Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 559: The old altar sauerkraut, this is the ta

Chapter five hundred and fifty-ninth old altar sauerkraut, this is the taste

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your trust!"

Dong Xiaolan herself could not have imagined that Chen Jianghai agreed so readily.

In fact, when making this call, Dong Xiaolan himself did not hold out much hope.

She thought that Chen Jianghai would grant her money, but she would never follow her numbers.

If you can get 2 million, that's not bad.

But the result made Dong Xiaolan feel very surprised that Chen Jianghai didn't give any discount at all, and they were approved in batches.

Putting down the phone, Dong Xiaolan couldn't help clenching her fists. She looked very excited. Only by meeting such an open-minded and generous boss can she have more room to play.

I believe that in the near future, Gree Air Conditioning will definitely be able to compete with Chunlan Air Conditioning.

Even, like Qiuhai Electric, it can go out of the country and go to the world.

At present, Geli is still in its infancy, but the instant noodle market has reached the time to fight the bayonet.

The battle between instant noodles and crisp noodles has entered a white-hot stage.

However, in terms of market share, Jiamei still occupies an absolute advantage.

At this time, the three brands are all working hard to develop new products, hoping to give their opponents a fatal blow!

When it comes to developing new flavors of instant noodles, Master Kong is going to be ahead of the other two.

On December 20, Master Kong researched the new flavor instant noodles for nearly a month, and finally released it.

"Brother, try this instant noodle, how does it taste?"

The vicissitudes on Wei Xing's face at this time, the big dark circles under his eyes, all indicate that he has not rested very well recently.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xing!"

Wei Zhou said with concern.

"Brother, as long as Master Kong can do it, I'm nothing."

Wei Xing smiled.

Wei Zhou nodded vigorously: "That's right, our four brothers will definitely be able to make Master Kong!"

"Brother, try it first!"

Wei Xing pushed the soaked instant noodles.

"Okay, I'll try it!"

After Wei Zhou finished speaking, he reached out and opened the lid of the instant noodles.

As soon as the lid was opened, a tangy scent spread throughout the office in an instant.

Wei Zhou nodded with satisfaction, the fragrance in the color and fragrance seems to be good now.


Wei Zhou picked up the fork and took a bite, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, this tastes great! Is it pork soup?"

"That's right, the broth made from pork bones is completely different from the spicy beef."

Wei Xing introduced with a smile.

"This taste is good, the spicy taste and this pork bone soup taste, our Master Kong's future is very bright!"

Wei Zhou said with satisfaction.

"Brother, do you think you can start mass production directly?"

Wei Xing asked.

"Yes, we will start mass production today, but before going on sale, we must do a good job of advertising to let the people of the country know that we have new flavors."

Hearing Wei Zhou say this, Wei Xing looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Wei Xing did not answer, Wei Zhou also realized that there must be something missing.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother, there is no money left in the company's books."

Wei Xing said with a bitter face.

Hearing this, Wei Zhou's face turned ugly, "Didn't we raise 40 million before?

Running out of money so soon? "

"Brother, when we fought a price war with Agree before, we lost too much."

Wei Xing said helplessly.

"How many are there now?"

Wei Zhou asked in a deep voice.

"There are probably only a few million left, and we have to purchase raw materials and pay staff wages."

"On the premise of ensuring production, the rest will be used for advertising."

Wei Zhou said directly.

"Brother, if you do this.

Once we fail, we have nothing left. "

Wei Xing said hesitantly.

"Ah, you have to remember one thing.

If there is no Master Kong, then we really have nothing.

But once Master Kong can turn over, we can get everything we lost before! "

Wei Zhouyu said earnestly.

"Okay, big brother, then I'll make arrangements now!"

Wei Xing didn't say anything more.



At the same time, Chen Shuyao also made sauerkraut-flavored instant noodles according to Chen Jianghai's request.

The first time it was made, Chen Shuyao found Chen Jianghai with instant noodles.

"Jiang Hai, there is a sample of the sauerkraut-flavored instant noodles you mentioned!"

As soon as she entered the office, Chen Shuyao shouted happily and wanted to share the good news with Chen Jianghai.

After calling Chen Shuyao, he found out that there was another person in the office, Liang Haoyang.

Liang Haoyang was a little embarrassed, and quickly stood up, "Mr. Chen, then I'll go to work first."

"Okay, get busy first!"

Liang Haoyang stood up and smiled at Chen Shuyao, then walked out.

For some reason, Liang Haoyang, who walked to the door, subconsciously closed the door of the office.

Seeing Liang Haoyang's action, Chen Jianghai was instantly black.

Lao Liang, what are you doing, why are you doing this?

"Well, I came to you today because of the new flavor instant noodles."

I don't know why, Chen Shuyao's remarks feel a bit like there is no silver 300 taels here.

"It's done so quickly?

You sit first! "

Chen Jianghai pointed at the sofa.

"You have already said the direction, the only thing that takes time is to find what kind of sauerkraut."

Chen Shuyao smiled and said.

"what about the taste?"

Chen Jianghai nodded.

"The master said there is no problem, it's very good."

Chen Shuyao said.

"Haven't you tried it yet?"

Chen Jianghai raised his brows.

"I want you to try it first, after all, it's you who came up with this idea."

Chen Shuyao looked at the other party with a smile and said.

Chen Jianghai didn't think too much: "Okay, then I'll boil water and try this new type of instant noodles."

Ten minutes later, the instant noodles have been soaked.

Lifting the lid and smelling the smell, Chen Jianghai knew that this noodle must have been made.

"Would you like to try it?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

"You still go first!"

Chen Shuyao refused.

Seeing this, Chen Jianghai said nothing and took a bite.

When you taste it carefully, it is not much different from the taste in memory. Laotan sauerkraut has this taste.

"How about it?

Did it meet your expectations? "

Chen Shuyao was a little nervous.

Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded, "This taste is okay, and it will definitely sell well when it is listed."


After Chen Shuyao finished speaking, she couldn't help but took the fork from Chen Jianghai's hand and took a bite.

Chen Jianghai was slightly taken aback, he had already used this fork just now.

Now Chen Shuyao uses it directly, and does not avoid suspicion at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Jianghai pretended to cough, looked around, and shifted his attention.

Seeing Chen Jianghai like this, Chen Shuyao, who was looking at her from the corner of her eyes, felt beautiful in her heart.

In fact, she did it on purpose just now, just to see how Chen Jianghai reacted.

“It tastes really good!”

Chen Shuyao's performance is a bit exaggerated.

"Okay, just use this recipe. You can add some ingredients later, such as Laotan Pickled Cabbage Beef Noodles or something!"

Chen Jianghai followed suit.

"Okay, listen to you."

Chen Shuyao is also full of confidence.

That night Master Kong's advertisement was on CCTV.

Chen Jianghai was a little bit dumbfounded when he saw Master Kong's advertisement.

Master Kong's idea is not wrong, but the mistake is that he met Chen Jianghai.

Chen Jianghai is the one who opened the hook. If Master Kong wants to fight him, he will definitely end in failure.

As for unification, there is still a treasure island behind it after all.

Even if they fail on the mainland, they can still retreat to the treasure island.

And once Master Kong fails, it means total failure.