Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 125: God Corpse

The corpses ran across the field, the bones covered the ground, the scavenging evil birds and crows hovered in the sky, the black crushed piece was difficult to disperse, the hungry wolf jackal walked in the wilderness, tearing the corpses on the ground and corrupting flesh and blood.

Fang Xiu stepped on the wild grass and stepped into the Dragon Hill. Looking at the past, the miserable conditions made people unbearable to witness, the strong stench was nausea, and it was summer at the moment, but in this Dragon Hill, it was as cold as winter 'S ice cold seems to be drilling into the bones of human beings.

What Fang Xiu looked at was under the earth. At the moment under the earth, a breath of death went deep into the ground, like a black dragon hovering underground.

There was originally a naturally formed spiritual vein, and the surrounding mountain formation also formed a dragon shape, just like a large dragon plate lying on this land, so the dragon head is called Dragon Hill here.

At that moment, those death qi formed grief, deep into the ground, and the cold grief penetrated the ground, eroding people's minds and souls. Among them, tens of thousands of souls screamed in it, and they would naturally emerge from the ground at night.

At that time, I am afraid that the evil spirits are walking on the ground, eating human flesh and blood, and soul-taking.

If it weren’t for fear of the rays of the sun shining from the undead tree in the sky during the day, I’m afraid they would get out in the day.

Fang Xiu stepped on the ground a little bit and looked at everything here. Although he had known these problems in the mountain and sea world for a long time, it was not so serious.

It was the earliest thing that was born in the place of Nanzhou. After the death of the powerful soul, the seven souls dispersed and the three souls went to the two souls. However, a little true spirit still lives in the world and refuses to enter the round with a little obsession. .

This is because, despite having a life-and-death book, the wheel of Shanhaijie is not perfect, and the reincarnation system is still very chaotic.

Although there is a life-and-death book, the life-and-death book itself is just a dead object. There are so many creatures in this world of mountains, seas, and worlds. Flowers, trees, birds, insects, and orcs have spirits. Fang Xiu cannot check everyone’s names, and then tick off their names one by one. , And even that strong generation, use the loophole to stay in the world.

Moreover, it is difficult to determine their destiny in the afterlife based on their good and evil merits and punishments. What is the basis for the determination? Fortunately now, in the future, there will definitely be chaos, Fang Xiu feels that there should be a world wheel next.

"After the fire of humanity was ignited, the origin of spiritual practice was determined. The next step should be to set the world wheel!" Fang Xiuruo realized.

He stood above Longqiu, overlooking the surrounding mountains and rivers.

It can be seen that a cold sorrow emerged from the ground, the flowers and grass withered into a wasteland, and the original scenic dragon hills became little ghosts.

Although he can eliminate the problems here by waving his hand, the current problem is more than that. As long as the order of the heaven and the wheel is fixed, all these problems will naturally be solved.

After Fang repaired his thoughts, he finally turned his eyes further north.

Sharp eyes penetrated the clouds and the earth, as if to see a valley in the distance like a blessed earth.

There, it will open the final battle of the origin of humanity.

In this battle, it is not only the winning and losing of both sides and the number of territories, but also which side will be the future master of Dongzhou, the vast earth, and who will rise and fall.

Decide who will open the next era.

The winner ignited the fire of humanity and took advantage of the protagonist's luck, while the loser was reduced to dust.

It's just that the two warring parties, even those strangers, don't understand so clearly what this war means to them.

Si Qiongshan is located in the northern part of the Xuanyuan Kingdom. It looks as if four large snakes are intertwined, protecting the Xuanyuan Kingdom. The dozen waterfalls flow out from the head of the big snake and are scattered.

Surrounded by pavilions and towers on the mountain, there are groups of spirits and strange animals. It is much faster to practice here than ordinary people do elsewhere.

In the mountains, there are not only Xuanyuan nationals with snake tails, but also a large number of human slaves, or close attendants who have practiced the practice.

