Rebirth: Back To 1991 As the Richest Man

Chapter 961: hold one breath

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-one holding a breath

As for dealers' concerns, it's simpler.

Not to mention other things, if Qiuhai falls, it means that Qiuhai's products are gone.

In the current electrical market, Qiuhai's products are definitely the best sellers.

If there is no Qiuhai electrical appliances, I am afraid that many dealers will be anxious.

The distributors who cooperate with Qiuhai basically only buy one product from Qiuhai.

Even if they buy other products, there will not be too many people who will buy them, and the funds will be flattened.

In this case, the dealer naturally refused to take such a risk, so he replaced all the electrical appliances in the store with Qiuhai.

Before that, they had indeed made a lot of money with the brand of Pinhai.

Now that there are too many rumors in the market, they are naturally worried.

As soon as this notification came, it was like giving them a reassurance, and all their worries disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Qiuhai still has the ability to engage in preferential activities, so there must be no problem at all.

During this period of time, the media have been singling about Qiuhai, saying that Qiuhai's development is too fast, its foundation is not solid, and the corresponding management has not kept up, which will lead to the current situation.

The discovery of the corruption case led to personnel fluctuations and financial crisis in Qiuhai.

Qiuhai has been in crisis in many aspects, and now it seems that this is completely nonsense.

If there is a real financial crisis, Qiuhai will not engage in any preferential activities at this time.

You must know that the whole country is engaged in such a preferential activity, which is not a small sum.

More importantly, the media said that Qiuhai's internal management was chaotic.

Now it looks like it's just nonsense.

How can such a nationwide activity be possible if the management is really chaotic?

It can be said that such a nationwide promotion of preferential activities is also an intuitive manifestation of Qiuhai's financial and human resources.

Chen Jianghai's move stabilized the situation of dealers and directly-operated stores at once.

At the same time, the major media also know the news.

But in their opinion, Qiu Hai is just making a swollen face and making a fat man.

No one knows how much money is spent on promotions.

The media generally believed that Qiuhai did this just to calm the emotions of employees and dealers.

They believe that it will not be long before the crisis in Qiuhai will fully erupt.

By that time, the huge autumn sea is likely to fall apart overnight and be destroyed in one fell swoop.

This may be the biggest news at the beginning of the year.

The media are getting worse now, and they are getting worse and worse.

Yue Hongsheng did not expect that the promotion of preferential activities would make the media react so fiercely.

He originally thought that after this incident, the media would take it seriously.

Qiuhai's actions will make them take back those rumors before.

Now it seems that he is thinking too much.

After all, there are more people who fall into the trap than those who give help in the snow.

The attitude of those non-mainstream media is obvious now, they just want to see Qiuhai make a fool of himself, and they are just ruthlessly dividing up the gluttonous feast brought by it.

Yue Hongsheng also held his breath at this time.

If you want to see a good show, then I will not let you succeed!

In the past two days, Yue Hongsheng can be said to be busy without touching the ground.

One of the most important things is to count the national sales.

Fortunately, Qiuhai has now fully implemented computerized office, which is far more efficient than manual work.

The data of the whole country in one year, this is a huge number.

If it is purely manual statistics like before, I don't know how long it will take to straighten it out.

Accuracy is not guaranteed.

Fortunately, with computer statistics, it only took two days to count the sales of last year.

On the fourth day after the corruption case, Yue Hongsheng voluntarily held a press conference.

As for the content of the press conference, Yue Hongsheng did not tell reporters in advance.

To the outside world, he just said that Qiuhai had some things to explain.

The reporters did not expect that Qiuhai would take the initiative to hold a press conference at this time.

Since the corruption case broke out, the media wanted to interview Qiuhai many times.

In the end, Qiuhai didn't even enter the building, and Qiuhai made it clear that he did not want to be interviewed.

Well now, the opportunity that Qiu Hai took the initiative to deliver to the door will naturally not be missed by the reporters.

Soon, the reporters who rushed over after hearing the news all entered the Qiuhai Building with long guns and short cannons.

Looking at the busy scene inside the Qiuhai Building, the reporters felt that it was just a flashback.

Or just do it for them to see.

In their opinion, Qiuhai has faced such a big crisis, and this time it must not be so easy to overcome this difficulty.

It can only be said that these reporters do not know enough about modern enterprises.

How could a company as big as Qiuhai be so prone to problems, not to mention firing such a person, even if the management is completely replaced, it can still maintain operation!

When they came to the conference room that Qiuhai had prepared for them, the reporters sat down one after another.

At this time, Yue Hongsheng hadn't arrived yet, and they chatted on their own.

The topics they talked about the most were mainly about Qiuhai's press conference today.

"You said that Qiuhai held this press conference today, what do you want to tell us?"

someone asked.

"What else can I say?

It is nothing more than wanting us to say something nice to him and stabilize the military's morale. "

"I heard that Qiuhai has launched a national electrical discount campaign. I don't know if it is true."

"As I say! This is Qiuhai's plan to delay troops."

"I bet that it won't take long for Qiuhai, and there will definitely be bigger problems. The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed in the ant's nest!"

"I feel the same way, Qiuhai's development was too smooth before, and problems will come sooner or later."

"That's right, Qiuhai's management can't keep up with the speed of its development.

It's normal for this kind of thing to happen, and maybe there are even bigger loopholes that haven't been discovered! "


Most of the reporters present, almost unanimously, are not optimistic about the current Qiuhai, thinking that the problem of Qiuhai is very serious.

There are also a small number of people who think that Qiuhai can tide over the difficulties, but they just need to give them a little time.

However, this part of the people, their two fists are invincible to four hands, and their voices were quickly drowned out by countless voices of bad qiuhai.

Just when they were chatting Yue Hongsheng came with his secretary.

Seeing Yue Hongsheng appear, the reporters went crazy and ran to the door to surround him.

Then, a bunch of questions smashed towards Yue Hongsheng like a storm.

You talk to me, and you are scrambling for each other, as lively as a vegetable market.

If this happened in the past, Yue Hongsheng would definitely answer a few questions before asking the reporters to sit down.

This time, Yue Hongsheng's attitude changed, becoming extra tough.