Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 351: gossip(4)

"President Yu!" "President Yu!"

"Big Brother!" The four brothers rushed over when they saw Yu Fengqing coming over, and when they saw the people around Yu Fengqing, they hurriedly bent down and shouted respectfully, "Miss!"

"Well, you did a great job!" Xiao Yao glanced at the audience, and the well-trained staff nodded in satisfaction.

"Miss, you've won the prize!" The four of them said modestly while suppressing the surprise in their hearts.

"Second brother, you have gathered all the brothers, the chairman has something to say!" Yu Fengqing said.

"Brothers, big gathering!" Sun Tian whistled and ordered.

Most of the people on the field are retired soldiers, and their movements are very neat. In a few seconds, they all stood up neatly in formation.

"Brothers, I'm Yu Fengqing, everyone knows him. Now, what I want to introduce to you is the chairman of our Royal Security Service Company!" Yu Fengqing said this, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

Many people know that this Royal Company was established by the five Yu Fengqing brothers, but apart from the five brothers, no one in the company knew that the Royal Company even had a chairman who was the real owner of the Royal Company. But curiosity turns into curiosity. These people are well-trained and will never interrupt, and they are all waiting for Mr. Yu's introduction. The person they thought of would be one of them, but to their surprise, this person is not exactly the person they thought.

"Xiao Yao, she is the chairman of our Royal Security Company!" Yu Fengqing introduced Xiao Yao solemnly, "However, you can be called Miss!"

"Hello, Miss!" A loud voice resounded throughout the training ground. No one ever thought that a person who doesn't look big but looks bad could be their boss.

"Hello, brothers!" Xiao Yao used his internal strength a little, but did not use a loudspeaker microphone, and his voice was loud and clear, so that everyone in the audience could hear it clearly.

"When you stand here today, it means that you are a member of the Royal Company. Then the responsibility of the Royal is your responsibility, so the development of the Royal requires the joint efforts of everyone to create a better future together. Similarly, you are the Royal Responsibility, from the first day you enter the royal family, the royal family will give you the best treatment and the safest protection for your family. As long as you are in the royal family for one day, protect you and your family for one day, who will bully you , the royal family will help you to bully you ten times back. But!" Xiao Yao said that his voice suddenly became more serious and severe, "If anyone dares to betray the royal family, then don't blame me for being ruthless, I will not only let him take the If the royal eats it and spit it out, I will let him repay the taste of purgatory in hell!"

When talking about the taste of **** and purgatory, a big stone standing under Xiao Yao's feet turned into pieces.

When the people present saw this scene, their hearts jumped, the hair in their hearts stood on end, and their whole bodies were terrified, as if the stone was him. However, who is this girl, who can crush a big rock with one foot, how strong is this person? No, this is not a problem, the problem is that now this girl is obviously taking a stone to warn them that if they betray, they will be crushed by her just like that stone.

Thinking of this, everyone cheered up and didn't dare to think about the consequences of betrayal.

The effect of Xiao Yao's warning has been achieved, and she continued, "Do you want such power?"

"Yes!" All of them answered excitedly.

"That's good!" Xiao Yao said loudly and sharply. "I can give you such power, but this power is never allowed to be used for anything other than serving the company and protecting the people and things you cherish!"

"Yes, Miss!" A burst of resounding voices replied in unison.

"Okay, I'll teach you a few tricks. These tricks are not allowed to be rumored. If they are discovered, they will be dealt with like a traitor!" Xiao Yao was as strict as the Rakshasa Gang in this regard. Because her martial arts are not ordinary martial arts, rumors will bring great harm to the company.

Zhu Lilin and Wang Yun were once again shocked. They did not expect that Xiao Yao still had such a powerful martial arts. Then, what else is there that Xiao Yao doesn't understand.

Xiao Yao ignored their shock and let everyone arrange their positions as she said. She began to teach a few moves, of course, these moves were different from those of the Rakshasa Gang. Now she doesn't want everyone to think of the relationship between the Rakshasa Gang and the Royal Company.

When the crowd came out of the training ground, it was already very late.

After Xiao Yao said goodbye to these people, he went straight to the night.

Walking to the door of the night with the butterfly mask, the younger brother of the Rakshasa Gang quickly found Xiao Yao. He rushed over to greet him, "Miss, you are here!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Yao stepped directly into the night.

Originally, someone saw a woman wearing a butterfly mask walk in, and the man who had come over to chat with him unexpectedly saw the people of the Rakshasa Gang respectfully leading the way, and stopped in an instant. The person who can make the Rakshasa help such a respectful person must be a person of unusual status, so it is better not to cause trouble.

"Miss, you are here!" Guan Changrong shouted respectfully when he walked to Yeshi's office.

"Well, where is Liu Feiyan?" Xiao Yao asked directly.

Guan Changrong took Xiao Yao to a special room, which was very ornately decorated. Sitting on the bed was a dull-looking woman, Liu Feiyan.

Liu Feiyan, who was lying on the bed, heard the sound of the door opening and thought that some other guests were coming. Liu Feiyan, who was originally sluggish, hurriedly shrank to the corner of the bed in reflex.

Looking up, he found a woman wearing a butterfly mask and Guan Changrong, the boss of the nightclub.

"Guns, please let me go, okay?" Liu Feiyan begged. During this period of time, she was oppressed by those ugly men every day. No matter how much she begged, they would not let her go. It was like a nightmare every day, and she couldn't take it anymore.

"Guan Gang, why don't you help me find Xiao Yao, okay? I'm really wrong. I shouldn't be mean, I shouldn't be so vicious. I'll ask her to forgive me now, okay?" Liu Feiyan He knelt down and pleaded.

"Liu Feiyan, now I know I'm wrong!" Xiao Yao said suddenly, and took off the mask from his face. "But, do you really know what's wrong?"