Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 152: Huan Wang

Within the tall palace wall, a wide stone paved square, a long row of stairs, a whole row of tripods are placed, all the way up the ninety-nine stairs, through two thick palaces The door reached the palace, and saw the solemn throne and the king of huan dressed in a red and black crown.

The entire palace was built on a huge ancient ruin, using tens of thousands of slaves, a large number of witch sacrifices, and witches. After ten years of construction, it was finally possible to have this unimaginable palace.

The dynasty of the Dahuan dynasty was held at night. The palace was filled with lights. Most of the officials below were sitting on their knees. The throne above was also directly attached to the ground without legs.

Most of the following officials and clan groups are no longer as they were in the Xun Kingdom period. They are like wild beasts and barbarians who drink blood and blood. They are wrapped in animal skins and have broken faces and carry people to eat people.

After decades of rest and development, the Dahuan people also understood the beauty of Huazhang and the etiquette. They not only wore gorgeous robes, but also began to wear jade, hair, and crown hats.

However, some witch festivals and wizards still retain the early customs of Xun Kingdom.

The King Huan sat next to the historian, and the next head was divided into a witch offering to take charge of the sacrifice, a witch taking charge of the conscript,

After the end of the dynasty meeting, I saw people below leaving in bullock carts or seats. Everyone carried a lot of slaves and officials.

The old Maid King Huan finally picked him up in two bright and dignified ladies dressed in red clothes. The former powerful King Huan, although the technique of witch sacrifice is still powerful, can't stop a little bit of old and decaying fate. , Even people have to support even walking.

There is a mark on the head of Huan Wang like the birthmark of the gods. That is the mark of his birth as a man of fate. Everyone believes in him, that is, the person selected by the heaven and the witch god, and even many people believe that he is the witch god. Incarnation.

Everyone believes, including him, that is why he established the Dahuan dynasty.

"Fate is Xun!"

"Now, the destiny is over, so is it the end of the moment?"

Wang Huan's hand was covered with wrinkles on his face. He stood outside the palace, filled with gully-like hands like chicken skin, stroking the cool stone railings, and the crown suit dragging over the stone slab and walking down the stairs a little.

He raised his head and looked away.

In the dark night, all the Xuns appeared in his eyes, and thousands of houses stretched into the distance, and he saw more than just houses, and endless people, no matter whether they were noble or low, they were all in Xun. Survive in the capital.

Looking further away, you can see cities, villages, tribes, princely states, and Fang states, all under the Dahuan dynasty he established. The entire human race, countless people, in his new creation Inhabit and survive in the times.

The humans used to drink blood like wild animals, without words and without a future. They wrestled with the demons and exotic animals in the jungle and the earth. At that time, the human race was just a member of the beast and the ordinary tiger and leopard in the jungle. Birds and beasts are no different.

It was him who, a little bit, ignited the fire of civilization from the wilderness of a tribe named Xun, established the Xun Kingdom in endlessly, and then, after twenty-seven battles of all sizes, finally established the Huan Dynasty.

The demon clan and the beast were expelled, and a city-state was opened in the wilderness, the vassals were divided, and the entire human clan was blessed.

Thinking of this, King Huan couldn't help but feel proud, as if he was once again caught in those days of the past, driving the army to fight for the world, as if the heavens, the heavens, and the sky were all praising it, and the mountains, rivers, and rivers were falling over.

Huan Wanghua stood in front of the huge sacrificial ceremonial bronze tripod, and pulled out the bronze long sword at the waist above the large square, and the gorgeous sword under the dance, looked like a tiger.

However, it didn't take two, Huan Wanghua was tired and gasping for breath. The two maidens hurriedly supported him, and he gasped continuously with his sword.

Afterwards, he laughed happily.


"Old! Really old!"


When it comes to this, Huan Wanghua's words have changed, looking around his world.


He could feel that the vitality was pulling away from his body little by little, and he was decaying little by little, dying.

But he didn't have the slightest fear, as if he had faced the endless difficulties and severely endangered situation, whether it was facing the expedition of countless clan tribes, or the powerful Xuanyuan Kingdom, or the battle of Longqiu. The fiasco was still that Xuanyuan's domestic confrontation with the devil.

Every time, he is facing death, and he is also defeating death.

