are all right, but the finger is gone.

Hearing this news, everyone present was silent.

Yang Chaoqian looked at Chen Jianghai with a sad face: "Mr. Chen, I'm fine, the lack of a finger won't affect my work, the factory will not want me!"

Now Qiuhai's workers are proud of Qiuhai and have a sense of collective honor.

Yang Chao knew that the injury had nothing to do with the factory. It was all because he wanted to make money and wanted to go crazy, and he didn't have any complaints.

Chen Jianghai was silent for a while, and then he asked without hesitation, "Lao Liang, how does the factory compensate for work-related injuries?"

"He is considered a grade 10 disability. According to the factory's regulations, a one-time compensation for disability is sufficient."

Liang Haoyang replied directly.

"How much?" Chen Jianghai asked.

Liang Haoyang thought about it and said, "It's usually six months' salary."

Hearing this, Yang Chaoqian was a little anxious, and he begged eagerly: "Mr. Chen, Liang Changzi, what kind of disability am I? I don't want the subsidy from the factory, you can just let me continue to work, but don't worry about it. Can't let me go!"

Hearing this, Chen Jianghai felt even more uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, you can go to work at any time when your injury is healed."

He patted the other person's shoulder comfortingly.

With Chen Jianghai's assurance, Yang Chaoqian was relieved.

"Lao Liang, his medical expenses are all reimbursed by the factory."

Chen Jianghai turned his head and instructed Liang Haoyang, his eyes were very serious.

Liang Haoyang could feel Chen Jianghai's attention to this matter, and nodded in response: "Mr. Chen, I understand."

Yang Chaoqi thanked him gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Chen, and thank you, the factory manager.

"Okay, you have a good rest, don't think so much, we'll go back first."

After leaving the hospital gate, Chen Jianghai got into the car with a calm face.

On the way back, he never spoke.

Liang Haoyang knew that Chen Jianghai was in a bad mood, and he didn't dare to let out the air. The atmosphere in the car was very depressed.

"Lao Liang, I would like to add something about the welfare of the workers in the factory."

After passing an intersection, Chen Jianghai suddenly said.

Listening to him say this, Liang Haoyang can actually guess something.

It must be about work injuries.

And with his understanding of Chen Jianghai, it must be a big deal.

While he was emotional, he was also grateful for those who worked under Chen Jianghai.

"Mr. Chen, you said, I will write down what you want to add, and then come up with a plan." Liang Haoyang said quickly.

"There are two main points, work-related injuries and serious illnesses."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Liang Haoyang felt a little surprised.

Is there any serious illness?

"Mr. Chen, can you be more specific?" Liang Haoyang asked quickly.

Chen Jianghai said word by word: "Let's talk about work-related injuries first. There should be standards in the factory. My request is to increase it, and a family must not be burdened too much because of work-related injuries."

"The most important point is that the medical expenses must be fully reimbursed by the factory. If conditions permit, the subsidy for labor should also be considered. At least in my place, Chen Jianghai, there can be no poverty due to illness."

Liang Haoyang was stunned when he heard it, and said worriedly, "Mr. Chen, isn't this standard too high?"

You know, there is no concept of five insurances and one housing fund yet.

This will only be gradually improved after 1998.

Now if there is a work-related injury in the factory, basically according to the severity of the injury, a certain number of months' wages will be paid.

If you follow Chen Jianghai's request, it will cost a little more money.

"Lao Liang, the workers are the foundation of this factory. They work hard for the factory. We must protect their basic rights and interests, so that they can have a sense of belonging."

Chen Jianghai knew that there was no related concept in this era, so he looked at Liang Haoyang seriously and said earnestly.

"Okay, just do as you said." Liang Haoyang stopped talking nonsense and agreed.

Work-related injuries are, in the final analysis, caused by workers working in factories.

In this case, Liang Haoyang can understand that Chen Jianghai wants to do something for them.

The better Chen Jianghai's opponents are, the better Liang Haoyang will feel in his heart.

After all, the current Liang Haoyang is also a worker under Chen Jianghai.

Accidents and misfortunes, who knows when it will come?

"Next, about major diseases, I have a general idea, you can help me figure it out." Chen Jianghai thought for a while and continued.

"Mr. Chen, say it."

Liang Haoyang hurriedly sat up straight, waiting for Chen Jianghai's next words.

Chen Jianghai said with deliberation: "A portion of the factory's monthly profits will be allocated in proportion to establish a medical fund. If workers in the factory have any serious illness, they can apply for treatment fees from the fund."

This idea is actually medical insurance for later generations.

The affair of Zhu Yinyin also reminded Chen Jianghai.

In China, 90% of ordinary families cannot bear the blow of a serious illness.

In this era of lack of social security, there should not be too many cases of poverty or even family ruin due to illness.

Chen Jianghai did this in the hope that the people who followed him would not cause their families to suffer heavy losses for this reason.

Five insurances and one housing fund in later generations, Chen Jianghai decided to move it out first.

A responsible and cohesive enterprise must be people-oriented, and the corresponding systems should also be very mature.

Chen Jianghai didn't pay much attention to this one before, but now there are two things in a row, which is a wake-up call for him.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Liang Haoyang was in awe.

The work-related injuries just now were all caused by work in the factory.

Reimburse medical expenses and give more compensation, as the boss should do so.

But now, this major disease can be said to have nothing to do with Chen Jianghai.

Under the premise that it has nothing to do with it, Liang Haoyang really never expected that Chen Jianghai would be able to take out the money himself to benefit the employees.

At this time, in Liang Haoyang's eyes, Chen Jianghai's image has risen to a new level.

"Mr. Chen, if you do this, you will spend your own money!"

He couldn't help but remind again.

Chen Jianghai said calmly: "Of course, there are prerequisites for applying for this fund."

"What premise?"

Liang Haoyang asked quickly.

Chen Jianghai replied: "To get the use of this fund, the premise is that workers must pay a certain amount of medical insurance premiums each month."

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, Liang Haoyang's eyes lit up, and he immediately wanted to understand the operation mechanism.

In this case means that one person is in trouble, and the whole factory can help!

Of course, it must be Chen Jianghai who has the most of the money, and the rest is the workers' own money.

"Okay, I can have this, I'll go back to the factory and discuss it with others." Liang Haoyang said quickly.

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Okay, give me the plan tomorrow."

"no problem."

Chen Jianghai immediately said: "By the way, I won't enter the factory later. You tell Chaoyang to come up with a plan for me about overtime work."



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