Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 471: Yanhui's prelude to the disturbance at L

Shangyu Street and Antique Street are only separated by a road, Xiao Yao wanted to take Zhu Lili to Liuyu Pavilion to see if he liked anything.

So, Xiao Yao and Zhu Lili walked forward hand in hand, followed by the little black cat not far or near. Xiao Yao glanced at the little black cat out of the corner of his eyes, and turned around to look over, but the black cat's footsteps also stopped. , has nothing to do with them.

There were times when Xiao Yao deliberately teased the little black cat. If the little black cat was looking around, or he would scratch his kitten's face with his front two claws. Just don't look at Xiao Yao.

"Yoyao, have you noticed that this little black cat has been following us, and it's very strange?" Zhu Lili suddenly stopped while walking, turned to look at Xiao Yao and asked.

They have always known that this little black cat is following them since they left the community. It was just at first that she thought it was just a coincidence, but Xiao Yao stopped and walked, as if he was also teasing the little black cat. But this little black cat is very human, they stop, it stops, and then the cat's head looks around, or scratches its own tail and small face.

"Yoyao, why do you think that this little black cat is very wrong?" Zhu Lili thought more and more, "Why does this act like a child stealing from an adult? This is very obvious in a cat. Isn't it normal?"

Xiao Yao listened to Zhu Lili's fussing words, and took a special look at the little black cat that was holding his own little black tail. After hearing Zhu Lili's words, the black hair stood up for a moment, grabbing The small paws on the tail also paused for a moment, and there was a flash of panic in his eyes, which all showed that this black cat must be very difficult.

"Li Li, are you being over-hearted!" Xiao Yao replied with a chuckle, "I think this little black cat is reluctant to leave you when it sees such a cute little girl like you, so it will always follow!" These words must be ridiculing and perfunctory Zhu Lili, she doesn't want Zhu Lili to think too much, she is only suitable for the real and simple world.

"Is this possible?" Zhu Lili asked suspiciously, "A cat still understands beauty and ugliness?"

"It's impossible, who said cats don't understand beauty and ugliness, these animals also have aesthetics, okay?" Xiao Yao said. In fact, it was bullshit, and she didn't know.

"This, is this true?" Zhu Lili asked suspiciously again.

"Of course. If you don't believe me, you can go home and look for information. Is it true? Don't you know?" Xiao Yao said confidently.

"Oh!" Zhu Lili nodded and stopped worrying about the black cat, "Then I must check it out when I go back!"

The two continued to walk, but this time the little black cat did not follow. It's just that it was standing on the side of the road lost, and its eyes looked at Xiao Yao and they obviously had helplessness and desire.

"Come here!" Xiao Yao directly faced the little black cat.

The little black cat who was in the middle of the loss suddenly heard Xiao Yao's call, and his heart became active again. It twisted and walked towards Xiao Yao and the others.

Zhu Lili said in surprise, "Shaw, can this little black cat understand human speech?" However, seeing the little black cat's movements, Zhu Lili burst out laughing, "This little black cat is really cute. !" After saying that, he bent down and picked up the little black cat who walked up to them.

When the little black cat was picked up by Zhu Lili, it struggled for a while, and its paws almost scratched Zhu Lili. It was only a short while before it felt a cold and stern look, and there were obvious warnings and threats. I didn't dare to struggle any more, so I could only honestly let Zhu Lili hold her.

"Hey, the little black cat is really good, it's really cute!" Zhu Lili exclaimed, but was a little puzzled for a while, "But why doesn't everyone like to keep black cats?" As far as she knew, many people Those who hate black cats are said to be unlucky.

Hearing Zhu Lili's emotion, Xiao Yao didn't know why, but she could clearly feel the sad nostalgia and helplessness of the little black cat in Zhu Lili's arms.

Xiao Yao explained, "It may be where there are black cats, almost everything will happen, so everyone thinks that black cats are unknown things, so they are reluctant to keep black cats, they are afraid that unknown things will cause them!"

"Is it really like this?" Zhu Lili asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yao explained, "Actually, it's not like that. Black cats ward off evil spirits. And black cats usually take the initiative to suppress the existence of uncleanness, so there are always black cats in places with strong evil spirits, because this way the world will be mistaken. I thought that encountering a black cat is a big ominous. In fact, keeping a black cat at home can play a great role in warding off evil spirits. 'Xuan cat, something to ward off evil spirits. It is easy to put in the south. , is used to ward off evil spirits. The descendants probably only looked at the superficial phenomenon and felt that bad luck would happen when the black cat appeared, so they indiscriminately put all the blame on the head of the black cat. 'Yi Zu Nan' means raising The door is the best, the ancients opened the door to the south. 'For children and grandchildren' probably means that it will always work to protect the owner of the house and even the descendants. Or the descendants of this black cat!"

"Well, the black cat is misunderstood, it's really pitiful!" Zhu Lili also expressed sadness and sympathy, looked at the little black cat in his arms, touched and said, "Then this little black cat is Isn't that how people are misunderstood?"

It was the first time that the little black cat heard someone complaining about their black cat family, and he felt sad and helpless in his heart.

From the moment of their birth, the black cat family has shouldered the responsibility of warding off evil spirits and exorcising evil spirits, so they often perform their duties immediately when they find out where there are evil things, so often when evil things harm people, they go to Expulsion, so people found that black cats will appear wherever there is an accident, so they naturally think that they are unknown.

It's just that they can't justify and avenge themselves. So, even if they are repelled by humans, they will not forget their duties until the moment they die.

In its memory, as soon as it was born, it wandered with its mother, and then followed her mother to find evil things. Only later, the mother was beaten to death, and it continued to wander alone, continued to search for evil things, and drove it away.

Until it met the little master.

Its previous owner was a five-year-old who saw it stray in a street. Therefore, it doesn't need to wander anymore. There are children at home who provide delicious food and drink, and the little master will play with it.