There are only a few hundred people in the Xuanyuan Kingdom, but everyone can practice. They are born with supernatural powers, but are descendants of gods and demons. They are naturally proud to look down on the human race and treat them as slaves to ants, killing slavery at will.

At this moment, they have fallen into a desperate situation of panic and overwhelming.

Hundreds of Xuanyuan people gathered in front of the temple, and they were not panic-stricken all the time. A man of handsome appearance, like a half-man and half-dragon, the Xuanyuan people in the posture of the ancient gods, with terrified disturbances in front of the temple, blamed each other for shouting.

Crowds of human slaves also panicked and ran around, trying to escape from here, but this place has been reduced to death.

Between the fight and escape, there was also a fight. The beautiful jade dropped to the ground and smashed into pieces. The painted pottery painted with ancient myths turned into waste between the stumbling blocks. The elegant harp dropped in the mud. The whole Xuanyuan The country is in chaos, and there is no longer that clean past.

At the moment outside the Siqiong Mountain, tens of thousands of troops were gathered. This time it can be said that the entire power of the whole Xun Kingdom was gathered. Most of the domestic men are here, compared to the slowness and arrogance of Xuanyuan Kingdom, centrifugal separation from Germany, Xun Kingdom It can be said that at all times, the whole country fought.

Hundreds of witches and witches, together with the stranger, built a witch altar under the mountain, and thousands of slaves and livestock were bound under the altar.

They want the art of the ancient witch sacrifice, sacrifice these sacrifices, and use the filthy gas to break the enchantment of the Siqiu Mountain, which has not yet restored all its power. As long as the enchantment is broken, it will reveal itself. Xuanyuan State in it.

The time will come when the entire Xuanyuan Kingdom and all its people will die.

"Woo Huo!" A loud roar came from the end of a witch offering, and then dozens of witch offerings moved at the same time.

They wore feather coats made of bird feathers and animal hairs, animal teeth and jaws hanging around their necks, and heavy decorations between their hairs. They danced strange dances, and took strange steps with their bare feet. They recite incomparable sacrifices and pray to the witch gods they believe in.

Crowds of priests dressed in animal skins played the Xun made of pottery, and gave out the dull sacrificial rituals. The Xun Kingdom was originally named after the Xun, and then the Great Witch Festival led them to rise, and only today.

As he stood in front of the witch-like statue made of grass and trees, King Xun Kingdom screamed with anger, and everyone followed him and took his hands together, kneeling on the ground.

Thick clouds of smoke diffused from their ears, noses, and noses, condensed into a terrible shadow in the sky, the shadow resembled a human being, not a human being, or a demon, not a demon, exuding the ancient atmosphere of the ancient wilderness.

At this moment, the soldiers were waiting a long time ago, and at the same time, thousands of sacrifices were killed. The blood pooled under the altar to form a pool of blood, flowing around the trench excavated by the altar, and then formed a stream of blood to the sky dome, and The horrible shadows are combined.


The shadow of the witch **** rushed towards the enchantment, and the forbidden aura on it dissipated, and the enchantment collapsed and dispersed to nothingness in an instant.


The enclave collapsed, gradually revealing the original hidden shadow inside, a place like a fairyland blessed land, revealed in front of them, the big river surrounded, cascades of waterfalls poured, beautiful palace pavilions and atop The temple, the sky crane also hovered with white cranes and blue birds.

The army of tens of thousands of people outside shouted like hungry wolves and beasts.

Tens of thousands of ethnic tribes have madly poured into the Xuanyuan Kingdom, rushed up under the leadership of various tribal patriarchs, witch sacrifices, city-state lords and wizards.

At this moment, the Xuanyuan people standing on the middle of the mountain, looking at the enchantment of the sky and the sky, pale and pale, fell into despair.

"Ancestors bless!"

"Ancestors bless me!"

