Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 470: Young is not angry, is that still young?

Chapter 470 Youth is not angry, is that still a young man?

Looking at the back of Chen Jianghai leaving in a hurry, Feng Zongxian couldn't help rubbing his brows.

Obviously, Chen Jianghai is not the kind of person who easily compromises.

He felt that nine out of ten things would be a big deal.

"Zhong Zhiwei, Zhong Zhiwei, you're really getting impatient with your happy life. Why do you want to get involved in this?"

Feng Zongxian shook his head bitterly, buried his head again and started to deal with the documents in his hand, hoping to suppress his irritability.

Presumably, the next Linghai will definitely be swept up in the city by Chen Jianghai.

As a county magistrate, he can only take one step at a time. After all, he has also reached a critical moment of progress, and he cannot fall short.

Sure enough, not long after Chen Jianghai returned, some gossip appeared in Linghai.

"The wife of the richest man in Linghai was kidnapped! It is suspected that it was the work of the former richest man in Linghai!"

"Someone wantonly tramples on the law, colluded in secret, and let the real culprit go unpunished!"

The news came very suddenly, but it spread all over Linghai at once.

At first, many didn't believe it, after all, these news seemed to be for attention.

But soon, this was confirmed by many people.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have seen Chen Jianghai in the hospital before and stayed there for a long time."

"More than that! When I went to the hospital this morning, I saw that he had just come out of the hospital."

"You said, is this matter really related to Zhong Zhiwei?"

"This kind of thing is catching the wind, right?"

"That guy Zhong Zhiwei is not a good guy, maybe he can really do it!"


These gossips made the whole Linghai boil.

Feng Zongxian was also paying close attention. He did not expect that the first thing Chen Jianghai would use was the power of public opinion.

"No matter what happens in the future, Chen Jianghai has the moral upper hand. This move is really cruel!"

This is Feng Zongxian's evaluation.

He has only discovered now that although Chen Jianghai is only in his twenties, he is far more powerful than he imagined in handling some matters.

As expected of a person who can become the richest man in Linghai with his bare hands, this means really has nothing to say.

Zhong Zhiwei naturally heard the news.

At this time, his face was very ugly.

He never thought that Chen Jianghai would make such a big mess.

If he really pursued it, he would definitely not be able to get rid of it.

"Uncle, what should I do now?"

Zhong Zhiwei asked anxiously.

For the sake of his nephew, Zhong Mingtian came back from Pingshan on purpose.

At first, Zhong Mingtian felt that this was just a small matter, and it should be easy to settle.

He sent people to find Ren Hongtu overnight, directly overturning the previous testimony, and putting aside his relationship with Zhong Zhiwei

I originally thought that this matter would be over, but I didn't expect Chen Jianghai to be unrelenting.

"This Chen Jianghai is quite powerful."

Zhong Mingtian frowned slightly and gave an evaluation.

Zhong Zhiwei also said: "This guy is really tossing, uncle, let's think of a way quickly, this thing is really going to be a big problem..."

"What are you panicking about!"

Zhong Mingtian gave a low drink, very dissatisfied with his nephew's reaction.

Seeing Zhong Mingtian getting angry, Zhong Zhiwei shrank his neck slightly and closed his mouth angrily.

"Those who do big things must collapse before Mount Tai and remain the same. Does such a trivial matter make you messed up?"

Zhong Mingtian raised his hand and scolded sharply.

"Uncle, I..."

Zhong Zhiwei originally wanted to say something, but Zhong Mingtian waved his hand to interrupt him: "Okay, since they have already made a move, let's pick up one after another."

"Uncle, how do you pick it up?"

Zhong Zhiwei asked quickly.

Zhong Mingtian said lightly, "Go to him and see what he wants to do."

Public opinion is amazing. Now Chen Jianghai has the upper hand. No matter what Zhong Zhiwei says, few people will listen to him.

There is a saying that you need to tie the bell to untie the bell.

The only way is to talk to Chen Jianghai.

Zhong Mingtian faintly felt that Chen Jianghai's purpose in doing this was to force Zhong Zhiwei to find him.

If so, then go visit.

Maybe if you meet up, things will be resolved.


At this time, Chen Jianghai was still accompanying Lin Wanqiu in the hospital.

At this time, Lin Wanqiu's face finally turned bloody, and her condition was much better than before.

Chen Jianghai held the baby and sat beside Lin Wanqiu's bed. The family of three was happy.

At this moment, the eldest brother who was on the side suddenly rang.

"Give me a hug!"

Xue Chunli hurried over to pick up the little girl.

Chen Jianghai nodded to Lin Wanqiu, took his big brother and went out.

"Is it President Chen Jianghai?"

An unfamiliar voice came from the other end of the phone, low and powerful.

"It's me, who?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a frown.

"I'm Zhong Mingtian, you should have heard of me."

Zhong Mingtian on the other end of the phone reported his home.

This name, Chen Jianghai naturally knows, Zhong Zhiwei's uncle, the number one person of Ling Hai Xiang Dangdang.

Chen Jianghai was naturally impolite when the other party put on such a high posture, and said lightly, "I haven't heard of it."

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Zhong Mingtian was not angry, he smiled and said, "Young man, you are so arrogant!"

Chen Jianghai said unceremoniously: "Young people are not angry, are they still young people?"

"Are you free to meet at night, let's chat?"

Without speculating, Zhong Mingtian didn't want to fight with Chen Jianghai.

"time and location."

Chen Jianghai is simple and direct.

He also wanted to meet the big Buddha behind Zhong Zhiwei for a while.

"At seven o'clock in the evening, Fuchun Hotel, I will prepare a banquet for you."

Zhong Mingtian said.

Chen Jianghai said directly: "Okay, but the banquet is unnecessary. We are not familiar with this point yet."

Before Zhong Mingtian could speak, Chen Jianghai hung up the phone directly.

Now, Zhong Mingtian is really angry.

After so many years, no one dared to hang up his phone.

"Uncle, this Chen Jianghai is too crazy, he doesn't even care about you, we must teach him a lesson!"

Zhong Zhiwei next to him felt as if he had found an opportunity and quickly fanned the flames.

"Isn't it troublesome enough?"

Zhong Mingtian said angrily, "The most important thing now is to solve your problem, and let's talk about the rest later!"

Seeing that Zhong Mingtian was angry, Zhong Zhiwei was immediately cowardly, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

The nephew's incompetent appearance made Zhong Mingtian secretly disappointed.

But if it wasn't for the help of Zhong Zhiwei's father, Zhong Mingtian would not be where he is today.

Zhong Zhiwei did something wrong, but Zhong Mingtian is willing to make up for it.

It's fine even if it costs some money.

Zhong Mingtian knew that it was not enough just to get Ren Hongtu.

If Chen Jianghai never let go, this matter would not be so easy to end.

On the contrary, as long as Chen Jianghai relaxes, the matter will be completely resolved.

"Bring me a million."

After pondering for a moment, Zhong Mingtian suddenly ordered.

"Uncle, what are you doing?"

Zhong Zhiwei asked in surprise why? "

Zhong Mingtian snorted coldly, "If you did something wrong, you will naturally have to pay the price, at least let people see our sincerity!"

"But, uncle..."

Just as Zhong Zhiwei was about to speak, he was interrupted unceremoniously by Zhong Mingtian.

"Shut up! I saw Chen Jianghai later, I didn't let you speak, you are not allowed to speak, do you hear me?"

Zhong Zhiwei nodded quickly: "Got it, uncle."


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