Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 511: Cool father and daughter in late summer

"Student Xiao Yao, don't fool us, there are photos in the newspapers!" Sun Kai came over and said. Otherwise, they would know that Xiao Yao's words were not, they lied to them.

"What, and photos?" Xiao Yao was surprised. She knew that she had posted about the family recognition banquet, but unexpectedly, she also posted the photo. Oh, forget it, get on it, get on it.

"Of course!" The crowd nodded in agreement.

"If it weren't for those photos, I would have thought it was someone with the same name and surname. I didn't expect it to be a classmate in our class!" said a classmate.

"Xiao Yao, we are all curious, how did you and Mr. Tong know each other?" a female classmate asked softly. Xiao Yao is just a country girl, how did she meet Tong Wenhua?

Xiao Yao took a look, all the classmates with shining eyes were waiting for her to answer. Yan Hong smiled and asked, "You are all curious, aren't you?"

Everyone nodded, thinking that Xiao Yao would tell them next.

However, Xiao Yao pretended to be mysterious and said, "The more curious you are, the less I will tell you!"

All the classmates were about to beat Xiao Yao, and they were eager to try. Is there such a trick. Have it? Just considering that their force value is not as good as Xiao Yao's, if they beat him up, that's his share of being beaten, so he can only put down his fist.

This man can't be beaten, the other two might beat him. Who made these two people Xiao Yao's younger brother? The elder brother's fault, the younger brother takes it.

"Ah, ah, boss help, boss help!"

"Boss, save me, please, just tell us, or we will all be killed!"

In an instant, the classroom became lively, and it felt like a chicken flying and a dog jumping.

At noon, Xiao Yao went to the ordinary cafeteria to eat as before, along with Zhang Mingming and Ding Hao. For Xiao Yao, it's the same wherever she goes to eat, but she doesn't like people who look like a first-class in luxury restaurants.

But, on the way, was stopped.

Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows and looked at the puffy classmate who was crying, Miss Xia Mo Liang.

At this time, the late summer is cold, and there is no girl who looks delicate, moving and cute like before. But puffy eyes, still red, even make-up can't cover it up.

Although she was crying, she didn't seem to make her face cry. The makeup still looked very delicate, but the haggard face on her face couldn't be covered even by makeup.

She was also not wearing her signature pink dress or white clothes. Today, she was wearing a dark black down jacket, which made her look very gloomy and gloomy.

Xia Mo Liang stopped Xiao Yao, gritted her teeth at her, and asked loudly, "Xiao Yao, are you satisfied when you see my appearance? Are you happy?"

Xiao Yao said expressionlessly, "You look like this, which look do you look like? You don't have any lack of use or feet, so what look do you look like?"

Hearing the lack of hands and feet, Xia Mo Liang was even more hated, and she said tearfully, "Xiao Yao, you are so cruel. Now, all my relatives and friends are forced to stay away from me. , let them scold and hate me, and now, there is no one to talk or play with me. Xiao Yao, this is your purpose, isn't it?"

At the end of Xia Liang, he hated so much that he wanted to eat Xiao Yao's meat before he could let his hatred down.

If it weren't for Xiao Yao, everything would be perfect for her. She was admired by many people, and she also had the admiration of many male classmates. She wanted the wind and the rain.

However, all this was destroyed by Xiao Yao. If it wasn't for Xiao Yao talking about her like that in front of so many people, if it wasn't for the recording in Xiao Yao's hand, if it wasn't for Xiao Yao's aggressiveness, would she be betrayed by her relatives and friends at the end of the summer?

Xiao Yao was speechless when he saw Xia Mo Liang who scolded her harshly. At this point, you still don't wake yourself up, and you put all your faults on others. Such people are really hopeless. If she could really wake herself up, Xiao Yao could still look at her, but she didn't.

Xiao Yao said in a cold voice, "I didn't harm you at the end of summer, but you harmed yourself!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't pay any attention to Xia Liangliang, and went straight to the cafeteria.

At the end of Xia Liang looked at Xiao Yao's back angrily, shouting in his heart, Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, I must also let you taste the taste of betrayal and separation.

Xia Batian and Xia Mo Liang's father and daughter have had a hard time since the banquet that day. Wherever they go, they seem to be ostracized, alienated, seeing them like the plague, even pointing at them directly.

The father and daughter were so angry that they kept at home and cursed.

Xia Batian never thought that his original intention of attending the banquet was to climb up those nobles and, if possible, to turn his daughter's branch into a golden phoenix. Let all admire them.

He was not reconciled. He was only a small director. The only famous company in Gaoying was Gaoying School. Other industries were also training institutions. It is simply not ranked among the Hong Kong enterprises. Therefore, he actually wanted to use the hands of nobles to see if he could be promoted to a higher level, such as transferring him to a department with real power in the city government, and his position must not be lower than the title of section chief, etc.

At that time, when he is rich and famous, everyone will act according to his face, so why not do it.

However, all of this was broken by going to a family recognition banquet.

Now, not to mention the high position, it is quite possible to say whether Gao Ying's position as vice chairman can be kept.

After the Tongjia Banquet, on the first day of work, Gao Ying held a council meeting. And the content of this meeting turned out to be, voting, whether he is eligible to continue to hold the position of deputy chairman.

The reason is that as a base for educating people and talents, a person who does not know how to educate his own children, how can he rest assured that he will educate other children well. Therefore, his position must be relinquished and let someone with virtuous ability take up the position.

Xia Batian was so angry that his gums were going to bite. What kind of **** reason is this? Since he took over this position from his father, he doesn't know how much effort he has put into Gao Ying. However, he has not yet acted, but was pulled down by others.