One of the Xuanyuan people issued a last cry of despair, only begging the ancestors in the temple to resurrect, borrowing the power of the gods and demons to disperse the enemy.

Qingyang is now dressed in a witch offering, sitting on top of a wolf beast, with the temperament of a pointed beak monkey and a **** stick, it looks like it is really a witch offering coming out of an ancient myth.

"Hahahaha! Really succeeded!" Qingyang couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Kill it up!"

During this period of time when he entered the mountain and sea world, he was just trying to reach the heights, the experience of controlling all living beings, and the feeling of that iron horse Jinge, whatever he wanted to do.

He controlled the wolf beast and led hundreds of fierce barbarians to rush up with stone axe, giant hammer and spear, and other strangers who also fell from the world, also gathered together, followed the army to enter the Xuanyuan go with.

The gas refiner Jia Yi opened his mouth and saw a golden light spit out from it, splitting into several paths in the sky, and penetrating the guards of the Xuanyuan nationality guards guarding outside.

At the same time, I looked at the palace in the middle of the mountain waterfalls above the mountainside, where is the center of the Xuanyuan Kingdom. Similarly, it also represents the heritage of the Xuanyuan Kingdom.

"On top!"

Thousands of people crossed the stone bridge above the big river, killed the slave guards and the guarded Xuanyuan nationals in Xuanyuan, and rushed towards the mountains.

The Xuanyuan people fought and retreated, and most of the people retreated into the shrine. Hundreds of Xuanyuan people gathered inside the shrine and were heavily guarded by human guards, but by this time, they had reached the point of exhaustion.

At this time, the high priest of Xuanyuan Kingdom finally opened the door to the innermost level of the temple with the technique of inheritance.


The huge bronze door opened with a loud bang, exposing the tall palace built of the **** wood and golden jade inside. The bronze lamp created by the fairy boy has been burning for thousands of years, and the light illuminates the entire palace.

But the most fascinating thing is the bronze coffin in the middle of the temple. The chain of gods flashes on it, exuding golden radiance, and the powerful power is emitted from it.

"This is my ancestor!"

"Ancient Godman asleep waiting for recovery!"

The high priest looked at the mysterious bronze coffin with dementia and stepped into it one by one.

Then, at this time, there was a buzzing sound from the coffin, as if something was sensed. The coercion of the ancient gods and demons caused the high priest who had broken in here to kneel on the ground in an instant, and he could not lift his head.

The Xuanyuan people who came in with the high priests also crawled on the ground and no longer dared to raise their heads.

The high priest wept loudly and stumbled with his head.

"Xuanyuan Kingdom was devastated!"

"The undesirable descendants disturbed the ancestors' sleep and prayed for their ancestors' blessing!"

"Pray for the ancestors to wake up and bless my people!"

After he finished speaking, he saw the high priest and dozens of Xuanyuan people behind him, and at the same time inserted a jade knife into his neck, dozens of people committed suicide at the same time, and the blood was sprayed like spring water, and the entire temple was stained.

The blood of the descendants of the gods and demons spilled all over the tomb of the **** corpse, and UU reading followed the pattern on the ground and gathered towards the center.

The patterns on the entire ground seemed to be activated. The bronze coffin in the center also shook violently. The chain on it floated and danced, and a strong light swayed from the bronze coffin.

The light bands of Tuan Tuan scattered from the coffin, the whole shrine of the photos was very transparent, and the forbidden system of Xuanao like the prototype of the road was scattered with the light band, reflecting the sky.

The high priest finally read the words and injected all the souls of the whole body into this sacrificial spell. As the last word was read, she inserted a knife into her chest and dug out her heart.

"Human race! Xun Kingdom! Great Wu Ji! You all have to die!"

"Everyone, be buried with me!"

The blood stained the gorgeous robe. At this time, she was still not dead, holding the heart to inject the spell into it. When she was talking, her mouth was full of blood, and the words were full of severe curses and resentment. .