Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 275: I only tell you one thing

In this way, a group of people in Niujia Village set the tone, that is, continue to mess around as before.

But what they don't know is that Chen Jianghai is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it is not so easy to fool.

It's okay for these people to work honestly. If they work against each other, don't expect to have good fruit to eat.

According to Chen Jianghai's plan, the future division of labor of the wire factory is to produce various circuit parts and wire parts.

Now that the management of the factory has all been wiped out, Chen Jianghai temporarily transferred a group of people from Qiuhai.

In the early stage, the people who relied on Qiuhai to support the factory, and then gradually promoted the useful people.

Chen Jianghai is not in a hurry to start work now. He first asked to clean up the entire factory, which can be regarded as a makeover.

But what he didn't expect was that the first order was not executed properly.

After all, it was because of the people in Niujia Village.

Not only do they not do things themselves, but they also encourage other workers in the factory to be passive.

When Chen Jianghai heard the news, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These people don't really think that Chen Jianghai is so easy to bully, right?

"Lao Liang, take me to the electric wire factory."

Chen Jianghai walked out of the office and greeted Liang Haoyang.

Thinking of Chen Jianghai's character, Liang Haoyang has realized something, and quickly nodded: "Okay."

When I came to the electric wire factory, I saw that the people who were transferred by Qiuhai had a sad look on their faces.

Seeing Chen Jianghai coming, this group of people seemed to see hope.

"Mr. Chen, the workers here are not obedient at all!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, there is no way to do it!"

Listening to everyone's complaints, Chen Jianghai pressed his hands slightly, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Seeing this scene, Liang Haoyang felt a little envious in his heart.

He has been in the factory for more than ten years, but he has no such prestige.

However, Liang Haoyang was only envious in his heart, knowing that he would never be able to match Chen Jianghai, and he did not dare to expect such treatment.

"It's all those people in Niujia Village who are making noise?" Chen Jianghai asked in a deep voice.

The leader in charge said angrily: "Yes, they don't take us seriously at all."

"What's the reason for them not listening to your arrangement?" Chen Jianghai asked again.

The man replied, "They say they only work in the workshop, not cleaning."

Chen Jianghai nodded slightly, this kind of thing is easy to solve.

"Have you brought all the samples of the wires needed for the electric kettle?"

He followed the conversation and asked.

"I've brought it all here, and I'm ready to start work when the factory is cleaned up."

Chen Jianghai nodded: "Okay, where are those people now?"

"It's all in the cafeteria, noisily saying that they want to give an explanation."

Chen Jianghai snorted coldly and said murderously, "These guys thought they were in a state-owned enterprise. I'm not used to this stinky problem!"

He turned his head to look at Liang Haoyang: "Old Liang, send someone to find someone from the government, and said that the wire factory needs their cooperation, drive my car, and bring someone as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Liang Haoyang had had a lot of dealings with the government during this period of time, and he knew exactly who to go to.

Moreover, as long as Chen Jianghai's name is reported, the other party will definitely not dare to delay this matter.

When I came to the cafeteria, I saw the workers of the electric wire factory, clearly divided into two parts.

On the left side, there are not many people talking, and all of them are sitting there quietly.

Many people looked at the group of people on the right with deep disdain in their eyes.

The group on the right was lively, not only chatting vigorously, but also playing cards.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jianghai quickly distinguished the people from Niujia Village.

"Everyone be quiet, our President Chen is here, and now I have a few words with you."

Liang Haoyang shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

"I came here this time, just to tell everyone, as long as you follow me, Chen Jianghai, and work behind me, I will never treat you badly."

As soon as he came up, Chen Jianghai set the tone of this conversation.

Hearing Chen Jianghai say this, the worker on the left breathed a sigh of relief.

The worker on the right looked at Chen Jianghai with disdain, and didn't seem to believe what he said at all.

"Right now, I'll just tell you one thing, and that's about wages."

Speaking of this, the workers present immediately became nervous.

After all, this matter is related to their future income.

"The wages of the wire factory are all implemented according to Qiuhai's standards. That is to say, as long as you work hard, you and Qiuhai workers will be paid the same salary."

Chen Jianghai announced loudly.

"Mr. Chen, is it true?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

Chen Jianghai didn't answer, but nodded to Liang Haoyang beside him.

Liang Haoyang immediately understood and asked his subordinates to bring a stack of documents.

"Big guy, this is the calculation method of Qiuhai's salary, and it will also be the salary standard here in the future. If you don't know, you can take a look and I will post it later."

After Liang Haoyang finished speaking, his subordinates sent all the information in their hands.

Before coming, Liang Haoyang had already prepared all these things.

Sure enough, after seeing that document, many people's eyes turned red.

No wonder Qiuhai's workers are paid so high. They are paid on a piece rate, with overtime pay, and various welfare subsidies!

Look, the factory will distribute rice and oil during Chinese New Year and festivals, as well as gifts for birthdays...

With so many benefits, the workers in the wire factory simply dare not think about it.

They also understand now, why Qiuhai's workers are so beautiful.

With such wages and benefits, I am sorry for not expanding!

"Mr. Chen, I want to know when this standard will be implemented?"

This question was the voice of many people. They looked at Chen Jianghai eagerly, waiting for him to answer.

"You can start today if you want."

Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the employees immediately became excited. Compared with the past, the current salary standard is simply the leader's treatment. No, it is higher than the leader!

The employees on the left are very excited, and there are many people on the right.

However, there are still many people on the right who are skeptical of Chen Jianghai.

"They will be the leaders here in the future. If you want to get paid today, just follow them to work."

Chen Jianghai pointed to a group of people around him, and then nodded to them.

"Come with me guys, I'll register my name first."

After receiving instructions from Chen Jianghai, they began to enter the state.

A few people suddenly rushed out from the right and stopped in front of those who wanted to go out.

"What do you want?" Chen Jianghai asked lightly.

In order to solve this problem perfectly today, Chen Jianghai even brought Zhao Changgui here.

Now that the maintenance shop no longer needs Zhao Changgui to be in charge, Chen Jianghai asked him to come directly to Qiuhai to The work is the same as before, mainly responsible for Qiuhai's security work.

Not only that, Chen Jianghai also asked Zhao Changgui to recruit a group of people to replace the older old man in the previous security department.

Zhao Changgui was a soldier, and most of the people who defended Corey in Qiuhai now are veterans.

It is no exaggeration to say that if one person deals with three or five ordinary people, it is not a problem at all.

"We are workers in the factory, why should we be the cleaners?"

The leader asked in dissatisfaction.


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