Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 897: An oriental dragon broke into the United

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"Chen, are you sure you're not kidding?"

Smith took a deep breath and asked.

Chen Jianghai said without hesitation: "Of course it's not a joke, man, I'm telling you this matter very seriously now."

"But Chen, the previous lawsuit cost three million dollars, and the company has been out of business for so long, and now it's going to cost another twenty million dollars. Wouldn't it be too radical?" Smith couldn't help but worry a little.

Belus has been out of business for a few months. If it weren't for the support of the game industry, the performance would be completely negative.

Right now, on Belus's books, the liquidity is poor, and the 20 million cannot be taken out at all.

Only part of the money that Belus made last year was left as working capital, and the rest went to Qiuhai's account.

As a shareholder of the company, he is of course extremely cautious.

Chen Jianghai said earnestly: "Smith, if you want to expand your business, early investment is essential."

"But Chen..." Smith wanted to persuade, but was interrupted by Chen Jianghai.

"Smith, there is no news from Jackson right now. Should you go and find out first to see if there is a possibility of cooperation?" Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Smith thought so too.

He only thought about the money issue. If Jackson would answer or not, he still had to talk about it!

Smith quickly said, "Chen, then I'll visit Jackson's agent later to see his attitude."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you from Belus." Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

"Chen, don't worry, there will be absolutely no problem."

Chen Jianghai put down the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

The victory of this lawsuit means that Qiuhai's overseas market can be reopened.

The reopening of overseas markets means that it is time for Qiuhai to make a lot of foreign exchange.


At this time, Ma Tian has already brought a group of people under his hands to the United States.

On the first day he arrived in the United States, Ma Tian heard the news that Bellus had won the case.

Ma Tian has long known about the lawsuit between Qiuhai and Whirlpool, and has always been concerned about it.

This is definitely a big deal for many people who are committed to international business.

But for this matter, Ma Tian once believed that Chen Jianghai's decision was wrong.

Whirlpool is a local company in the United States. It is almost impossible for Qiuhai to win such a lawsuit.

But today, the reality stunned Ma Tian.

Whirlpool, whom he valued, lost, and Qiuhai, whom he disliked, won instead.

At this time, Ma Tian was really surprised. Did Chen Jianghai think of this result long ago?

Otherwise, Chen Jianghai will directly take out a huge sum of three million, just to fight such a lawsuit?

Thinking of these, Ma Tian came up with another idea.

How wonderful it would be to give him this three million dollars!

Ma Tian shook his head, throwing these unrealistic thoughts out of his head.

After dealing with Chen Jianghai for a while, Ma Tian could vaguely feel what kind of person Chen Jianghai was.

Smart and arrogant.

A lot of things are very accurate, dare to think and do, always create miracles.

However, it is precisely because you can see it accurately that you will not invest easily.

Now let yourself go to the United States to develop, just to prove this point.

The most important thing now is to quickly report the situation of the new company to Chen Jianghai.

After arriving in the United States, Ma Tian started to create his new company, still called Siri Baba.

Ma Tian knew that the two companies had the same name, but their businesses were completely different.

In China, Siri Baba is just an online platform.

And here, Ma Tian wants to turn this company into an online company that changes the current pattern of life.

As for how to do it, Ma Tian has no clue yet.

"Mr. Chen, Qiuhai's lawsuit has been won, congratulations."

The phone calls, and the congratulations come right away.

In this regard, Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, and then said: "Mr. Ma, it seems that you are staying well in the United States. How is the company situation?"

"Mr. Chen, most of the company's departments have been established, and then it's time for Siri Baba to show off his skills." Ma Tian's tone was very confident.

Chen Jianghai didn't say anything.

He had already told Ma Tian last time that as long as he socialized well, the future was already in his hands.

What Ma Tian will do is up to him.

So after a few words again, after explaining the business scope that Ma Tian needs to focus on, he ended the call.

On the same day, Qiu Hai won the lawsuit and made the headlines of most newspapers in the United States.

An oriental dragon broke into the United States!

Belus, a company that won't give in.

Belus VS Whirlpool, who would have thought of such a result?


In short, after this battle, Qiuhai is completely popular in the United States.

Many people have not heard the name Qiuhai before, and are now inquiring about it.

At this moment, Steven's phone was about to blow up.

The calls were all about Beerus.

These people were frantically inquiring about Berus, but unfortunately they picked up the phone and realized that they didn't know how to inquire, and who to inquire with.

In the end, they found out that Belus had joined Steven's business alliance.

In this case, Steven became the best tool person.

Steven is also a veteran of shopping malls. He naturally knows that after this turmoil, Bellus will definitely become the focus next, and he has already made some psychological preparations.

But he really didn't expect that there were far more people who cared about Bellus than he thought.

After receiving many calls, Steven could only unplug the phone line.

So his world immediately quieted down.

If this call continues, he won't have to do anything else today.

After putting down the phone, Steven sat and thought for a while, then went straight out.

Soon, Steven appeared in Smith's office.

At this time, Smith had just finished the phone call with Chen Jianghai and was working out what he needed to do next.

Seeing Steven coming over, a sneer appeared at the corner of Smith's mouth.

When Belus had a problem, he went to Steven.

At that time, Steven's attitude was very cold, and he didn't mean to help at all.

At the same time, Steven also hinted at Smith, saying that he asked Smith to voluntarily withdraw from the When Belus sought to join the alliance, he hoped to get some help when he encountered difficulties.

But now this is the result.

Smith couldn't stand this kind of anger, so he slapped the table and left.

During the later period, Smith was busy with the lawsuit, and he didn't tell Chen Jianghai about this situation.

"Dear Smith, long time no see!"

Steven's face was full of smiles, like an old friend visiting.