Even with the establishment of the Dahuan dynasty, the struggle between countless witch rituals, witches, princes, and tribal chiefs inside and outside, with a slight error, is the end of the collapse of the entire Dahuan.

The Dahuan dynasty that was just established seems to be strong, but it is like a fragile and cracked bronze mirror on the same side. With a light blow, it may break.

This death and failure is like his shadow, sitting on this throne is like sitting on the sword and the sea of ​​fire.

At this time, two inner court ministers hurriedly hurriedly arrived in front of Huan Wang.

"King, the big witch asks!"

Dawu refers to the Great Witch Festival, which is the highest position in charge of all the sacrificial activities of the Dahuan dynasty and is responsible for communicating with the witch god. During the period of the Xun Kingdom, the Great Witch Festival was personally held by the Huan King. After becoming the Huan King, the post of the Dawu Festival has been vacant until now. .

Until a person appeared, who showed the magic of witch sacrifice more powerful than the king of huan, who was proficient in the way of heaven and earth and the skill of god, who claimed to be able to communicate with the witch god, defeated in a sacrifice ceremony All witch festivals, borrowed from the power of the witch god, were sealed as great witch.

His name is Yun.

Da Wuyun came in wearing a robe of witch offerings. This big witch who looked like a fairy bone and had a long beard, the first sentence came in shocked.

"Shang Wang, I have a technique, but I can protect Wang Wang forever!"

The old Maid Lord Huan looks 50 years older than this so-called Great Witch Festival, but according to the Great Wu Yun, the two are almost the same age, and this Great Witch Festival is the strongest person in the Great Whale Festival. What he said was still quite convincing.

King Huan took the silk silk from the ground of the Great Witch Festival, scanned it once, glanced at the Great Witch Festival, and then threw the silk roll directly on the ground, snorting coldly.

"How many people have to die? I'm afraid there are not enough people in Xun to sacrifice your eternal life?"

"Such technique! I don't need it!"

I only saw the scrolls spread out, revealing the dense rune spells inside. Each spell has a terrifying and strange power, and a picture is drawn on the scroll.

I saw that the scrolls were all ghosts and ghosts, screaming and struggling up from under the abyss, and a ghost emperor who was wearing a crown and wearing a robe, was guarded by the endless evil ghosts and sat in the belong Above his throne.

Da Wuyun picked up the silk scroll, rolled it up carefully, and still persuaded the Huan Wang very sincerely, as if he was wholeheartedly thinking about the Huan Wang.

"Why is this the king, my witch offering, through the gods, through the ghosts, but only for longevity."

"Now there is the technique of longevity, why don't you give it a try!"

Huan Wang chuckled, and his old body and face showed the domineering imperialism that had been accumulated for decades. With long sleeves flicked, he looked down at the big witch.

"It's just life and death, what's the fear!"

He spread his hands and looked at the whole of Xundu. The whole person stood under the rolling steps in front of the hall, and made a large circle around the bronze tripod. The long sword wobbled with the scabbard and made a knocking sound.

"Did you see? As long as Dahuan is still there, I will be alive!"

"As long as the human race is still here! I'm still here!"

"Hundreds of millions of people will praise my name, and the history book will leave every sentence of Huan Wanghua, every sentence, even if thousands of years have passed, 10,000 years, I will live in everyone's heart!"

"Why should I be afraid of death?"

Huan Wang ran his hand over the bronze tripod, raised his hair with a big smile, turned his head, and finally spit out four words at the big Wu Jiyun.

"I am Dahuan!"

"I am the King of Man!"


Dawu Jiyun walked out of the palace hall a little bit at night, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com walked through the guards and the lights in the palace, across the wide gate of the Witch God, and stood outside the palace.

Looking at the Xundu outside the palace, thousands of families hidden in the darkness, the big witch offering cloud mouth corner finally showed a smile.

"Huan Chen? Huan Wang Hua?"

"It's worthy of... my good disciple!"

The Qingyun Taoist incarnation of the Great Witch Festival shook his hand, discarded the scrolls painted with mantras and thousands of ghosts, and sat on his knees, long waiting to be done in the walkway outside the palace, four strong and strong Under the dim starry night, the Lux walked away with the sedan chair.

The silk roll burned into a cloud of ashes in the wind, turned into black smoke, and floated to the sky.