Rebirth: Business Queen

Chapter 752: Desert Thrill (2)

He once brought tourists to the Cannibal Desert, but that time he brought a dozen tourists, and he was the only one who came back, because he watched those tourists devoured by the desert.

Entering the desert, what you can see is the endless yellow and monotonous sand, without a trace of green, but with the blue cloudless sky and the sun that hangs like a fireball, it looks beautiful from a distance, but it eats people. view.

When they arrived at the man-eating desert, it was in the morning, although it was not the hottest noon, but because it was summer, the temperature was unusually hot.

Xiao Yao and Leng Changrui felt hot and dry, even though they had internal energy to dispel the heat, they still felt irritable. Neither Xiao Yao nor Leng Changrui had been to the desert, so they didn't know what it was like to be in the desert.

As soon as the guide went in, he said, "Two guests, this is a man-eating desert. However, depending on the time, I suggest that the two of you still enter at four or five o'clock in the afternoon. Because, if you go in now, I am afraid that the two of you will not be able to stand it. That roasted taste." Pabalag was kind advice. Now directly into the boundless desert area, the temperature on the desert at noon can reach 60 ℃, which is not ordinary heat for human beings.

Xiao Yao and Leng Changrui looked at the hot sun in the sky, and decided to take a rest here and set off in the afternoon.

The three got off the camel, uh, Xiaoba was in the space, the three set up the tent, packed their bags, and then began to rest.

Xiao Yao sat in front of the tent and looked at the endless yellow dust desert. He was really generous.

If the tomb is really under the desert, it means that the original dust, even if it is not a lush and lush forest in the four seasons, it is also a place where the spring flowers bloom, the lightning flashes, the autumn is cool, and the winter is snowy.

Only after the passage of time and human greed, this piece of nature has gradually degraded these usual scenery, and has gradually become a yellow and barren land that makes people cringe and panic.

Leng Changrui and Xiao Yao sat side by side, also looking at this desert that was said to be scary. There are deserts in Longteng Continent, but he has never seen them.

"Senior brother, looking at such a beautiful place from a distance, who would have thought that once you step into it, it will be a place where every step of the way is shocking, or even a place where there may be no bones left." Xiao Yao leaned on Leng Changrui's shoulder with a trace of indifference. Said sadly. I just didn't do much sympathy, I just felt pity.

"Hey, Xiao Yao'er, why are you here?" A loud and magnetic voice came to Xiao Yao's ears with surprise.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Yao and Leng Changrui both frowned, how could this Shui Youran just happen to appear here?

Xiao Yao looked over and asked lightly, "Shui Youran, why are you here?"

Shui Youran held a fan, fanned her head, and then complained, "Xiao Yao'er, you don't know, I'm not going to travel in Tibet, who would have thought that walking I got lost, and then I walked again, and I came here. No, I met you again by coincidence." As for the other person whose face was so black that ink dripped, he ignored it.

Except for Shui Youran, the corners of everyone else's mouth twitched. Can this be said more? Are the guides you're looking for for decoration? So easy to get lost. The two bodyguards at the back were muttering in their hearts that the eldest young master was clearly following Xiao Yao. Of course, they wouldn't dare to say this.

Hearing Shui Youran's answer, Xiao Yao looked at Shui Youran for a while with a half-smiling smile, then turned around and leaned on me again with his senior brother.

Shui Youran actually knew that her reasons were untenable, she just touched her nose and sat in front of the tent set up by the bodyguards, holding a fan, looked at the sky, looked at the ground, and occasionally in the middle of Xiao Yao and the others Inserting a few words made Leng Changrui almost punch him again.

"Xiao Yao'er, where is that child?" Shui Youran glanced at Xiao Yao and several others, but did not find the child whose veins were jumping with anger.

Xiao Yao ignored him, pretending he didn't hear him. Mainly because of this beautiful face, who is evil and charming, but is a nagging person. No, it's only been a long time, he has been pestering Xiao Yao to talk, Xiao Yao ignored him, and he continued to ask and continue to talk.

After a while, Xiao Yao couldn't stand his fiery staring eyes and could only say, "Shui Youran, aren't you thirsty? Even if you are not thirsty, you have to save for entering the desert for a while. A little bit?" The implication is that he is too nagging and wastes his saliva.

It's just that the cheeky man Shui Youran said in surprise, "I didn't expect Xiao Yao'er to care about me so much, I'm really flattered. Well, but Xiao Yao'er, don't worry, we brought a lot of water, we will never be caught Thirsty."

Xiao Yao had a black line on his face, and Leng Changrui glared at Shui Youran coldly with his sharp eyes.

This water is quiet, they only know that he is the overlord of the capital, but they don't know that he is very cheeky. The group waited for the hottest time period to pass, then packed their bags and set out for the center of the desert.

Xiao Yao doesn't care what Shui Youran's purpose is, but Xiao Yao and Leng Changrui's goal is to find the Scarlet Cactus.

Xiao Yao's guide told his guests that what they were looking for was the **** human palm, and he took them there based on the memory of his previous visit. Although he was very afraid, he received a high reward.

Pabalage had seen that blood-colored cactus. The cactus was about thirty centimeters tall, and it was the color of blood. The sharp thorns of the front were shining like golden needles, which were more dazzling and beautiful than the blood coral in the deep sea.

As the saying goes, the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is!

At that time, the tourists he brought saw such a cactus, and they were very pleasantly surprised. All of them wanted to get closer to see it clearly, and even wanted to transplant it. It's just that before they all got close to it, they were buried in the ground in an instant, but they didn't come out, and because he wasn't so curious, he got away from the cactus and escaped.

After walking for about four hours, it was about seven or eight in the evening. The moon was in the sky, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on this yellow sandy field. Everyone was tired and stopped to rest for a while.

In another two or three hours, the temperature at night may drop to minus 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, and then it will be impossible to hurry.

"Miss Xiao Yao, Mr. Leng, during this time period, there will be many powerful and poisonous insects burrowing out of the ground. You should be careful not to get bitten," the guide reminded. The temperature at this time is just right for activities, so many things buried in the ground will come out to find food.

The group sat down, drank some water, and ate some dry food.

"Ah, what is that?" One of Shui Youran's bodyguards pointed at an ugly bug in horror.