Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 397: Gambling Stone and Jade Auction (2)

After he heard this, if he wanted to make trouble, he asked Baoli to give him an explanation. What Baoli was talking about was the word "honesty!", which blatantly told him that he couldn't buy this Queen's Inkstone. Although this is the intention of the seller, when the item arrives at Baoli, there is no reason for the seller to select or target the customer. Therefore, what he did was that Baoli told him not to shoot, let him lose face, and became the laughing stock of the upper class circles in Xiangjiang City.

However, when he glared at Xue Yuning, Xue Yuning and the girl were looking at him, the meaning was obvious, that is, they were blatantly mocking him. When he was about to look for trouble, the waiter sent him another sentence. The seller said that if the mistresses and illegitimate children outside do not want to be known by his tigress, it is best not to make trouble. In this way, the guests at the next show will not know that the seller does not sell the inkstone to him, otherwise, he will really be the laughing stock of the whole Xiangjiang.

Thinking of the tigress at home, and then thinking that now the waiter just secretly relayed the message to him, and it was Baoli who didn't want to get into trouble with him. He could only swallow this breath, after all, he didn't want to offend Baoli Company.

Thinking that the girl obviously knew what happened to Baoli, he couldn't bring it up in one breath. Who is this girl? After a lot of inquiries, he found out that this girl was Qi Wanhai's new apprentice, named Xiao Yao. As for who she is and where she lives, I can't find out.

Later, he inadvertently heard his daughter Yuan Linghua say that there was a classmate in her class named Xiao Yao, who didn't know where he came from, but he actually intimidated all the classmates in the school and did not dare to comment on her, and she People are still a bit evil, looking at her, the whole person will feel creepy. He asked casually, the appearance of that named Xiao Yao. In the end, it was really Qi Wanhai's apprentice. He learned from his daughter that this person was of ordinary origin, from the countryside, with only grandparents in the family. He thought that such a girl, even if she was Qi Wanhai's apprentice, would not pose a threat to him. So, don't pay much attention to her.

Later, his daughter did something to the people he wanted Liuhe. She knew that the disappearance of Liu Feiyan, the daughter of one of his cousin's daughters, might have something to do with her, but there was no sufficient evidence, so Feiyan wanted to invite her. Liuhe created evidence to convict her. At that time, he thought that the girl didn't have any background anyway, she just had a master in the antique world, but his master had nothing to say in the police world. Therefore, he assured his daughter to find someone from the Liuhe Society.

However, what he didn't expect was that Xiao Yao was fine, but her daughter couldn't escape. What was even more unexpected was that, in addition to being Qi Wanhai's apprentice, this Xiao Yao was also Tong Wenhua's granddaughter. No one outside knows. Tong Wenhua is different from Qi Wanhai. The Tong family has a very wide network of contacts. With the reputation of the Tong family, even the mayor will look at their face.

As a result, the police station dealt with her daughter's crime of false accusation and slander. He spent a lot of money to get his daughter out, and on the same day he transferred his daughter to another city to go to school. Because this time her daughter offended not only an ordinary Xiao Yao, but Tong Wenhua's granddaughter, the Tong family.

Now this girl has a close relationship with Zhao Fubao. Could it be that the noble behind Zhao Fubao is the Tong family or the Qi family?

Tong's family is in the medical field, and it is unlikely to support Zhao Fubao, a cross-industry emerald jewelry business, so Qi Wanhai is the most likely.

Qi Wanhai himself is a leading celebrity in the antique appraisal industry. Apart from himself, behind him are the Qijia Interstellar Group managed by his grandson Qi Zhantian and his granddaughter Xue Yuning Baoli Group. Both of these two groups are involved in the business of antiques and jadeite. Therefore, if they want to support Zhao Fubao to make a comeback, it is not impossible.

It's just that when the Qi family's relationship with Zhao Fubao was so good, he and Zhao Fubao's more than 20 "good friends!" Why didn't he know. However, if the Qi family sees that the girl is Qi Wanhai's apprentice, it is also possible to invest in Zhao Fubao.

The most important thing now is to figure out, what is the relationship between Xiao Yao and Zhao Fubao? And why does everything that has been happening around him lately seem to be related to this girl? In the Baoli auction, her daughter was accused and Zhao Fubao Liuyu Pavilion opened. As for his niece Liu Feiyan's previous disappearance, she seemed to be related to her. Why did she say it before, because Liu Feiyan had been sent home, her whole body was blue and purple, her eyes were cloudy and dull, and when I asked her where she was going, she could only laugh and drool, and she had completely turned into an idiot. Can't ask anything, so no one knows where she was before?

Watching Zhao Fubao and Xiao Yao look at the stones separately. Yuan Shihua squinted his eyes, looked at Xiao Yao, then turned his head and followed Zhao Fubao.

Of course Zhao Fubao knew that Yuan Shihua was following him, it didn't matter, as long as he did what Xiao Yao said, he would never be wrong.

Zhao Fubao remembered several numbered stones that Xiao Yao said. Then, holding the flashlight, he tossed it over and over and looked at it very seriously, hugged the boulders, and knocked on it. As a result, he put down and shook his head. He walked away again and looked at the next piece.

"Why, Zhao Fubao, I want you to choose the ingredients yourself, master?" Yuan Shihua looked at Zhao Fubao's movements and asked, pretending to be friendly and concerned, as if he had remembered something, patted his forehead, exclaimed and sarcastically said, "Oh , I almost forgot, you are just a small emerald shop owner, how can you afford a stone gambling master!"

Yuan Shihua sneered and exclaimed, attracting the eyes of the people around him, and at the same time, he pointed at Zhao Fubao. Come to the Jade Public Market, choose the stones, and then bid for the auction. In addition to being a strong stone gambler, other jewelers or other celebrities will hire stone gamblers at sky-high prices to bet for themselves. And this person is not only a small boss, but also has no money to hire a stone gambler. If he gambles by himself, he is not afraid of losing money.

However, some jewelers recognized that Zhao Fubao was here. After all, Zhao Fubao was also a person before, but he didn't keep his own industry later. However, just because he recognized it, he despised Zhao Fubao even more. Because it was reported in the Financial News that Zhao Fubao went to sweep the streets after going bankrupt. A pariah who sweeps the streets is actually qualified to participate in the auction of gambling stones and jade, which really tarnishes the noble identities of these celebrities. Therefore, many people involuntarily stay away from Zhao Fubao. However, after a few years, they regretted why they didn't make friends at the beginning, because at that time Zhao Fubao was already the number one person in the jewelry industry in the jade world of Zhongxia Kingdom.

Yuan Shihua looked at Zhao Fubao mockingly after watching the movements of those people. Hmph, Zhao Fubao, how does it feel to be looked down upon? How despised I was in the past, I want you to be despised. Who made you come from a good background and robbed my woman.