Rebirth Dominator

v1 Chapter 233: Yun Conglong

After the Panyang Tianyang Pass, it is beyond the power covered by the human race. The further to the north, the more and more people become scarce. The northern land is thousands of miles of wasteland, wild grass and wilderness. Many places have long been turned into hairless land. For the desert.

  You can see the monster beast rushing on the ground, chasing the cattle and sheep on the grassland, the strange and terrifying giant bird in the sky slams down, grabbing an adult bison like a chicken.

  The scattered barbarian tribes are scattered all over the north, and you can see the original thatched round houses and tents. The strange and amazing barbarian people walk barefoot on the road in animal skins.

The biggest force of the Northern Barbarians is the Dayong King's Court, which is also the largest barbarian tribe in the North. According to legend, they have the bloodline of ancient beasts fighting. They live around the deserted ancient mountains and occupy the most fertile and dense jungles in the North. A place where water plants are abundant.

Dayong Wangting ruled all the tribes of the northern barbarians in name, and every time the northern land fell into famine, it was the northern tribe that led the northern tribes to attack the southern country, from the rich and rich human race. The land gets everything they need, but as Iwakuni becomes stronger and stronger, the price that each invasion needs to pay is getting bigger and bigger.

The barren mountain range inhabited by the Royal Court of the Dayong stretches for eight hundred miles, is several thousand meters high, and rises into the clouds. The origin of all rivers in the northern land is Tianhe, which flows down from here, and the torrential rivers converge into a large lake under the mountain. Then it flowed into the distance, nourished the northern wasteland, and nurtured countless creatures on the earth.

   This magnificent mountain is also called the mountain by the barbarians.

   According to legend, there are gods left on the mountain since ancient times, which are called barbaric gods by the barbarians.

The great desolate **** is in charge of everything in the north and the life and death of all barbarians, leaving behind legends and myths. According to legend, if anyone does not believe in the desolate god, he will be punished by the gods. The desolate **** will let their tribe never drink again. To a drop of water, the grassland of their tribe withered, cattle and sheep died one by one, and then the entire tribe was devoured by desert.

  Hundreds of miles away from the deserted ancient mountain range, the Tianhe winding through the Ba snake tribe nearby, winter to spring, grass long eagle flying.

   Yanger made a bleating sound under the chase of the shepherdess, lying on the riverside for lazy drinking water, and the cow and horse flew their tails to run around the riverside.

  Ba snake tribe is holding a grand sacrifice, a three-day carnival, the entire tribe prayed together to the ancient gods of the prosperity of the entire tribe this year, this is also the custom of the entire northern barbarians in the past two hundred years.

Shamans wearing ghost masks hold skulls and skulls dancing mysterious ceremonial dances before the fiery bonfire. The surrounding barbarians cheered and shouted. Tamed demon wolves and gulls from the tribe also issued. Howling.

  Humans live together with the beasts and monsters. Here, the monsters and beasts seem to have no boundaries. They also cheer and please the gods under the jump of the campfire.


   Two flying goshawks in the sky made a sharp cry, but at this moment I didn't know why the sound was full of shock and panic. The tall goshawks hovering from the sky in horror, like a fly without a head.

As a result, strong pressure and deterrence came from the south, and the domesticated demon wolves, gull eagles, and various beasts of the entire tribe screamed in panic, and then prostrate on the ground as if encountering natural enemies, not even daring to head Lift up.

The people of the Bar snake tribe barbarian who have the blood of the demon themselves looked up and looked into the distance, and they saw the sky in the south with clouds and clouds, as if the thousands of horses and horses followed its king, crossing the sky from the sky. Come.

   "Wow la la la!"

   The strong wind gusted, and the golden flag of the tribe fluttered violently. The snake on the flag also twisted with the flag.

The barbarians of the Bashe tribe looked at the sky around the bonfire, only to see the clouds sweeping in the sky, a snake-like figure circling through it, a huge voice swept through the wind and clouds, with a deterrent power to suppress the demon in the world, From heaven.

   The strong wind swept through, and the flames of the bonfire and Mars rose with the wind and scattered all over the sky.

"Who the **** is that?" A barbarian barbarian with a dark and strong body looked at the sky dome with horror. The thin blood of the demon in his body felt his legs tremble under the powerful deterrent force, and some blood veins were behind him. The person is about to tremble on the ground.

   "Is it a demon?" The Patriarch of the Bashe tribe stood in the crowd holding a witch axe and looked up at the clouds approaching in the sky.

   They have never seen such a cloud layer, just like a river flowing through the sky like an endless stream.

   "How can there be such a powerful demon, even if Wang Ting's Shaoyan Shaman cannot be separated by such a long distance, it makes us feel such powerful pressure."

   The pressure of terror fell completely into the soul of all people at the moment that existence passed overhead, and the presence in the clouds finally showed a trace.

   It was a divine beast with a head like a camel, a horn like a deer, an eye like a rabbit, an ear like a cow, and an item like a snake. At this moment, a figure was sitting on the head of the divine beast, sitting quietly and running towards the distance.

   The figure was above the head of the dragon, between the clouds and fog, and it was blurry, but the breath exuded was like a mountain pressing against everyone, UU reading www.uukanshu. com his goal is the deserted ancient mountain in the distance, just like the gods who patrol the world pass through the sky.

Under the sky, all the tribes and barbarians passing by looked up at the shocking scene of the sky. Barbarians knelt down on the ground unconsciously. Together with the shamans of the Napa snake tribe, they activated the blood of the Ba snake. Existence, all trembling under the presence of the inspection sky.


Man stopped the sacrifice, looked at the sky, and suddenly shouted: "Aboriginal God! Aboriginal God!"

  Hundreds of thousands of tribesmen followed the shaman and shouted. Their eyes were full of fanaticism, crawling on the ground without knowing the so-called shouting of the ancient god's name.

   And the dragon shadow on the sky that day disappeared in the blink of an eye, following the sea of ​​turbulence to the deserted ancient mountains in the distance.

  The barren ancient mountain is several kilometers high and stretches for eight hundred miles. The hut tent of the Dayong Wangting tribe at the foot of the mountain stretches continuously.

   There is a temple on the top of the mountain. Under the snow, you can see thousands of barbarian people crawling on the mountain road, stepping towards the temple step by step, and seeing the gods in their faith.

However, if you want to reach the temple, you have to turn over the high cliffs and cross the bottomless cliffs. Most people return to the edge of the cliffs. Only the kings and shamans of the royal court can reach it. Temple, see the legendary barren god.

   And at the moment in the temple, a figure sitting for a long time did not know how long, as if feeling something, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance.