Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 543: Darkness of Mingxiu Plank Road Chencang

Chapter Five Hundred and Forty-Three Ming Xiu Plank Road Darkness Chen Cang

After a week of fermentation, the sales of Pixie Crispy Noodles skyrocketed.

Even those dealers don't understand, this sales volume is like a rocket, and it will rise to the sky in one fell swoop.

The dealers didn't understand what was going on, and even the owners of the supermarkets and commissaries didn't know what was going on.

The reason for the explosion in sales is simple: children.

I don't know why, these little kids are like crazy, they buy four or five packs, and they don't even think about whether they can eat them all.

Some bosses found that after some children bought it, they ripped open the bag as soon as possible, not to eat, but to find the card inside the package.

What's more exaggerated is that some children buy a box as soon as they are bought, in order to collect the cards inside.

Seeing this magical scene, the bosses felt that their three views had been subverted.

what's the situation?

Do kids nowadays play like this?

Some commissaries opened at the gate of the school, as long as the elf noodles arrive, they will be snapped up.

The bosses are really happy and worried, and they are happy because they have made money.

This worry is also very simple, the parents of this child will not come to the door, right?

After a few days, the elf crispy noodles will not stay on the shelf for more than a day at all.

Thinking of this, many bosses don't have time to worry about other things.

There is only one thing they think about now, and that is to stock up, hurry up and stock up!

The dealers are also very strange. The uniform price has been reduced to this level, and they can't sell the elf crispy noodles. What's the situation?

But they don't have the heart to care about this now, and they also want to go to Jiamei to buy goods.

But when they called Jiamei, they found that the phone often couldn't get through.

After I got through, I found out that there were too many people ordering.

Not only that, but Jiamei's warehouse is now empty, and if you want goods, you can only queue up.

To describe it in one sentence, the elf is going to sell like crazy!

The dealer who had previously terminated the contract with Jiamei had already regretted it.

However, in order to make money, they still found Chen Shuyao cheekily and said that they would continue to cooperate with Jiamei.

Chen Shuyao didn't say anything, but took these people to the door of Jiamei's factory.

"Everyone, did you see it?

They are all waiting for the elf to ship, and the longest one has been waiting for five days. "

"Mr. Chen, I know we were wrong before.

That way, we all check out in cash! "

"Yes! President Chen, as long as you agree, we can make a little more price."

Chen Shuyao smiled when she heard it: "If I agree, wouldn't I be sorry for the people in line here?"

"Mr. Chen..."

"Okay, you can go.

Jiamei will not seek cooperation with you now, and there will be no chance in the future. "

Chen Shuyao's ruthlessness made these people know that it was almost impossible to continue to cooperate with Jiamei.

In the end, the group of dealers walked away in despair, cursing the elf in their hearts, cursing that it would not be able to sell immediately.

But the market has always been determined by the preferences of most people.

This small group of people will not have any influence on the sales of Pixie.

The dealer is just distressed that he has not made much money, but the unified Gao Yingqing is not good.

The breakout of the elf means that the unified price reduction strategy has completely failed!

When Jiamei first launched this elf crispy noodles, Gao Yingqing didn't take it to heart.

In his opinion, this is definitely a trick.

But now it seems that this is definitely a coup for the antelope to hang its horns.

At this moment, on Gao Yingqing's table, there are many packets of elf plain noodles of different colors.

But Gao Yingqing knew that the point was not these crispy noodles, but the cards inside.

Leopard head Lin Chong, Walker Wu Song, Zhi Duo Xing Wu Yong...

A familiar name, all printed on the exquisite card.

Gao Yingqing looked at these cards carefully and wanted to find some answers from them.

"Is this the reason why Jiamei can sell so much?"

Gao Yingqing couldn't understand why a thin card would bring about such terrifying sales.

According to several familiar dealers, the sales of Pokemon have now exploded.

However, Gao Yingqing is not very worried now. After all, instant noodles and crisp noodles are two different products.

Jiamei's crisp noodles sell well, but the sales of instant noodles are still not comparable to those of instant noodles.

The only thing that Gao Yingqing is worried about is whether Chen Jianghai will have other coups in the future?

If Jiamei specializes in crispy noodles in the future, there is no need to worry too much about Unity.

For Chen Jianghai, Gao Yingqing now has a strong sense of vigilance.

This person has always played cards out of common sense.

But once you make a move, it is difficult to parry.

After thinking about it, Gao Yingqing decided to let the following continue to implement the price reduction model, and strive to occupy all the instant noodles market as soon as possible.

As long as the market is unified, even Chen Jianghai will be useless at that time.

In more than half a month, the first wave of sales of Elf's Simply Noodles has already been counted.

Looking at the numbers in her hands, Chen Shuyao covered her mouth, a little in disbelief.

Fifty million packs, this is the answer of the little elf.

This time, it brought nearly ten million yuan of capital reserves to Jiamei.

After all, dealers want to make money, and there are costs. Jiamei will earn two or three cents for the last package.

However, the first batch of elves adopted the checkout method of March, and now the funds available on Jiamei's account are about 4 million.

After knowing the news, Chen Shuyao notified Chen Jianghai immediately.

For this result, Chen Jianghai is still a little dissatisfied, and there are too few sales.

But for Jiamei, this is enough.

"Next, let's start the second step! How is the card book that I asked you to make?"

"It's been done a long time ago. Are you planning to put a copy of the noodles in a box of elves?"

Chen Shuyao is very proud, she can vaguely guess Chen Jianghai's purpose now.

Knowing Chen Jianghai's answer, Chen Shuyao was dumbfounded.


When did I say I was going to put it in the elf's chest? "

"Then where are you going to put it?"

Chen Shuyao couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's in the box of Jiamei instant noodles!"

Chen Jianghai said as a matter of course.

Hearing this answer, Chen Shuyao suddenly realized,

Yes, why didn't she think of this method?

This trick is to make the plank road dark and dark, and it is really wonderful to use!

Everyone is staring at the elf, but no one can imagine that the elf is just paving the way for Jiamei instant noodles!

Until here, Chen Jianghai's true purpose was revealed.

"Hey, Shu Yao, are you still listening?"

"Yes, Jiang Hai, your idea is really great!"

Chen Shuyao said with joy.

Chen Jianghai laughed when he heard it, "I think what you need to care about now is the issue of production."

"I know this. Now that I have money in my account, I am going to buy a few more production lines."

"You can figure it out, the good days of reunification will soon come to an Chen Jianghai said confidently.

"Okay, I see, I'll make arrangements now."

After speaking, Chen Shuyao hung up the phone.

She knew that the relationship between the two was awkward now, and it would be bad if she kept pestering Chen Jianghai.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Shuyao knows how to deal with this matter.

Love is a word, and the cutting is constantly rational and chaotic.

Right now, all Chen Shuyao can do is to devote all her energy to her work, so that she can forget about these troubles.