Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 641: Master is jealous (1)

Unexpectedly, the Royal Security Company accidentally became famous. So much so that every rich man wants to hire bodyguards from the Royal Security Company at sky-high prices.

Xiao Yao made a decisive decision and asked Yu Fengqing and the others to train new people according to their goals, requirements and levels.

One group is trained by protection companies, and the other group is trained by going out to serve as bodyguards.

The former is based on company members, and their treatment and benefits are very generous. They are of their own kind.

The latter is the expatriate who is equivalent to paying the training fee to train. This type of person uses the influence of the Royal Security Company to earn high remuneration for the purpose of being a bodyguard.

These people don't receive a penny in the early training, but after training them, they earn 30 percent of the remuneration? ? ? Hand it over to the Royal Security Company, and during the period of being a bodyguard in the name of the royal family, it is absolutely not allowed to do anything to corrupt the Royal Security Company, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk. As for the consequences, it is definitely not what you want.

With the continuous training, the bodyguards are divided into three levels, namely, white, yellow, and black. Of course, the price is also low to high.

It can be said that the Royal Security Company is the most expensive bodyguard among all the bodyguard companies in Zhongxia. But many wealthy people have to come to hire a royal bodyguard at an exorbitant price.

Therefore, at present, the Royal Security Company also has a profit of more than 10 million per month. It's not much money to make, but at least it doesn't need to be invested in, which also shares some of the pressure on Liuyu Pavilion.

For half a year, the Royal Security Company has successively recruited veterans with conditions from all over the country. From a small company with only a few dozen people, it has expanded to a scale of more than 500 people.

With the development and expansion of the group and various branches, Xiao Yao intends to develop with a model of 2,000 people, so there is still a certain gap between 500 people and 2,000 people.

As for the pharmaceutical beauty products company directly linked to the Zhongxia Group, the beauty products produced are very popular with ladies and ladies. As soon as new products come out, no matter how expensive they are, they will be sold out, and profits are of course no problem.

Even if the profits from this pharmaceutical company are not calculated in billions, they are calculated in ten million. Don't underestimate this tens of millions, because this is just the profit from a beautiful little shop in Xiaoxiangjiang City. That is to say, the pharmaceutical company has not scaled up, and the separation has not been opened.

Xiao Yao is also a high-end line in beauty medicine.

In each city, there will only be one pharmacy that sells beauty, and some beauty products with excellent efficacy will only be limited. Of course, the cost must be high.

The heart of beauty, everyone has a heart.

Many women spend their whole lives just to maintain their beauty and youth, and they pay a lot for this.

Since there is such a thing in Meilai, they will definitely buy it even at a sky-high price.

There were no branches in various places before because the time was not ripe. Because the medicinal properties of Meililai's products need to be approved by everyone, it will only make sense to expand.

However, after more than three months of running-in, the beauty shop can open a branch.

These are all secret industries that only Xiao Yao knows about.

When these industries are not fully mature and he has not fully grasped who those people are, Xiao Yao will never disclose it to the public.

But she has to attract the attention of those people, so after today's auction, she will build a bright property.

Because she already has a large amount of cash on hand, with her current granddaughter of the Tong family, the girlfriend of the eldest son of the Leng family, and multiple identities as a genius doctor, her money must have attracted attention.

Therefore, she will openly start some industries with these identities, such as re-opening companies. She wants everyone to know that Xiao Yao is not only capable of medicine and martial arts, but also has business ability.

She wanted to prove to everyone that even if she didn't have the identity of the eldest child of the Tong family, Xiao Yao was worthy of the eldest son of the Leng family.

Beijing cold home

"Rui'er, the sixth day of next month is your father's 50th birthday. Mom hopes that Miss Xiao Yao will come to celebrate your father!" Li Mengxian looked at Leng Changrui and said sincerely.

Leng Changrui glanced at the expressionless grandfather and Leng Jianfeng who frowned slightly, and then replied coldly, "Okay!"

"Okay, okay!" Li Mengxian said two words in a row, but she didn't know whether it was better for Leng Changrui to respond, or whether it was better for Leng Changrui to come to Leng Jianfeng's birthday.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the auction officially started.

At nine o'clock, the guests of the auction venue had not yet officially settled down, and many people took advantage of this opportunity to develop some friendship with each other.

When Xiao Yao and Tong Wenhua arrived at the auction, they were watched by a lot of people. Almost all the people with heads and faces would come over to say hello to Tong Wenhua.

Just facing Xiao Yao, there are those who are curious, those who look at them, and those who are disdainful and contemptuous.

However, Xiao Yao ignored the past.

Whether their attitude is good or bad, can't have any influence on her, and she doesn't live and eat by looking at their faces.

"Hello, Tong Lao!" A middle-aged man in a suit, wearing glasses, came over and greeted him very politely.

Tong Wenhua just nodded his head, and agreed to him, Tong Wenhua had no impression of this person. However, many people will come to say hello to him when they see him, which is also normal.

The man looked at Xiao Yao and asked with a smile, "Tong Lao, this is your granddaughter, Miss Xiao Yao!"

Tong Wenhua responded, "Yes. This is my granddaughter Xiao Yao!"

The man looked at Xiao Yao's face and said with a bit of nostalgia, "This Miss Xiao Yao looks very much like one of my college classmates!"

Xiao Yao's mind was moved, and he asked calmly and generously, "Oh, this uncle, don't you have a birthmark on your classmate's face? Besides, I'm only sixteen years old, and your classmate is at least the same as you. Ordinary grade. Could it be that I really look so old?"

"No, Miss Tong, when I say like, I mean the facial features look alike!" The middle-aged man defended, and then looked at Xiao Yao and continued with nostalgia, "She has a pair of water like Qiuquan like you. Her bright eyes are so noble and her temperament is like blue. At that time, there were so many boys chasing her that they could circle the entire campus for several times. Alas, what a pity!" The middle-aged man sighed softly, very regretful look.