Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 877: Are you kidding me?

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This is not just for Jiamei, it is true for any company.

Chen Jianghai knew very well how many companies that were once smash hits in the previous life were defeated by blind expansion.

An ordinary person, who suddenly has a lot of wealth, will lose himself in an instant.

Companies such as Red Sorghum, Ronghua Chicken, Chunlan, etc. all died because of blind expansion.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Chen Shuyao suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

During this period of time, with the support of Chen Jianghai, Chen Shuyao's road went too smoothly.

Shun's Chen Shuyao believes that she can decide the future of Jiamei.

With this kind of thinking, Chen Shuyao determined the future path of Jiamei with fighting spirit.

As everyone knows, this road is too steep, and once it slips, the result may be the bankruptcy of Jiamei.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Jianghai stood up and woke her up.

Thinking of this, Chen Shuyao felt very lucky. Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw. com

If she hadn't met Chen Jianghai, she might have left this crisis-ridden shopping mall long ago.

Some of these crises come from our opponents, but in fact, more of them come from ourselves.

If Chen Jianghai hadn't brought it up to her, she wouldn't even realize the problem at all.

"Jiang Hai, I know what to do." Chen Shuyao replied solemnly.

Chen Jianghai reminded again: "You must strictly demand quality and be more careful with foreign-funded enterprises. These will be your biggest opponents in the future."

The other Chen Jianghai didn't say much. I believe that with Chen Shuyao's shrewdness, he will know what to do.

As long as Chen Shuyao makes no mistakes, Jiamei's future will be bright.

The only thing Chen Jianghai is worried about is the counterattack and suppression of foreign companies.

After all, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola are powerful foreign-funded enterprises, and their heritage is not comparable to that of home beauty.

At that time, they will really be ruthless, and maybe they will do something.

The most important thing for Jiamei at the moment is to consolidate its position and become bigger and stronger step by step.

"Foreign investment? It seems that there is no movement between Keke and Pepsi now." Chen Shuyao couldn't help asking.

Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly: "Kekka and Pepsi have acquired so many domestic soda water plants, and now their most important task is to integrate resources."

"Once they have integrated all these resources, they will let go of you to deal with you, so this period is the best opportunity for Jiamei to develop."

"Whether Jiamei can wrestle with Cocoa and Pepsi in the future, and compete with subsequent foreign-funded enterprises, depends on the development of this period of time."

After Chen Shuyao heard these words, her heart became nervous.

When he engaged in a price war with Keke and Pepsi, Chen Shuyao was tortured.

She didn't want to fight like this again.

Thinking about it now made her feel terrified.

"Jiang Hai, what should I do next to avoid another price war?" Chen Shuyao couldn't help asking.

Hearing Chen Shuyao's question, Chen Jianghai smiled and nodded secretly.

It seems that after the last incident, Chen Shuyao has matured a lot, at least he knows that he has to plan ahead.

For Chen Shuyao's changes, Chen Jianghai is of course very satisfied.

Today's Jiamei has developed to such a point, and Chen Shuyao, the helmsman, should become more mature and far-sighted.

Otherwise, it is impossible to lead Jiamei to deal with the fierce competition in the future.

"It's actually very simple, you just need to do one thing well." Chen Jianghai said calmly.

Chen Shuyao quickly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Strive to become a leading enterprise in the domestic beverage industry, and formulate industry rules." Chen Jianghai said word by word.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, Chen Shuyao was stunned.

What Chen Jianghai said was light, but the weight in it was extremely heavy.

"Jiang Hai,'re not joking, are you?" Chen Shuyao spoke after a long time.

Chen Jianghai said solemnly: "Of course I'm not joking, I'm serious."

After thinking for a while, Chen Shuyao said, "Then what should I do to become a leader?"

Hearing Chen Shuyao say this, Chen Jianghai knew that she had made a decision.

"It's very simple, do a good job of head products, and at the same time continue to develop new products, firmly grasp the market, and seize consumers." Chen Jianghai no longer sold off, and gave her the answer directly.

China's current beverage market has just started.

After years of development in the previous life, there were only a few companies that survived and made a profit.

If Jiamei can produce all the fist products of these companies in advance, then the competitiveness will naturally go without saying.

Product is one aspect, advertising, marketing, and marketing, and there's a lot to pay attention to.

All the links must be handled well in order to be truly invincible.

On this phone call, the two chatted for almost an hour.

Through this phone call, Chen Shuyao admired Chen Jianghai more and more.

In particular, several products mentioned by Chen Jianghai can be said to be eye-opening for Chen Shuyao.

She never imagined that drinks could be made like this.

It is amazing that herbal tea and tea can be made into daily beverages.

This is a direction they hadn't thought about before.

"Jiang Hai, why do you know so much?" Chen Shuyao couldn't help asking.

Chen Jianghai was about to speak, but was interrupted directly by Chen Shuyao.

"Don't tell me what to read, I don't believe it." She said very seriously.

Obviously, Chen Jianghai used such an excuse to fool her before, and he was still a little bit worried.

Chen Jianghai smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Since you don't believe it, then I won't say it."

"You are really bad!" Chen Shuyao said in a coquettish tone.

In the face of such words, Chen Jianghai couldn't help showing a wry smile and didn't answer.

"Okay, I'll be busy first."

Chen Shuyao was obviously a little disappointed with Chen Jianghai's attitude and said helplessly.

Chen Jianghai breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly, "Okay, then you are busy."

Before Chen Shuyao could speak, Chen Jianghai hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Chen Shuyao felt lost, sighed heavily, and then went back to her intense work.

She can only distract herself in this trying to keep herself from thinking about this man.

On July 15th, Qiuhai's latest fluorine-free refrigerator was officially launched.

After a lot of publicity in the early stage, many consumers are looking forward to this refrigerator.

The day it was launched, it caused a frenzy among consumers.

Fortunately, Chen Jianghai specially explained that new products must have a certain amount of inventory before they can be selected for listing.

Now it seems that this approach is too prescient.