Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 108: The Extraordinary War

   Fang Xiu stayed up yesterday to find the remains of the saint, but he had no clue how to find the pact of the sea **** Bollendna. He wondered whether he should hire a ship and an experienced captain to go out to find the contract left by the sea god.

   An object left by an alien spirit is, in all respects, an extremely dangerous thing. If it is left outside, its possible impact is completely beyond its control.

   "No, not only did it fall into the sea, but it might also fall on land, or it would rush back to land with the waves."

   "The vicinity of Weigang City should be an important search target, and it should also be considered."

   And at this time, Fang Xiu looked over the computer and suddenly saw a piece of news and immediately frowned.

   Fang Xiu searched according to the news, and immediately found the live broadcast about it. After opening, he immediately saw a familiar commercial street in Shanghe District. On the originally lively street, he could not see a figure.

   The lens twisted and looked towards the distance, and you could see that a whole street was completely turned into ice and snow. Rows and rows of vehicles were frozen and parked on the street in chaos.

   This scene is like the scene of an abandoned city in the doomsday wasteland.

   The windows of the building are covered with snow and frost, and the closer to the center, you can see the center that caused this low temperature. It is a figure that is constantly moving forward.

The lens is very far away, as if it was shot in a building very far away, I can't see what the figure looks like, but you can see where it passed, the wind screamed, and the white snowflakes followed him Advance together to cover the entire ground.

   walked slowly, white followed him, freezing and closing everything he passed.

"I saw it, this monster! At the beginning, he appeared in the Andong District. The strength was not so strong. He walked all the way, and his strength became stronger and stronger. The whole person walked along with the snowstorm and the ice and snow, freezing everything. Things you can see!" The anchor being broadcast lively shouted with excitement.

   And more people are talking, and there are more and more people watching this live broadcast, and thousands of bullets have been swiped from above.

   "I'm going! This scene hangs more than the superhero movie I watched!"

   "Waigang City is really a bunker! Is this the evil spirit coming out? Do you look at the gods, monsters, or evil spirits all day long?"

   "Unfortunately, the city of Weigang was blocked, the bit zone is still strict, ordinary people are not allowed to enter! I heard that house prices there have skyrocketed, and looking at the scene, who dares to live in Weigang City!"

"A large number of people are willing to go, I heard that there are a large number of practitioners, Sanyangguan, and Junzhishan in Weigang City, maybe one day they can really meet the chance? And I heard that there is a dragon vein, heaven and earth Aura is strong, and living there can increase luck and even life!"

   "I heard that the prices of the cemeteries in Weigang City have all gone up to the sky. Being able to be buried there is tantamount to being buried near the Dragon's Vessel!"

   "If I were to master such a powerful force, I would be willing to pay any price!"

   "I originally wanted to go to the Antarctic to see the legendary gate of the fairy world, what a pity! Now no one can go!"

   Fang Xiu took a look at the barrage. Is the matter about the city of Waigang and the return of the Antarctic to the ruins now known to everyone? But after thinking about it, most of the people who can watch this live broadcast are concerned fans in this regard. It is normal to know that.

   And at this time, the movement finally appeared in the picture.



In the camera, I saw a row of police cars parked in the distance and armed police armed with anti-riot shields fired. With several heavy machine guns on the back of the vehicle, the bullets shot into the white snow and snow, You can see the figure directly hit.

The bullets were rumbling out, and the gunshots continued, and you could see the bullets spread out like no money, and the flare of the grenade launcher, and then saw the road explode along with several cars, the fire was full day.

However, the other party only twisted his body, then walked out of the firelight and continued to move forward, as if the other party’s attack was just tickling, and at this time, several smoke from an armored car rose and the rocket launcher hit the other party. .

   And at this time, the other party finally had action, raised his hand, and immediately saw the ice blue water condensing along his palm, turned into a blue crystal light shield, blocking the other party's attack.

  The sky and snow wrapped in his body also stopped.

   Along with the rumbling explosion, it was blown away, lifted by air waves for more than ten meters, and fell on a flower bed that was frozen into ice sculpture.


   "Did you die?"

  When everyone thought he was going to die, the other party slowly climbed up, the cold storm covered the whole street stopped, and people finally saw him.

It was a rags-clothed monster covered with scales, a pair of ear-black hair fluttering in the cold wind, at this moment he was covered with flesh and blood, scales flying, but healed quickly, in the blink of an eye Restored to its original state.

Fang Xiu saw at a glance that this guy's body part was deified. This conventional weapon could not kill him at all. If he wanted to kill him, he could only kill him from the level of the soul and kill him alive. Exhausted.

However, from this point of view, it is basically certain that the pact of the sea **** Bollendina fell into the hands of this person, a mortal, obtained the gods, even if the other party does not have malicious evil thoughts, it is not an evil spirit. There are no traps on the leftover items.

   But the breath that came from the power of myth was enough to devour everything.

   This is a contract for the Son of God and the saints, and mortals reaching for it is blasphemy. ,

   Fang Xiu can feel that he is gradually assimilated, losing himself step by step, and finally completely reduced to a crazy monster with only power, and then swallowed and destroyed by that power.

   "Oh my god! Anyone who rides horses can do this!"

   "The sky is blasted! This is not dead?"

The anchor of the live broadcast also immediately said: "It's impossible to die! I've been to this set before in Andong District. It's useless. The monster was beaten into a sieve. Everyone thought he was going to die. I didn't expect him to get up immediately. It has become more fierce."

   "And this is over, this monster is going to go crazy!"

   The monster stretched out his hands, and immediately saw the water pipe above the road crack, and several fire hydrants poured out at the same time. UU reading

  The water column soaring up from the ground one after another, the monster pointed at the sky, and immediately saw the water flow converging, turning into the water vapor and rushing towards the sky, converging into a white air vortex in the sky.

   The monster stretched out his hands, four fingers in one hand, **** in one hand vertically, and one finger forward.

   Thousands of ice lings fell from the sky in the sky. The scene was overwhelming, and the vastness of the world was like a punishment. It fell into the world, and every ice gleam gleamed with ice blue light.

At this time, a ray of light flashed in the sky, a long-bearded Taoist with a dark robe appeared in the sky, only saw dozens of runes condensed into a ring, and at the same time bombarded the white vortex in the sky, the light of runes converged into a line, Through the air vortex, the blue crystal in the air vortex is exposed.

  In a distant building, a man in a retro white gown and black trousers with a slightly pointed monkey gill appeared. He was wearing a pair of cloth shoes and raised a crossbow. The arrows above were drawn with dense runes.

It was the scattered people of Qingyang, who had two divine lights in their eyes, and immediately locked the blue crystal in the vortex. The arrow instantly turned into a light, penetrated the blue crystal, and destroyed the core of the other’s divine art. .

   Thousands of icicles fell from the sky like a knife, and at this time another figure also appeared behind the monster, and Fu Jian was sheathed and directed at him with a residual image.


   This sound is not the sound of fighting, but-the live broadcast is blocked!

Fang Xiu froze for a moment, but he also immediately recovered. He should solve the trouble of the pact of the sea **** Bollendna. With the power of the investigation bureau, Sanyangguan and Qingyang, there is no way to solve a contract. Poseidon's saints, even if this is just a pseudo-saint.